
Showing posts with the label Democrats

Lipstick on a Pig: Reinventing Kamala Harris!

 Sloppy Joe is out. Kamelhead is in. Who woulda thunk it? Actually, it was the only option open to the elite guard of the Democratic cabal, with or without Sloppy Joe's approval. The Democratic cabal's bloodless coup against Sloppy Joe tied their hands. By not endorsing his vice-president, they feared alienating the Black women vote. As if Black women Democrats would rush out to vote for Donald Trump. That phantom fear was also coupled with the fact that the Democratic cabal had spent the last four years praising the senile horse's ass that was Joe Biden that there was no other potential Democratic candidate that they could support in such a short period of time, so they were stuck with Kamelhead. The Democratic elites boxed themselves in by coupling a seriously infirm, demented old man with a braying jackass whose only qualities are that she is a woman and bi-racial in 2020. That left them with no room to maneuver since the whole world got to see Sloppy Joe as a senile hor

Sloppy Joe Drops Out of the Presidential Race! And a Braying Jackass Will Succeed Him?

On Sunday, Sloppy Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States, announced that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. This comes less than 24 hours after he stated that he would NOT be dropping out, blasting Democratic Party elites who were pressuring him to withdraw from the race and shouting "Full steam ahead!" All of this comes from weeks of speculation about Sloppy Joe's physical and mental fitness to run, exacerbated by his piss poor performance in the presidential debate with Donald Trump less than one month ago. Actually, most people, especially Democratic insiders, realized that there was something wrong with Sloppy Joe as far back as the 2020 presidential election, which is why they kept him safely out of the public's eye and hidden in the cellar. His piss poor performance over the last three and a half years was evident to all but hardline Democratic movers and shakers, but they were perfectly happy to have a brain-dead zombie in the Oval Offic

The Assassination Attempt on the Once and Future President of the United States of America!

  The assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump on Saturday at a political rally in Pennsylvania was originally logically assumed to be a product of the Democratic National Committee and the Biden regime's longstanding hatred of him. All of their tortured attempts to destroy Trump's campaign through lawfare have failed, making "The Donald" even more popular and earning public sympathy for his being a victim of the evil Democrats' perversion of the American justice system. This has been done to bolster the unpopular Biden regime, which is presumably headed by a senile horse's ass, access to whom has been guarded by his drug addicted, whore-mongering, money grubbing convicted felon of a son, Hunter Biden. In the meantime, Sloppy Joe's power mad wife has been flying all over the country campaigning in his name.  Neither of these members of the First Family want sloppy Joe to step down, either as president or a candidate in the presidential electi

Democratic Conundrum: To Dump or Not to Dump Sloppy Joe!

The whole world knows that the President of the United States is a senile horse's ass. The news media of our friends and foes alike delight posting unedited video clips of the latest gaffes of our Commander in Chief, illustrating the fact that he is a bewildered, frail, incompetent and incontinent old man, who is in desperate need of geriatric care. Our domestic liberal news media only displays heavily edited clips of the same occurrences, and claim that rumors to the contrary are merely Republican "misinformation" to denigrate Sloppy Joe. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Even worse are the people shilling for Sloppy Joe, claiming how vital and active he is! Well, we all know that his bowels and mouth are, if nothing else. People like Nancy Pelosi, Jen Psaki and Karine Jean Pierre keep telling these tales, demanding that we believe what they say, rather than our own eyes and ears. These "ladies" are pathological liars who clearly have other serious mental is

The Kangaroo Court Has Spoken! Trump is Guilty of 34 Bogus Charges Leveled Against Him!

