Introducing (?) Kathy Hochul: The Sphinx Without a Riddle.


Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will succeed Andrew Cuomo as Governor of New York State when his resignation takes effect in two weeks.

She will be the first female Governor of New York State, a fact that is eliciting orgasmic delight from progressive liberals and the women's movement, claiming it is another giant leap for equality and women's rights.

It is no such thing.

Hochul will become governor by default, and Cuomo never chose her with the purpose of her ever succeeding him, except in the case of him running for and winning the presidency, which is now forever out of his reach.

The media has been going apeshit to print stories about Hochul because nobody outside of the circumscribed area of extreme western New York State knows anything about her.

That's because she has been standing in Cuomo's shadow for six years and her previous, brief national political experience is nothing to write home about or provide greater positive insights into her character.

She is an enigma and the media are busily filling in the blanks to create for her a personality with a positive image, relying on dredging up cutesie-pooh stories from her biographical data, hoping to make the rest of us love and respect her.

THAT is a tall order, but part of their job as public relations agents. To create an interest where there has been none before.

Hochul burst on the national political scene in 2011, winning a special election for New York State's 26th congressional district. She was promptly defeated in her re-election bid 18 months later.

In 2014, when Cuomo was sick to death of Rochester's own Bob Duffy as his lieutenant governor, he was casting about for a replacement who wouldn't upstage him.

He settled on Hochul for several reasons.

One, she was a woman, which would reinforce his credentials as a progressive liberal.

Two, she was popular in her hometown of Buffalo, and this would reinforce his pretended concern for western New York State.

Three, she would do as she was told.

This became apparent from her two major flip-flops as soon as she became lieutenant governor.

While she was Erie County Clerk, she was opposed to then governor Eliot Spitzer planning to give illegal aliens New York State drivers licenses.

As lieutenant governor, she supported Andrew Cuomo's plan to permit illegal aliens to get drivers licenses.

When she ran for Congress in 2011, she was supported by the NRA ( National Rifle Association, a gun advocacy organization) in her election bid as she had supported them in the past.

As lieutenant governor, she promptly turned her back on the NRA at Cuomo's bidding to support his misguided anti-gun philosophy.

Sincerity is clearly NOT her strong point and her suppleness of opinion (on the rare times she has ventured to share them) does not bode well for the future of New York State during her impending brief tenure as governor.

Yes, she would do as she was told and not contradict or upstage the megalomaniacal Andrew Cuomo. She would remain in the background, nearly invisible to the rest of New York State and not apparently part of Cuomo's inner circle.

Certainly she was not close enough to him to know what was going on, or so she claims.

This is what the media has to work with.

But she WILL become governor in two weeks' time and serve out the rest of Cuomo's term and her footnote in history will be secure.


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