
Showing posts with the label woke progressivism

Fiddling While Rome Burns: The Case of Alvin Bragg, Asshole, and the Politization of the US Justice System.

  By now, most people who can read know who Alvin Bragg, asshole, is. He's the Manhattan district attorney who chooses to reduce violent felonies to the status of misdemeanors and lets the feral urban humanoids arrested for these crimes go free without bail pending their trials. This has allowed the self-same feral urban humanoids to commit more crimes and then, once again, being turned loose to continue in their chosen careers. Rinse and repeat. The result has been a meteoric increase in crime in Manhattan, that part of New York City under the jurisdiction of Alvin Bragg, asshole. Then, heady with that "success," Alvin Bragg, asshole, decided he needed to make a name for himself on a national, and international, scale. He decided to go after Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States! And not for the sake of pursuing justice or making America safer, because, God knows, Alvin Bragg, asshole, isn't concerned with either justice or safety. Alvin Bragg, asshol

The Modern Woman is a Man, and Other Examples of Woke Progressive Asininity!

International Women's Day was Wednesday, March 8. It was intended to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. On that day, the wife of our senile horse's ass of a President of the United States handed out some awards to several women. Two awards were handed out to trans "women," which is to say, biological males, for their work in promoting and furthering "trans right." Which, of course, in no way celebrated the accomplishments of biological women. For hundreds of years, women have fought for parity with men in the areas of education, employment, sports and before the law. Part of that struggle was for security, safe places where women would not be accosted by men. These safe places included changing rooms in stores, separate public toilet facilities, separate lockers bathing facilities at gymnasiums, to name a few. Unfortunately, woke progressive magnification of Trans Rights all out of proportion to their incredibly sma

Beetlejuice Loses Chicago: A Glimmer of Hope Against Woke Progressivism.

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. It used to be the second largest until the city's penchant for murder and violence reduced Chicago's population to third place. Mind you, Chicago is a place where there is proof of life after death. People who have been dead for years vote in presidential elections! That's how John F. Kennedy won the presidential election of 1960, courtesy of then Mayor Daley. "If a body meet a body..." For over a hundred years, well before Al Capone called it "home," Chicago was a prime example of crime, violence, homicide and political corruption, the subject of films and books evoking memories od gangland slayings, bootlegging, machine guns and political graft and payoffs. It has also been under firm Democratic control since that time. Some things never change. However, the mayoral election of 2019 made history. Chicago elected its first Black, woman, Lesbian mayor. There is nothing wrong with electing anyone of

Justine Smollett Has Written Racist Graffiti in the Girls' Toilet at St. Mary's; or What to do if Racism is in High Demand But Low Supply?

 A week ago today, an incident occurred at St. Mary's Girls' School in Brighton, just across the city line from Rochester. Racist graffiti, featuring the "N" word, had been written on a wall in the girls' toilet. Rather than photograph it, erase it and launch a private investigation to discover the identity of the culprit, the school's administrators, in a spasm of White woke progressive "transparency," went public with this "news." That was a BIG mistake. It allowed the administration to state their feelings of disgust with this graffiti and racism, reaffirming their credentials as liberals. Other people, especially politicians, quickly jumped on the bandwagon to declare their anger about this incident, as well. Needless to say, those local groups that exist only to be offended about something and protest it, also chimed in. All of this was duly reported by the local news media, as was the anti-racism rally sponsored by the school the foll

The City Councilperson-At-Large Race: A Surfeit of Unacceptable Candidates

  Tomorrow, June 22, is the Democratic primary election in Rochester, New York. Since this is a one-party city, the primary usually determines the winners for the various elected offices in Rochester, making the general election in November seem almost superfluous. I have already written at length about the race for the mayoral throne, so I can skip that here. Today's topic is the race for the five positions of city councilperson-at-large. The four district city councilpersons race is two years off, which is a shame because one of them is  quite crazy and needs to be removed from office and institutionalized, both for her good and the city's. Well, in two years... This year, there are some seventeen candidates running for the five at large seats. Almost all of them are unacceptable. They represent either woke progressivism or far-left radicalism that has created a distrust for law enforcement and the Rochester Police Department and seem more concerned with the rights of violent