
Showing posts with the label Sloppy Joe Biden

Lipstick on a Pig: Reinventing Kamala Harris!

 Sloppy Joe is out. Kamelhead is in. Who woulda thunk it? Actually, it was the only option open to the elite guard of the Democratic cabal, with or without Sloppy Joe's approval. The Democratic cabal's bloodless coup against Sloppy Joe tied their hands. By not endorsing his vice-president, they feared alienating the Black women vote. As if Black women Democrats would rush out to vote for Donald Trump. That phantom fear was also coupled with the fact that the Democratic cabal had spent the last four years praising the senile horse's ass that was Joe Biden that there was no other potential Democratic candidate that they could support in such a short period of time, so they were stuck with Kamelhead. The Democratic elites boxed themselves in by coupling a seriously infirm, demented old man with a braying jackass whose only qualities are that she is a woman and bi-racial in 2020. That left them with no room to maneuver since the whole world got to see Sloppy Joe as a senile hor

Democratic Conundrum: To Dump or Not to Dump Sloppy Joe!

The whole world knows that the President of the United States is a senile horse's ass. The news media of our friends and foes alike delight posting unedited video clips of the latest gaffes of our Commander in Chief, illustrating the fact that he is a bewildered, frail, incompetent and incontinent old man, who is in desperate need of geriatric care. Our domestic liberal news media only displays heavily edited clips of the same occurrences, and claim that rumors to the contrary are merely Republican "misinformation" to denigrate Sloppy Joe. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Even worse are the people shilling for Sloppy Joe, claiming how vital and active he is! Well, we all know that his bowels and mouth are, if nothing else. People like Nancy Pelosi, Jen Psaki and Karine Jean Pierre keep telling these tales, demanding that we believe what they say, rather than our own eyes and ears. These "ladies" are pathological liars who clearly have other serious mental is

Joe Biden Unites America!

Who woulda thunk it? In the midst of all of the "peaceful" demonstrations on college campuses across America, featuring brainwashed pro-Hamas Nazi anti-Semitic college students and outside agitators on one side and pro-Israel anti-terrorist students on the other, some common ground became apparent. Videos of the protest at the University of Alabama went viral. After the usual chants of the pro-Hamas Nazi students of "Death to Israel" and "Kill the Jews" and of the pro-Israeli side shouting "Israel Must Live" and "Remember October 7," a strange and unusual incident of concurrence between the two violently opposed sides occurred. They both began to shout "Fuck you, Joe," "Fuck Joe Biden" and "Let's Go, Brandon!" At last, something both sides could agree upon! And they both finally reflected what most of thinking America feels about the senile horse's ass that occupies the presidential throne. For week

Gearing Up for World War III.

World War I was billed as "the war to end all wars." Only it wasn't. There have been dozens of wars since then, producing mass destruction, death, genocide and ethnic cleansing to name just a few items on the bill of fare "civilization" offers to people who disagree with others. Justification for such acts are always publicized to absolve perpetrators of guilt or as a publicity stunt to make war mongers feel better about themselves. True, there is evil in the world, which most people choose to ignore if it doesn't affect first. True, it can be nipped in the bud if the so-called "peace-loving" nations stand firm against it. But most of the time they don't. The industrialized Western nations are all willing to make deals with the devil in order to provide themselves with resources that they themselves do not possess, arguing that their various peoples NEED them, when actually it is the ruling elites who need them in order to preserve TH

The Tangled Scales of American Justice and the Farce of Fat Fanny Fani Willis.

  The tangled scales of the American justice system have been providing endless hours of mirth to both our allies and foes globally. The international media can barely disguise their smiles when reporting about what is going on here, whether it be on New York State Attorney General Tish James's personal vendetta against Donald Trump, Robert Hur's investigation on Sloppy Joe's illegal possession of classified documents or the trial regarding Fat Fanny Fani Willis's corruption trial in Fulton County, Georgia. I find it particularly embarrassing and insulting when my European friends ask pertinent questions about these cases when they already know the answer, that the moral and ethical bankruptcy of the Biden regime and the Democratic National Committee have perverted and corrupted the American justice system. Unfortunately, most thinking people and perhaps a sprinkling of Democrats know that to be the case. It's obvious when the so-called Western Democracies have been

Sloppy Joe Imposes 500 New Sanctions Against Russia! Some Jokes Are Just Too Obvious To Be Funny!

The death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny under mysterious circumstances in one of Putin's gulags has caused an international sensation, especially among the hypocritical western democracies, who would love to be able to do the same thing to their own dissidents if they weren't so worried about the image they would project to the world. Nobody can doubt Putin's efficiency in getting rid of inconvenient people, but he lacks the finesse in such endeavors exhibited by Billary Clinton, whose whistleblowing Whitewater associates all seemed to have committed suicide before testifying against her in court. All 49 of them! It's Putin's clumsiness in handling such matters that the western "democracies" abhor. First among the world's democratic leaders to condemn Putin is Sloppy Joe Biden, President of the United States and head of the Biden Crime Family. For years he and the Democratic National Committee have used the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the

According to the US Department of Justice, A Senile Horse's Ass Leads Us!

The United State Department of Justice has concluded its investigation regarding Sloppy Joe's illegally possessing classified state documents. He's had numerous classified documents in his possession for decades, stretching back from his time as vice president to the time that he was a US Senator. These documents had been "secured" in his garage, where he keeps his Corvette. Sloppy Joe claims that these classified documents were "secure" because he locks the garage door, yet any number of friends and guests had access to the garage. That includes his drug addicted, whore-mongering criminal son, Hunter, who was forever in and out of the house and has never been above trading on his father's name and position from selling influence to the highest bidder. Especially to America's enemies like China. Photos of the garage reveal a pack rat's paradise, where even the cardboard boxes that contained the classified documents disintegrating, although they w