Mayor Mahweak Plants Trees While Bodies Pile Up Like Cordwood!

The world has clearly gone mad.

The war in Ukraine, where Putin is playing the bully, has become the world's latest spectator blood sport, with most nations crying "shame," imposing sanctions, sending the beleaguered Ukrainians money and weapons but not really otherwise involving themselves.

Here in the United States, we see the Biden regime collapsing owing to the ineptitude of the administration, its inability to exhibit any sort of leadership and the corruption within the Biden family as more of the First Son's criminal activity is finally being exposed by the same liberal news media that spent years denying it and covering it up.

Nude photos and videos of the First Son engaged in sex acts and drug use, while not even good pornography, are merely a sideshow, yet they reveal the moral turpitude of a regime long protected and supported by progressive Democrat politicians.

Worse still, we are treated to the regular misinformed pronouncements of Biden's spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, a short-tempered bitch who doesn't like answering questions and really never does answer them.

Her behavior adds to the lack of credibility of Bidenism.

As for New York State government, Albany remains a cesspit of corruption, as it has been for the last fifteen years since the days of Eliot Spitzer.

At present, we have a power-obsessed toxic She Devil as governor, whose liberal spending of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars across the state have been gross examples of conflict of interest.

The best example is her subsidizing the rebuilding of the Buffalo Bills Stadium, owned by the billionaire Pegulas, and located in Hochul's own backyard.

And even worse was her appointment of the incredibly shady Brian Benjamin as her lieutenant governor, whose only qualification was that he was a Black man.

This was done to reaffirm her progressive principles of racial quotas and tokenism, to make nice with the Black community and obtain their votes for her in the upcoming general election in November.

He was arrested by the FBI last week, charged with bribery, election campaign funding fraud and corruption.

He promptly resigned, while the toxic She Devil stated that she intends to continue providing openness, transparency and good government, which she hasn't really done heretofore.

And then there's our own dying city, Rochester NY.

Here, on Good Friday, the local liberal news media treated us to another puerile example of public relations and hype.

Mayor Mahweak and his city forestry department were out planting trees in front of homes.

It's part of the mayor's plan to plant 400 of them over the next four years, whether the homeowners whose properties would be thus affected want them or not.

These trees are supposed to improve the quality of life in the neighborhoods in which they are planted, at least in the short term. 

Once they grow to enormous proportions, with branches blocking streetlights and hang low so pedestrians must duck when walking by and their roots clog up sewers, break residential pipes and home foundations, well, that becomes the homeowners' problem.

And the city forestry department doesn't look to buy trees that will not grow so big and tall. They lack such foresight and buy whatever they want at a discount because they buy in bulk.

But the media coverage was cute, it was folksy, and it allowed our hard to see mayor to have a photo opportunity with the local press hanging on every word.

And while this tawdry show was going on, Rochester celebrated its 21st homicide, a shooting, with a second victim in critical but stable condition in the hospital.

It occurred on Lake and Phelps, a neighborhood where crime has been on the upswing, despite the best efforts of an understaffed and demoralized Rochester Police Department.

But Mahweak planting trees will make everything better.

And less than twelve hours later, a block away from City Hall, another double shooting occurred. There were no fatalities there. This time.

But trees are a great amenity to city long as you remain alive in the city.

Trees will draw people into wanting to live in Rochester, despite a crime and homicide rate spiraling upwards and having the worst school system in the state and one of the worst in the country!

And finally, on Saturday, there was another homicide, bringing the score up to 22 so far for the year.

But there are trees!

Of course, this doesn't take into consideration other assaults, like stabbings, which also occurred within minutes of Mahweak's tree planting presser, or shootings into homes, deserted or inhabited, by deadly feral urban humanoids, among the usual crimes and thefts that go on in our fair city.

While the local media spent time concerning itself with Mahweak planting trees, they completely ignored the fact that he took all of the anti-violence initiatives that currently exist in the city, and have failed miserably, under his direct control, where they haven't fared any better.

Nor does Mahweak even bother to show up at crime scenes to pretend that he has any concern. Neither do any of our elected officials. They have better things to do with their free time and might, just might, maybe, indicate their dismay about such occurrences in the city they supposedly represent and govern days later, from a safe distance.

Of course, a lot of Mahweak's failures to combat violent crime has to do with his anti-cop attitude and lack of imagination when devising anti-violence initiatives, which planting trees is supposed to make up for, I guess.

Only that won't.

But I presume we are supposed to be happy that he's doing something, anything, to show us that he still exists.

Even though what he is doing isn't particularly useful.

And the bodies keep piling up in our dying city. And blood stains the streets. And people trip over bullet casings that have become as common as litter in Rochester.

But we have trees!


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