
Showing posts with the label anti-semitism

Joe Biden Unites America!

Who woulda thunk it? In the midst of all of the "peaceful" demonstrations on college campuses across America, featuring brainwashed pro-Hamas Nazi anti-Semitic college students and outside agitators on one side and pro-Israel anti-terrorist students on the other, some common ground became apparent. Videos of the protest at the University of Alabama went viral. After the usual chants of the pro-Hamas Nazi students of "Death to Israel" and "Kill the Jews" and of the pro-Israeli side shouting "Israel Must Live" and "Remember October 7," a strange and unusual incident of concurrence between the two violently opposed sides occurred. They both began to shout "Fuck you, Joe," "Fuck Joe Biden" and "Let's Go, Brandon!" At last, something both sides could agree upon! And they both finally reflected what most of thinking America feels about the senile horse's ass that occupies the presidential throne. For week

The Buffalo Massacre and the Propaganda of the Deed

 There is a popular misconception that monsters are hideously ugly creatures that send us running in the opposite direction when we spot them. That is incorrect. Monsters are not possessed of horns, fangs, prehensile tails, bat wings and cloven hooves. They do not have bolts in their necks or wear built up shoes or bay at the moon. Nor are they particularly stupid. They look like everyone else, like the pastor of your church. Or the little old grandmotherly lady that bakes cookies for neighborhood events. Or the kid that mows your lawn in the summer. That's what makes them dangerous. We don't know until it's too late that they are monsters. There are other misconceptions about monsters. For instance, women are considered the weaker sex and incapable of deliberate evil. This concept ignores the cavalcade of female Nazi concentration camp personnel who perpetrated some of the worst atrocities in history during the Second World War. And children, specifically young teen-age ch