
Showing posts with the label homicides

"Silly Disputes:" Rochester Mayor Mahweak Evans' Description of the Causes of the Latest Incidents of Shootings and Homicides!"

 Rochester, New York has become a deadly violent place to live, work and play. I have been spending more and more time in Germany over the last five years and after each trip the thought of returning to Rochester usually unnerves me. My European friends wonder why I remain living in such a dangerous place, especially when, thanks to the internet, they can read for themselves what is going on here. There I can walk the streets at any hour, feeling safe and relatively secure. Here, in the neighborhood where I still maintain a residence, I won't walk my dogs after dark. There are some streets that I find it necessary to avoid because of the propensity for violence to occur there. Even when merely driving through them. And we no longer have beat cops walking the streets anymore. They were a usual feature in my youth, and I honestly believe that their presence in the neighborhoods helped prevent crime or at least provided a sense of security. Alas, beat cops vanished like the passenger

Please, Please, Don't be a Litterbug, 'Cause We'll Trip Over the Corpses and Shell Casings You Leave Behind!

Rochester, New York is a deadly dangerous city. Some people, usually Democratic politicians and elected officials, forgive that because our once fair city is in its death throes. That's why they continue to run for re-election, looking to squeeze as much out of it to benefit themselves before it finally goes under, after which they will go elsewhere, their ill-gotten gains safely tucked away in their pockets. Most people recognize this fact of life here, which is why actual voting rates are so low. After all, in our one-party city, one Democratic scoundrel in office is pretty much any other, so why bother to vote at all? We know that apart from passing some cutsie-pooh legislation that will do nothing more than waste taxpayer dollars, they are either unable or unwilling to take a serious stand on any issues affecting the quality of life in Rochester. They certainly aren't concerned with serious attempts to combat crime, violence and homicide, although they might occasionally be

Numbnutz Extends the Gun Violence "State of Emergency" in Rochester, New York...For the Ninth Time!

  The good news is that homicides by gun violence is down in Rochester, New York as compared to last year's figures. So far. There were only seven. So far. Which is less than half of the number of homicides the City of Rochester has seen this year from stabbings and assaults. So far. As of this writing, there have been 34 shooting victims this year who survived. So far. It does not include numerous acts of criminality where victims were threatened by guns but were uninjured. Sort of. Such as car jackings, burglaries, armed robberies. So, what has Mayor Mahweak Evans done to combat gun violence in particular and criminality in general in Rochester, New York? Why, Numbnutz has extended his gun violence "State of Emergency." For the ninth time! In less than a year. Since July 21, 2022. Which will supposedly give Shitty Hall "broad powers to protect life and property," which hasn't worked since he first declared this "State of Emergency" last summer. T

Mayor Mahweak Plants Trees While Bodies Pile Up Like Cordwood!

The world has clearly gone mad. The war in Ukraine, where Putin is playing the bully, has become the world's latest spectator blood sport, with most nations crying "shame," imposing sanctions, sending the beleaguered Ukrainians money and weapons but not really otherwise involving themselves. Here in the United States, we see the Biden regime collapsing owing to the ineptitude of the administration, its inability to exhibit any sort of leadership and the corruption within the Biden family as more of the First Son's criminal activity is finally being exposed by the same liberal news media that spent years denying it and covering it up. Nude photos and videos of the First Son engaged in sex acts and drug use, while not even good pornography, are merely a sideshow, yet they reveal the moral turpitude of a regime long protected and supported by progressive Democrat politicians. Worse still, we are treated to the regular misinformed pronouncements of Biden's spokeswoman

Reading Between the Lyin's: "Rochester is Unequivocally Safe!"

Let's face it, most politicians and elected officials are boldfaced liars. We are not talking about "little white lies" to make people comfortable or not to offend, because everyone does that. People do not like hearing the truth and only want to hear your opinions if they concur with theirs. We are talking about BIG lies that distort the truth and really have no relation to reality. Politicians lie big time to get themselves elected to public office, then they continue to lie to make themselves popular in order to win re-election. They are facilitated in their political lying by their public relations people, who put a spin on deliberate untruths to make them appear "real," to calm down the voting populace, so people won't think that things aren't as bad as they really are. Case in point is one of the latest pronouncements made by Rochester's current mayor, Malik Evans. Evans, wuss-like and bland, effectively won the Democratic primary early last su

Back in Rochester and God Only Knows Why!

  Well, I'm back in Rochester. God alone knows why. I spent two of the last three months visiting my mother-in-law in Germany. Anyone who knows her can tell you it wasn't a vacation. But that isn't the issue here. While I was there, some friends and new acquaintances were curious about the United States in general and my hometown in particular. They have been familiar with my less than glowing reports about Rochester and were really surprised about what I had to say about our city. I encouraged them to Google anything that they really wanted to know about Rochester. They did and were shocked. They couldn't believe that I would choose to live in such a violent dangerous city, complete with a scandalous mayor, ex police chief and a more incompetent and uncaring than usual city council. Even more shocking and amusing to them was the violence in our schools, the dangers faced by teachers and students alike from feral urban humanoids there and the terminal assholism exhibite

Who's Minding the Store?

  Now that the Democratic Primary is over and the Warren regime is winding down to its inevitable end, there is one question that needs to be asked and answered: Who's minding the store? There has been a power vacuum in Rochester for the last eighteen months, since the pandemic began.  That became apparent with City Hall's inability or unwillingness to deal with people congregating in public in violation of Governor Cuomo's directive forbidding it. It was obvious when City Hall collapsed before the demands of the Free the People, ROC terrorists after the May 30, 2020 riots, violence, vandalism, looting and general disruption of Downtown Rochester. The mayor and her then police chief claimed that they were caused by "outsiders," when anyone seeing video footage knew they were locals, and mostly Black people involved, straining their credibility even further. Worse to come was when the conspiracy of silence over the death of Daniel Prude came unraveled in August and

Götterdämmerung: Rochester Style!

 Let's face it. Rochester has become a very dangerous place in which to live. Last night we had four shootings within an hour, only a short distance apart from each other. This is besides the other shootings, stabbings and assaults that are now Rochester's "New Norm." The victims were all women. One of them died. She was the 36th victim so far this year. Usually, shooting victims are men.  I suppose that, in a spasm of equality, women are now considered fair game for violent death. And the interim chief of police took off for the weekend, going on "vacation." Despite all the Pollyannas out there trying to tout the benefits of living in our fair city, Rochester was considered to be New York State's "Murder Capital" long before Mayor Warren's administration began. The anti-cop, pro-criminal atmosphere created by both her administration and City Council merely intensified the situation in Rochester, helping to maintain and expand its grip on t