
Showing posts with the label War in Ukraine. Israel

Auld Lang Syne 2023 and Götterdämmerung 2024!

2023 is winding down. It is now merely a few hours to the conclusion of a dismal year, one for which I am NOT nostalgic about. The world has gone mad. It has lost all sense of proportion, balance and humanity, all sense of law, order, morality and common sense. Madness on a global scale now reigns supreme and whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. But the gods, too, have lost a lot of their clout. What we have achieved is the onset of Götterdämmerung: the twilight of the gods. This will be followed by Ragnarok, where good and evil have their final clash, and all are destroyed. It will not be long in coming. And, really, there is nothing that anyone can do about it except to sit back and enjoy the final days of civilization. Let us begin with the global situation. Genocide is still occurring throughout the world, whether it be in China, Myanmar and Ruanda, to name only a few examples. Despite some rather tepid condemnations from the impotent, inept United Nations and a few so-