
Showing posts with the label RPD

Three More Homicides in Rochester on Friday, so Mahweak Extends His "Gun Violence State of Emergency!" Again!

This is getting to be rather tedious. Ever since Mahweak was installed on Rochester's mayoral throne, his sole method to combat violent crime has been to declare "states of emergency." Apart from recently ordering billboard signs to exhort people to choose "wisdom" and not to resort to violent crime to settle disputes, Mahweak really has no plans, and no clue, about how to combat the violence that is killing our fair city. But then, he never had. And, after all, law-abiding residents don't need to be reminded about obeying the law or doing what's right, while criminals are pissing their pants laughing at his exhortations. Rochester is a deadly, dangerous city in its death throes, and it is far safer to observe it from a distance. Say about three thousand miles. Across the ocean. in Germany. Rochester had three more homicides on Friday. One of the victims was a fifteen-year-old boy. This does not include the numerous shootings where victims are currently

Three Teenagers Shot, One Dead, In Rochester, New York: Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child!

  Yesterday, February 23, 2023, within the space of one hour, three teenagers were shot in the dying City of Rochester, New York. All three were shot in what has become known as the "Fatal Crescent," that section of our fair city in which most of our violence and homicides occur. The Crescent corresponds roughly to Rochester's ghettoes. The shootings occurred at different locations within the Crescent. One was pronounced dead at the scene.  He was Rochester's ninth homicide victim 0f 2023. Another of the three was taken to the hospital and into surgery with life-threatening injuries. The victim of the first shooting was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Thank heavens for small mercies, anyway. There is an old saying, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." A "rod," in criminal parlance, also means a pistol. And young people are somehow getting hold of lots of rods these days, always illegally. Therefore, they are not getting sp

The Tangled Scales of Justice for Steve Amenhauser.

It was Friday, March 5, 2021, in the dying city of Rochester, New York. In a decaying neighborhood on Lyell Avenue, a 53-year-old man, recently widowed, was living out his life in poverty. Two feral urban humanoid teenagers, 14 and 16, doused him with a flammable liquid and set fire to him. The police were called and promptly took the teenagers into custody. They were in the area, still sticking around presumably to admire their handiwork. The man was taken to hospital with second and third degree burns over 70% of his body, from which he succumbed on Tuesday, March 9. On Friday, March 12, the two teenage monsters were charged with second degree murder. There was only perfunctory coverage by the media of this incident. The elected members of our "august" City Council said absolutely nothing about this horrific crime, especially the district city councilman in whose constituency this crime occurred. There was silence from the then-Mayor of Rochester's office and her admini

Ladies and Gentlemen, Place Your Bets: Will Rochester Exceed Last Year's Record-Breaking Number of Homicides this Year?

My bet is "Yes." From the minute Mahweak Evans won the Democratic primary vote in 2021, he was guaranteed the mayorship in November's general election. During the interim, violent crime in Rochester exploded, as did its number of homicides. In fact, 2021 was a record-breaker for the number of homicides that were committed in our fair city. Mahweak did nothing, apart from occasionally expressing that his heart was broken. Apparently, Mahweak's heart is a remarkably resilient organ. Nor did he provide Rochester with any idea about how he would combat this uptick in violence, probably because he didn't know what to do in the first place. On January 1, 2022, Mahweak was finally crowned and enthroned. He promptly announced that he would be putting all of Rochester's anti-violence programs, all stunning failures, under his control, which he promptly handed off to his cousin, Victor Saunders. There was no noticeable improvement as violent crime continued to escalate.

The Black Comedy of the Police Accountability Board, or How to Flush Millions of Rochester's Taxpayers' Dollars Down the Toilet

Some jokes are just too obvious to be funny. Such is the case of Rochester's Police Accountability Board. Originally the brainchild of Rochester's cop-hating City Council and ex-Mayor Lovely Warren, it has done nothing in the two and a half years since its creation other than to annoy and demoralize the Rochester Police Department and spend millions of dollars that it can't account for, which is pissing off the city's taxpayers and embarrassing City Council. The greatest public relations scam since the Fast Ferry, City Government convinced people through subliminal messaging that they needed and wanted the PAB until people demanded a referendum vote on the matter, which the cop-hating City government graciously consented to do. Three-quarters of the people who voted in November 2019 wanted it. But only one-third of those registered to vote in Rochester bothered to go to the polls. Such is the failure of democracy in the City of Rochester. Content with this "majorit

The Anti-Cop, Pro-Rioter Stance of Rochester's Mayor Evans: Mahweak, Resign! Now!

Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans has been the most successful failure in our body politic for decades. Despite being uncreative, unimaginative and uninspiring, and despite having never accomplished anything positive for our community since he started dabbling in politics nearly two decades ago, he keeps getting elected to public office, where his cycle of failure continues to this day. And so does community disappointment, not to say disgust, with him continues. Not that he seems to care. A continuation of the previous administration is Mahweak's anti-cop attitude, coming at a time when crime, violence and homicide continues to spike upwards. That, too, is a holdover of the Warren regime. It is that attitude that has cost him the support and respect of frightened, law-abiding citizens. But why should he care? He's the mayor, and the local news media continues to print cute puff pieces about him, trying to make him a leader which he clearly is not. As Lovely

Non Compos Mentis: The Asinine Priorities of the Evans Regime and Rochester's City Council.