The most bizarre political show trial in American history was concluded in New York City today. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, Vladimir Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs would be proud. Democrats are, of course, exultant. They think that this will knock Trump out of the presidential race against the senile and incontinent horse's ass that is Joe Biden. The Democrats, using our obviously corrupt justice system, managed to convict ex-president Donald Trump of dubious crimes that both the federal Department of Justice and the Election Commission refused to consider previously. The "crimes," if there really were any, were misdemeanors and past the statute of limitations. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan's District Attorney and pet eunuch of the NYS Attorney General, Tish James, chose to revive these charges against Donald Trump, although they were outside of his jurisdiction. Bragg also chose to up the ante by charging Trump with felonies, rather than as misdemeanors. Judge

"Silly Disputes:" Rochester Mayor Mahweak Evans' Description of the Causes of the Latest Incidents of Shootings and Homicides!"

 Rochester, New York has become a deadly violent place to live, work and play. I have been spending more and more time in Germany over the last five years and after each trip the thought of returning to Rochester usually unnerves me. My European friends wonder why I remain living in such a dangerous place, especially when, thanks to the internet, they can read for themselves what is going on here. There I can walk the streets at any hour, feeling safe and relatively secure. Here, in the neighborhood where I still maintain a residence, I won't walk my dogs after dark. There are some streets that I find it necessary to avoid because of the propensity for violence to occur there. Even when merely driving through them. And we no longer have beat cops walking the streets anymore. They were a usual feature in my youth, and I honestly believe that their presence in the neighborhoods helped prevent crime or at least provided a sense of security. Alas, beat cops vanished like the passenger

"My Uncle Was Probably Eaten By Cannibals" and Other Lies Told By Sloppy Joe Biden!

Let's face it. Our president and the entire Biden regime are eyesores and a humiliation to the US. Allies like the United Kingdom, India and Australia, to name three, openly mock Sloppy Joe on their news programs, and delight in pointing out his frequent gaffes and his deliberate telling of untruths (that is to say, outright lies) he and his spokes creatures always tell. Germany has been somewhat more discreet, but then they prayed that Biden would defeat Trump in 2020. It was a case of "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." What they got in Sloppy Joe Biden was an impotent, incompetent senile horse's ass as "world leader" and his motley crew of hopeless incompetents who comprise his "administration." While that might provide endless hours of mirth for enemies of the US, it has become frightening for our allies. Both groups have come to realize that Sloppy Joe is nothing more than a waste of space and that he and his anti-Republican regi

A Long-Awaited Bitch Slap for New York State Governor Kathy Hochul!

Toxic She Devil Kathy Hochul needs no introduction to those who live under her repressive regime in the State of New York. Assisted by her henchwoman, big bootie cootie Tish James, they have sought to remold the State of New York in their own twisted images. Promoting the terminal assholism that is woke progressivism, or Bidenism, this dastardly duo has been largely responsible for driving people and businesses out of New York State to further this political perversion. They are both anti-cop and pro-criminal, refusing to terminate the Bail Reform Act whereby violent criminals need not post cash bond to be released, so they can run loose to continue their violent sprees of robberies, assaults, rapes and murders. This catch and release program has frustrated the police in their ability to protect law abiding citizens while promoting fear and panic among the residents of our cities, since most of the criminals thus coddled have had long histories of violence. Furthermore, Madam Hochul

Fat Fanny Fani Willis: A Feminist Icon?

The whole world has gone nuts!  It seems a lot of women are claiming to be feminist icons because they have achieved a great deal of publicity lately. And not the good kind, either. Take, for instance, fat fanny Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney prosecuting Donald Trump under the RICO statutes. You know, the one who hired her adulterous boyfriend to assist in her prosecution, despite the fact that her himbo never had any experience weightier than judging traffic violations. She and he both lied under oath about the start of their affair and over which one of them paid for their luxurious getaways after he had been hired, for twice what she was paying the other two assistants, both White, that she had hired to help in prosecuting Trump and company. She was told to either fire her himbo or recuse herself from the case. So, she fired her himbo rather than depart into obscurity. She loves her fame that much. Mind you, he had been making, courtesy of the American taxpayer, mo

God Bless the United States Supreme Court!

