
Showing posts from August, 2021

"What We Learn From History Is That We Do Not Learn From History:" Kabul, 2021.

  Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, fell to the Taliban this past weekend and with it the effective government of that nation. It was not unexpected. The US and our NATO allies have been leaving for months, although there was still a sizable US presence in Afghanistan, as well as tens of thousands of native Afghanis who were associated with the Western Powers whose lives were therefore at risk after our departure. What shocked the world is the swiftness with which the Taliban captured Kabul, since the US blithely informed everyone that such an event was months away and the the western withdrawal could continue in a slow, steady pace. Then, pow! The Taliban took over, chaos reigned in Kabul as tens of thousands of people tried to get to the airport to escape on US transports out of the country, more Americans were trapped in other parts of Afghanistan... And President Joe Biden? He was on vacation. Yet, there was a sense of deja vu about this. We HAD been there before, in Saigon, when

Introducing (?) Kathy Hochul: The Sphinx Without a Riddle.

  Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will succeed Andrew Cuomo as Governor of New York State when his resignation takes effect in two weeks. She will be the first female Governor of New York State, a fact that is eliciting orgasmic delight from progressive liberals and the women's movement, claiming it is another giant leap for equality and women's rights. It is no such thing. Hochul will become governor by default, and Cuomo never chose her with the purpose of her ever succeeding him, except in the case of him running for and winning the presidency, which is now forever out of his reach. The media has been going apeshit to print stories about Hochul because nobody outside of the circumscribed area of extreme western New York State knows anything about her. That's because she has been standing in Cuomo's shadow for six years and her previous, brief national political experience is nothing to write home about or provide greater positive insights into her character. She is

Toot, Toot, Tootsie, Goodbye! Cuomo Resigns!

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation today, the culmination of the biggest sex scandal to hit the state since the brief reign of one of his predecessors, Eliot Spitzer, some fourteen years ago. Curiously enough, Cuomo's intentional cover-up of the nursing home deaths during the first outbreak of the pandemic last year didn't seem to interest the progressive liberals who were once his main support and now demanded his ouster. They clearly didn't care about elderly people sentenced to an isolated death in nursing homes on Cuomo's orders, and then ordering those figures to be lowered, which says a lot about progressive Democrats. None of it good. According to Todd Halliday, newscaster for WHAM Radio in Rochester, New York the Percoco scandal couldn't  bring him down; folding the Moreland Commission couldn't bring him down; the SUNY Poly scandal couldn't bring him down. It was the claims of his sexually inappropriate behavior by several

The Andrew Cuomo Sex Scandal: The Bigger They Are, the Harder They...(Rhymes With "Fall").

  Flashback, 2020. New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo was at the zenith of his political career and became internationally famous over the way he handled the Coronavirus Pandemic in this state. He locked the state down, forbidding all but the most essential businesses and services from opening, also forbidding groups from congregating on street corners, churches and in private homes. He gave daily press conferences about the progression of the disease, for which he won an Emmy Award. He wrote a book about how he conquered the crisis, which netted him $5 million. He was also accused by upwards of a dozen women of sexually harassing or abusing them. Fast forward, 2021. It was revealed that Cuomo's staff had ghost written his book on a "voluntary" basis. He refused to answer reporters' questions at his press conferences regarding his conquest of the Coronavirus in New York State. His staff revealed that they had fudged the numbers of seniors who had died in nursing hom