The old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." In 2021, a large percentage of voters wanted to remove Lovely Warren from the mayoral throne and were not particularly fussy about the character of the person who would succeed her. They got their wish and elected Malik (Mahweak) Evans as mayor. Despite the media blitz to create a positive persona in order to sell the public on Mahweak, it never really took off because the reality of his political history was pretty dismal and too many people knew it to be taken in by all of the hype that now surrounded him. Still, enough people came to believe that their "creation" had the answers to all of their questions and the solutions to Rochester's serious problem of crime, poverty and a failing school system. Only it soon became evident that Evans really had no solutions to anything, which quickly produced a sense of "buyers' remorse" among people who were once his cheerleaders. My only

Reading Between the Lyin's: "Rochester is Unequivocally Safe!"

Let's face it, most politicians and elected officials are boldfaced liars. We are not talking about "little white lies" to make people comfortable or not to offend, because everyone does that. People do not like hearing the truth and only want to hear your opinions if they concur with theirs. We are talking about BIG lies that distort the truth and really have no relation to reality. Politicians lie big time to get themselves elected to public office, then they continue to lie to make themselves popular in order to win re-election. They are facilitated in their political lying by their public relations people, who put a spin on deliberate untruths to make them appear "real," to calm down the voting populace, so people won't think that things aren't as bad as they really are. Case in point is one of the latest pronouncements made by Rochester's current mayor, Malik Evans. Evans, wuss-like and bland, effectively won the Democratic primary early last su

Reelin' in the Year: Fatal Distraction in Rochester, New York!

  Christmas 2021 is over and the year is quickly winding down. The next holiday some people will be looking forward to is New Year's Eve, which is amateur night for drinkers out and about town, and New Year's Day, with football games, parades and the farce of the inauguration of Rochester's latest mayor. I am not nostalgic about the old year or even hopeful about the new one. Why should I, or anyone else, be? Rochester is, and remains, in a state of chaos owing to a lack of political leadership and the moral turpitude of the elected officials and their hangers-on who supposedly govern this city. 2021 saw the resignation of cop-hating Lovely Warren as Mayor of Rochester to avoid being convicted of felonious criminal charges. She walked away with a slap on the wrist, her license to practice law and her pension intact, her ability to run for political office unaffected and her continued control of the majority of Rochester's Democratic political committees could make that

Sympathy for the Devil: He Was Really a Good Boy.

In the past, one of the contributing factors of a society's collapse has been a loss of faith or trust in the institutions that previously provided it with a modus vivendi. In our nation, our state and even in our city, we are seeing that now. Peaceful, law abiding citizens have been suffering a series of shocks regarding law enforcement and the judiciary, leaving them feeling unsafe, uncertain, downright frightened and betrayed. Liberal progressivism was responsible for the Bail Reform Act, which allowed judges to turn loose violent criminals without bail, prior to their trials. The result has been that these criminals go out, commit more crimes, are arrested and released back into the community again. And again. This not only frustrates the various law enforcement agencies, making a mockery of their job to make their communities safe. Or at least to feel safe. Criticizing this law only elicits responses of "racism," since the Black community was gung-ho for it. Then com

Let's Make a Deal: Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren to Resign December 1!

And lo, there shall be an ending! Yesterday (October 4, 2021), in a courtroom in Rochester, New York, Mayor Lovely Warren and the legal system played "Let's Make a Deal." The mayor and her two fellow accused pled "Guilty" to knowingly violating the New York State election campaign finance laws. The court then dropped four criminal charges against the mayor and her fellows. In return, the mayor announced that she would resign on December 1, thirty days prior to the end of her term. If not an example of justice, it certainly looks like a pretty good deal and it doesn't involve jail time. And she gets to keep her license to practice law, since she pled guilty only to a misdemeanor and the court accepted it. She also keeps her pension. And the ability to run for public office. That's some punishment, right?  Not really. As I have frequently stated, she's like a cat, and has landed once again on somebody else's feet. Despite everything laid at her doo

Watching the Fur Fly: La'Ron Singletary Sues Rochester and the Mayor!

The photo above is by Gino Fanelli. It has been exactly one year since the public was made aware of the mysterious circumstances regarding the death of Daniel Prude, a drug-addicted, mentally disturbed Black man, while under RPD custody. This occurred on March 23, 2020. All things told, the whole thing smelled like the Warren Administration was attempting to cover up the incident, because it took nearly six months before the public was made aware of it and that only occurred because Prude's family were going public with it. That forced the issue, and the Warren regime didn't like to be forced to do anything. 2020 was a bad year for the regime. The mayor and her then police chief, La'Ron Singletary, were either unwilling or unable to enforce government ordered mandates against public assemblies because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Nor were they any more effective in dealing with the antics of Free the People, ROC's rabble rousing after the death of career felon, drug ad