
Showing posts with the label hypocrisy

Ahh, Schadenfreude! Enjoying Watching the Democrats Going Batshit Crazy Over the Impending Biden Impeachment!

The Democrats are finally learning what goes around comes around! And that Karma is biting them hard on the ass! For seven years, the Democrats and their trusty allies in the liberal news media (notably CNN), on social media, in the Justice Department and the FBI have done their tortured damnedest to demonize Donald Trump in particular and the Republicans in general. To be sure, Donald Trump IS a bombastic, abrasive, megalomaniacal loudmouth who rubbed both the US's friends and foes the wrong way. And to be sure, Donald Trump promoted America's best interests during his tenure in office, unlike his predecessor or the senile jerk who followed him. Twice, because they controlled the House of Representatives at the time, the Democrats were able to have Trump impeached. To their dismay, he was never convicted, largely because the charges they flung against him were based on non-existent evidence and mere political posturing. Which, frankly, is why the Democrats have gone out of the

Black Comedy: Harry and Meghan Sing "Poor, Poor Pitiful We!" And Who Cares?

Two hundred and fifty years ago, America rejected the British Monarchy. Many of our Founding Fathers felt that we had outgrown it and that hereditary kingship was no longer beneficial to our circumstances, hopes and goals. That the British have chosen to maintain the Monarchy up until the present time is their business, so let them look to it. Unfortunately, Americans are still obsessed with the glitz and glamor the Royal Family still exudes, since they are wrapped in a cocoon of fabulous wealth, privilege and prestige. Supposedly, in our republican and democratic political culture, we have foregone all of that, yet we miss the fairy tale of it all, the rituals, the pageantry and the jewels. Our First Families simply do not compare, nor do the political dynasties our history has brought forth, because they come and go, while the British Monarchy remains. Yet the concept of hereditary monarchy is based on the belief in superior and inferior classes, with the monarch at the top of the he