The Anti-Cop, Pro-Rioter Stance of Rochester's Mayor Evans: Mahweak, Resign! Now!

Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans has been the most successful failure in our body politic for decades.

Despite being uncreative, unimaginative and uninspiring, and despite having never accomplished anything positive for our community since he started dabbling in politics nearly two decades ago, he keeps getting elected to public office, where his cycle of failure continues to this day.

And so does community disappointment, not to say disgust, with him continues.

Not that he seems to care.

A continuation of the previous administration is Mahweak's anti-cop attitude, coming at a time when crime, violence and homicide continues to spike upwards.

That, too, is a holdover of the Warren regime. It is that attitude that has cost him the support and respect of frightened, law-abiding citizens.

But why should he care? He's the mayor, and the local news media continues to print cute puff pieces about him, trying to make him a leader which he clearly is not.

As Lovely had her La'Ron as her chief of police and lapdog, so Mahweak has David Smith as his interim chief of police, a holdover from the Warren administration until he can find a new one.

David is every bit the obedient lapdog La'Ron was, only a more marmoreally insipid version.

He obeys Mahweak without question, to the detriment of the Rochester Police Department, which Mahweak  clearly hates.

Clearly David has no pride. Maybe he thinks his blind obedience to Mahweak will so endear him to the mayor that Mahweak will make his position permanent, despite the so-called nationwide search for a new police chief.

Such behavior doesn't benefit anyone except himself.

From the minute he assumed the mayoral throne, Mahweak, who doesn't really have, nor ever did have, a program to improve the quality of life in Rochester, spent his time belittling and attempting to castrate RPD.

Unable to halt the crime and homicide uptick in Rochester, Mahweak muzzled Captain Frank Umbrino, a respected and trusted member of RPD whose frank and honest observations about crime in Rochester were not politically correct.

Captain Umbrino refused to accept the official reason for Rochester's crime rate, that RPD was totally responsible for it.

So he had to be silenced.

Then, in yet another spasm of pure insanity, Mahweak put all of the city's associated peace and anti-violence programs under control of the mayor's office.

As these have all been dismal, expensive failures, it would have made more sense to dissolve them and start fresh but, as stated, Mahweak isn't creative, so he made these failed programs directly responsible to himself and didn't change a damned thing about them.

While bodies were piling up like cordwood on our streets and blood staining our sidewalks, Mahweak giggled almost girlishly about a state park that was to be established in the middle of one of the most crime-ridden areas of the city.

Development of that area had been attempted years before and proved to be expensively unsuccessful for the simple reason that nobody wanted to go there, especially after dark.

And then Mahweak giddily reported that Rochester got $100 million from our toxic She Devil of a governor to fill in the NE section of the inner loop. The money won't go far enough to see any of his pipe dream plans come to realization. 

It also ignores the numerous dilapidated properties and garbage strewn empty lots around our fair city, but we are supposed to look around those, like he does.

This announcement came while urban feral humanoids were shooting up houses, some with people present inside and young children were hit by the gunfire.

I guess Mahweak was counting on us looking around those incidents, too.

Then he got $5 million from the feds to create another office to deal with the subject of violent crime. Promoting it or suppressing it depends on your interpretation.

It is to join the other failed programs that he took under his control upon achieving the mayoral throne, which is why he and his spin control doctors are rereferring to it as a "peace collective," and will "work with" those already on the ground, which have never worked.

But this new initiative will succeed in providing high-paying, do-nothing jobs for the mayor's family, friends and political cronies, placing him squarely among the corrupt mayoral administrations that preceded him.

Not that he cares about how stupid this makes him appear. He IS the mayor, after all!

But the height of Mahweak's folly was his recent announcement on the subject of the way the police department will engage "peaceful protesters" in the future, coming at a time when the city is expecting more riots this summer.

The police are not allowed to use dogs, tear gas, peppercorn bullets, guns or event to arrest rioters. The badge numbers of the officers dodging the projectiles and firecrackers hurled at them must be unobstructed, so the rioters know whom to accuse later, and to whom they can protest outside their homes after the riots and threaten their spouses and children.

Mahweak, as confused as ever, described rioters as "peaceful protesters," which they weren't.

The so-called "peaceful protests" that began on May 30, 2020 were in reality riots that led to violence, vandalism, looting and assaults on the part of the rioters.

Some people who attempted to shoo the rioting vandals away from their places of business ended up being beaten, which is hardly "peaceful."

Nor did then mayor Lovely Warren or her pet police chief La'Ron offer any resistance to the rioters, merely advising civilians to stay out of their way while the looted and vandalized.

They also claimed that "outsiders" were responsible for the riots, when it was quickly made evident that the riots were peopled and organized by our home-grown domestic terrorists, one of whom claimed that she didn't care if the city burned and was promptly elected to shitty council last November.

It is this collection of feral urban humanoids who Mayor Mahweak wishes to "protect!"

This decree is to take place immediately, without any further discussion with RPD or the Locust Club, which was quite taken aback at seeing their police force being made even more vulnerable to the antics of rioters, made so by yet another anti-cop whim of the Evans regime.

Mike Mazzeo, head of the Locust Club, promptly replied to the mayor's incredibly asinine pronouncement, which he also released to the media.

It was a truly understandable reaction to a mayor whose anti-cop attitude has caused him to take leave of his senses.

Because it is obvious that Mahweak is undeniably crazy, not just stupid. Crazy. Batshit crazy!

And he needs to resign ASAP.

This latest crazy action of his not only endangers the brave men and women of the Rochester Police Department, but the frightened, law-abiding residents who expect the police to protect them from violent rioters.

And there WILL be riots in Rochester this summer, with mentally challenged fools like Mayor Mahweak more concerned about protecting violent feral urban humanoids than the people who continue to keep our dying city alive.

We cannot even pretend to trust Mahweak to work in the best interests of what is left of the City of Rochester.

Mahweak, GO!

*****The photos used for this blog came from Rochester's local news media*****


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