
Showing posts with the label Joe Biden

Biden's $700 Slap in the Face to Hawaii!

Nobody but dangerously deranged Democrats and woke progressives can describe the Biden regime as anything other than the most corrupt and ineffectual in United States history. This has gone on since the minute Sloppy Joe was sworn in as president and it has only gotten worse since then. We have seen our economy collapsing around us, along with our infrastructure. We have seen our standing as THE world power decline so that we are a mockery to other nations, to friends and foes alike. Nobody really fears the US anymore. Or regards us as important. Except as a milk cow, to whom all run for money while stabbing us in the back. We have seen the regime promoting identity politics not based on merit or qualifications but on sex, sexual orientation, color and race. Woe betide anyone who dares call the Biden regime out on these truths, for they will be branded as racists, fascists or MAGA Republicans. Fortunately, more and more people are undeterred by such nonsensical insults and are finally

The "Success" of Bidenomics, or There are Tens of Millions of Suckers Born Every Minute!

The US economy is in the toilet. And the flush handle is broken. We are assured by the sugars of the Biden regime that "Bidenomics" (a "Never Neverland" of economics) is working. Giggling almost girlishly, the Democratic National Committee, their news media stooges on CNN and the arrogant airhead spokesman for the president (Karine Jean-Pierre) all tell us that unemployment and inflation are down. Except in the areas of fuel and food...the basic requirements of modern urban life. Who are we supposed to believe? Them or our own pocketbooks? Why, them of course. If we don't, we are fascists and racists. And must be neutralized. Too many people clearly are falling for this bullshit, believing all of these blatant lies that paradise lies just around the corner, while they are relying more heavily on their credit cards just to make ends meet. At present, people are being forced to spend more than $700 a month more for the same items than they bought two-and-a-half ye

Trans "Day of Vengeance" Gathering in Washington DC in the Wake of the Covenant School Shooting? Give Me an Effing Break!

WARNING! All woke progressives and noisy trans activists will be offended by this blog, so you had better NOT read it. Our nation, and the world, is still reeling from the horror of the Nashville shooting on Monday, March 27. A "trans man," born Audrey Hale, age 28, went to "visit" her old alma mater, Covenant School, a Presbyterian school in Nashville, Tennessee. It was not to reminisce with her old friends and teachers. It was to kill people. Leaving behind a manifesto, including a map of the school and how she would carry out her rampage, she made it clear that she had been "oppressed" by this religious school, which had not taken into account her "identity." So the school had to be made to pay for her discomfort. And lives needed to be sacrificed upon the altar of her confused gender state. Since she was a biological female and had not undergone sexual reassignment surgery to cosmetically resemble the male sex of her choice, I will not be usi

The Biden Crime Family: And a Senile Horse's Ass Shall Lead them.

Let me be frank about this. Donald Trump lost his bid for re-election in 2020 more or less fair and square. Yes, there were lots of "irregularities" involved in the voting process at various locations across the nation, but both parties were involved. When the smoke cleared it was plain enough that Trump simply did not have enough electoral votes to carry his re-election.  Trump's crude vulgarity and megalomania lost him a lot of support he had in 2016, and his narcissism would not allow him to accept the fact that he had been defeated by the Democrats' "cellar dummy." This led to the tragic black comedy of January 6, 2021, when a group of people stormed the Capitol building. All of America knew in advance that there would be a potentially violent demonstration in Washington DC weeks before the event, yet Washington had been deliberately unprepared for it. Even worse, the person in charge of the Capitol's security was drag-queen wannabe Nancy Pelosi, who

The Modern Woman is a Man, and Other Examples of Woke Progressive Asininity!

International Women's Day was Wednesday, March 8. It was intended to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. On that day, the wife of our senile horse's ass of a President of the United States handed out some awards to several women. Two awards were handed out to trans "women," which is to say, biological males, for their work in promoting and furthering "trans right." Which, of course, in no way celebrated the accomplishments of biological women. For hundreds of years, women have fought for parity with men in the areas of education, employment, sports and before the law. Part of that struggle was for security, safe places where women would not be accosted by men. These safe places included changing rooms in stores, separate public toilet facilities, separate lockers bathing facilities at gymnasiums, to name a few. Unfortunately, woke progressive magnification of Trans Rights all out of proportion to their incredibly sma

Shooting Down Spy Balloons Over Canada and the United States: The Search for Intelligent Life in the Biden Administration!

Let's face it. We are saddled with a senile horse's ass for our president for the next two years.  Daily, his pronouncements, statements and actions have made the United States an object of mockery throughout the world, both among our friends and foes alike. Our allies disparage over his so-called "leadership" of the world's democracies while our foes only fear to piss themselves laughing at his latest babblings and unquestionable stupidity. Equally problematic is the behavior of Biden's handlers, who realize that it isn't safe to allow the president to run around loose but are at odds to keep him on a short leash because that would be only too obvious that he is incapable of wiping himself let along lead the world's greatest democracy. Nothing bespeaks the uncertainty and chaos within the Biden regime more than the brain-dead and morally bankrupt people and advisors with whom he has chosen to surround himself and inflict on the American people. Creatu