Today, to my great surprise, the United States Supreme Court revived my long weakened faith in our government. Voting 9-0, they overturned Colorado's recently passed law forbidding Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot in the Republican primary for president. Colorado, citing the insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment, claimed that Donald Trump was ineligible because of his "role" in the January 6, 2021 "insurrection." Maine and Illinois followed suit to prevent Trump's name from appearing on their primary ballots as well. The "insurrection clause" was added to the 14th Amendment to prevent Confederates who fought against the North during our Civil War from ever attaining national public office. The Civil War ended nearly 160 years ago. Which goes to show you to what tortured ends the Democrats had to go to keep Trump off of the ballots for this year's presidential election. The Democrats know that Trump will easily beat Sloppy Joe and h

Sloppy Joe Imposes 500 New Sanctions Against Russia! Some Jokes Are Just Too Obvious To Be Funny!

The death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny under mysterious circumstances in one of Putin's gulags has caused an international sensation, especially among the hypocritical western democracies, who would love to be able to do the same thing to their own dissidents if they weren't so worried about the image they would project to the world. Nobody can doubt Putin's efficiency in getting rid of inconvenient people, but he lacks the finesse in such endeavors exhibited by Billary Clinton, whose whistleblowing Whitewater associates all seemed to have committed suicide before testifying against her in court. All 49 of them! It's Putin's clumsiness in handling such matters that the western "democracies" abhor. First among the world's democratic leaders to condemn Putin is Sloppy Joe Biden, President of the United States and head of the Biden Crime Family. For years he and the Democratic National Committee have used the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the

According to the US Department of Justice, A Senile Horse's Ass Leads Us!

The United State Department of Justice has concluded its investigation regarding Sloppy Joe's illegally possessing classified state documents. He's had numerous classified documents in his possession for decades, stretching back from his time as vice president to the time that he was a US Senator. These documents had been "secured" in his garage, where he keeps his Corvette. Sloppy Joe claims that these classified documents were "secure" because he locks the garage door, yet any number of friends and guests had access to the garage. That includes his drug addicted, whore-mongering criminal son, Hunter, who was forever in and out of the house and has never been above trading on his father's name and position from selling influence to the highest bidder. Especially to America's enemies like China. Photos of the garage reveal a pack rat's paradise, where even the cardboard boxes that contained the classified documents disintegrating, although they w

Election Day in One-Party, Democrat-Controlled Rochester, New York.

Tomorrow is Election Day, 2023. Whoop-dee-doo. It is an off-year election, so nothing of national importance is at stake. Just local issues. In Rochester, New York, no great changes are anticipated, since this is a one-party, Democrat-controlled city, that subject about which I have blogged previously. The Democratic Primary elections determined who would be on the ballot tomorrow, and incumbents won the primary elections for School Board and City Council District Seats. Rochester's school system is the worst in the state and one of the worst in the nation, so incumbents continually run and win, perpetuating this state of affairs because they have no sense of shame and there are no term-limits for school board "commissioners," which is what these creatures are called. And Rochester, City Council, which also has no term limits? The only exception this time around is Bridget Monroe, who is "running" for the Northwest District seat on City Council. The incumbent, J

Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Wife Has Spoken: Republicans Need to be "Deprogrammed!"

 Billary Clinton has spoken! The wife of ex-president Horndog Bill Clinton, formerly a do-nothing New York Senator, a disastrous Secretary of State, a twice-failed presidential candidate and a cesspit of corruption and conspiracy has now declared Republicans to be a "cult." On Thursday night, the central figure of the "Whitewater Scandal" stated that the leaders of the Republican Party need to be deprogrammed. In communist and authoritarian countries, such deprogramming is carried out in "Reeducation Camps." Dachau, in Nazi Germany, was originally described as just such a camp. Billary, in her hatred of being thwarted by Republicans in her struggle to achieve the presidency, perhaps was too frenzied in her hatred to consider that comparison. Anyone who has stood in her way and has exercised their right to free speech against her therefore must be deprogrammed. That means all Republicans, since the Democrats tend to follow anti-Republican statements like sh