Sloppy Joe Drops Out of the Presidential Race! And a Braying Jackass Will Succeed Him?

On Sunday, Sloppy Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States, announced that he would be dropping out of the presidential race.

This comes less than 24 hours after he stated that he would NOT be dropping out, blasting Democratic Party elites who were pressuring him to withdraw from the race and shouting "Full steam ahead!"

All of this comes from weeks of speculation about Sloppy Joe's physical and mental fitness to run, exacerbated by his piss poor performance in the presidential debate with Donald Trump less than one month ago.

Actually, most people, especially Democratic insiders, realized that there was something wrong with Sloppy Joe as far back as the 2020 presidential election, which is why they kept him safely out of the public's eye and hidden in the cellar.

His piss poor performance over the last three and a half years was evident to all but hardline Democratic movers and shakers, but they were perfectly happy to have a brain-dead zombie in the Oval Office while they pulled the strings, which is why they were going through all sorts of tortured ends to keep him as a candidate against the renascent Donald Trump.

Until the debate against Trump.

On Sunday, along with announcing that he was dropping out of the race because of poor health, Sloppy Joe also recited the imaginary accomplishments of his regime, illustrating how far out of touch with reality he has been.

The Democratic cabal surrounding him have promoted a woke progressive agenda that had warped and perverted America's society, economy and justice system in pursuit of prolonging their own power that the United States has become largely unrecognizable to the vast majority of Americans.

And it wasn't because Sloppy Joe is a senile horse's ass that the Democratic elites wanted him out. It was because his poll numbers were so bad that it was clear that no matter how they pulled their brain-dead puppet's strings he would never be able to beat Trump!

And if Sloppy Joe is a physically frail senile horse's ass who cannot participate in a political campaign, how can he still remain in charge of the country?

He has dropped out of the presidential race but still remains president until January 20, 2025!


What is even scarier how the Democrats and Sloppy Joe's intimate political circle have been lying to the American people about how shard and vigorous he is!

For four years they have been lying, pooh poohing any rational observations of his frightening physical and cognitive decline!

Lastly, he endorsed his vice-president, braying jackass Kamelhead Harris, as the presidential candidate.

Kamelhead was already on the ticket, so people might have assumed THAT was a logical choice, except that she fared even worse than Sloppy Joe in the polls and has become, hands down, the most unpopular vice-president in American history!

Incompetent and inept, with a witchlike cackle she exhibits whenever she is nervous, which is always, she ran against Sloppy Joe for president in 2020.

Accusing him of racism and sexism at that time, she came in 20th in the field of 20 Democratic hopefuls vying for the presidency and was forced to withdraw.

Kamelhead, despite playing the sex and race cards, never evoked any interest in her on the part of the American people.

But she jumped at the chance to become the racist and sexist White man's running mate when drafted by the DNC.

Kamelhead was chosen only because she was a biracial woman! That's all the DNC wanted her for, as a token to get the Black and women's vote.

It worked then, before people got to see how incredibly stupid she really is. And how useless.

Kamelhead has become the ultimate expression of the failure of DEI hiring.

But Sloppy Joe endorsed her, nonetheless.

The sinister Clinton Crime Family quickly followed suit, by a few other Democratic politicians although the Obama-Rama-Ding-Dong did not.

The 44th president of the United States, himself a DEI hire, praised Sloppy Joe for his decision to withdraw from the race, stating that it was up to the Democrats at the National Convention to choose the person to lead them into victory against Trump.

He never mentioned Kamelhead at all!

Recent polls, before sloppy Joe withdrew from the race, rated five Democratic politicians who might be able to beat Trump if chosen to run against him.

Kamelhead was the least of the five.

While her possible candidacy would win some Black and women's votes, her abject failure as "Border Czarina" is a huge blot against her.

As is her inane word salad followed up by her hysterical cackling.

Now it is all up to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in a month's time to sort out this mess of their own making, to run Kamelhead and find her some sort of running mate or ditch her entirely for someone else.

That will be a clown show worth watching.

As for Sloppy Joe, he has become a lame duck president, whom they can now retire back to the cellar until his term expires, where it will no longer seem important when he shits his pants.


  1. More interesting history in the making🙄

    1. Yes, indeed! And the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will be an absolute delight to watch!


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