Lipstick on a Pig: Reinventing Kamala Harris!

 Sloppy Joe is out. Kamelhead is in.

Who woulda thunk it?

Actually, it was the only option open to the elite guard of the Democratic cabal, with or without Sloppy Joe's approval.

The Democratic cabal's bloodless coup against Sloppy Joe tied their hands. By not endorsing his vice-president, they feared alienating the Black women vote.

As if Black women Democrats would rush out to vote for Donald Trump.

That phantom fear was also coupled with the fact that the Democratic cabal had spent the last four years praising the senile horse's ass that was Joe Biden that there was no other potential Democratic candidate that they could support in such a short period of time, so they were stuck with Kamelhead.

The Democratic elites boxed themselves in by coupling a seriously infirm, demented old man with a braying jackass whose only qualities are that she is a woman and bi-racial in 2020.

That left them with no room to maneuver since the whole world got to see Sloppy Joe as a senile horse's ass during his disastrous debate with Trump a month ago.

Other Democrats running for lesser offices in November feared that their association with Sloppy Joe would drag them down.

So, he had to go, leaving them with Kamelhead to rally around.

And the Democratic elites and their allies, the liberal news media, quickly sprang into action to praise Kamelhead, elevating her to the level of Harriet Tubman, Mother Theresa and Princess Di all rolled into one.

That "savior," needless to say, doesn't exist.

What DOES exist is a very stupid, incompetent woman, whose inability to speak in public and lack of common sense has made her the most unpopular vice-president in United States history.

Kamelhead is also the ultimate expression of the failure of DEI hires and identity politics.

Even the 44th President of the United States, the Obama-Rama-Ding-Dong, himself a DEI hire recognized this and refused to endorse Kamelhead, stating that he hopes the Democratic National Convention would choose a leader to unite the party.

But that isn't going to occur, showing just how little ice the Obama-Rama-Ding-Dong cuts with the elite Democratic cabal.

THEY want Kamelhead, and now they've got her.

And Kamelhead has them...right behind the eightball!

Now we are being subjected to the nauseating praise of her "wisdom," her "humanity," her "charm," the same sort of manure they heaped upon us regarding Sloppy Joe for four years.

All that they've done is change the name and the dates of the candidate.

For some brain-dead progressive liberals, they will believe this fulsome hogwash, especially since she has been largely kept out of the public's eye over the last four years because she has been both an eyesore and an embarrassment when she spoke in public.

And like the rest of the Democratic cabal, Kamelhead knew of Sloppy Joe's physical frailty and senility from the get-go, yet she continually lied over the last four years praising his vigor and intelligence when those ships had long since sailed.

Now she has been thrust into the spotlight and will most likely be the Democratic candidate for president at the convention.

That is scary, because Sloppy Joe had his senility as an excuse for his public gaffes. That earned some sympathy for him.

Kamelhead has no such excuse, with her stupidity manifest to all of our friends as foes alike.

But she will unify the Democratic Party behind her, for better or worse, because she isn't Sloppy Joe.

And could possibly win the November election if her public relations people can reinvent her.

But she won't unify the American people and isn't intelligent enough to devise solutions to the problems that have been created or exacerbated by the Biden regime...of which she was second banana.

The Obama-Rama-Ding-Dong was correct in his witty statement some years ago that you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

On with the show!


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