Black Comedy: Harry and Meghan Sing "Poor, Poor Pitiful We!" And Who Cares?

Two hundred and fifty years ago, America rejected the British Monarchy.

Many of our Founding Fathers felt that we had outgrown it and that hereditary kingship was no longer beneficial to our circumstances, hopes and goals.

That the British have chosen to maintain the Monarchy up until the present time is their business, so let them look to it.

Unfortunately, Americans are still obsessed with the glitz and glamor the Royal Family still exudes, since they are wrapped in a cocoon of fabulous wealth, privilege and prestige.

Supposedly, in our republican and democratic political culture, we have foregone all of that, yet we miss the fairy tale of it all, the rituals, the pageantry and the jewels.

Our First Families simply do not compare, nor do the political dynasties our history has brought forth, because they come and go, while the British Monarchy remains.

Yet the concept of hereditary monarchy is based on the belief in superior and inferior classes, with the monarch at the top of the heap.

Birth determined everything and those of the blood royal were superior to everyone else, appointed by God to rule over them.

Most monarchies in Europe are constitutional, having relegated the Divine Right of Kings to the distant past, leaving the monarchs as symbols of the stability and continuity of the state, the First Servant of the state, as it were.

In service to the state, and in exchange for all the wealth, privilege and prestige the various royal families receive, the price is simple: They have no right to have an opinion. They can only repeat the opinions of the constitutionally elected governments of the day.

And they must behave in a "respectable" manner.

Those who are born into royal families are trained from birth to understand this, although modern technology in the media has allowed news reporters to catch every gaffe.

And they have!

It's even worse for people who marry into royal families without such indoctrination. They don't understand what they have gotten into, don't understand the fierce heat that beats around the throne and that they are on view 24-7-365. Some might ignore it, some might rebel against it and some might seek to use the news media for their own purposes.

One need only look at the various scandals surrounding the British Monarch in the last fifty years and see, for all of their royal blood, they are merely human, and spoiled and pampered humans at that, upset that their dirty laundry is brought out into the open for we mere mortals to laugh at or be shocked by, depending upon the viewers' sensibilities.

The unholy triangle of Charles, Diana and Camilla produced one Helluva media feeding frenzy in the 80's and 90's. Photos of a topless Duchess of York having her toes sucked by her lover while still married to Prince Andrew had a similar effect, while Prince Andrew's friendship with a known sex-trafficker resulted in a multi-million dollar pay-off to a woman who accused him of having involuntary sex with her.

How the mighty have fallen!

It is amid this backdrop that the saga of Harry and Meghan Markle takes place.

So much has already been written about the gruesome twosome that I will only provide a perfunctory glance at them here.

Harry is the second son of the current king, Charles III, and his late ex-wife Diana, Princess of Wales. Harry has made much of the fact that he had to walk behind his mother's coffin at Diana's funeral twenty-five years ago, as though he is the only young boy who had to bury a parent.

He has simply chosen not to put his "big boy" pants on and move on with it.

Or grow up.

But he did manage to make the most of the perks and privilege his royal birth afforded him, pooh-poohing people who objected to his wearing a Nazi uniform at a costume party or his shooting pool in the nude with his friends at a Las Vegas bash.

The photos of that, especially the one of him covering the family jewels with just one hand suggests that they weren't anything special.

(Rachel) Meghan Markle is a biracial woman born of a mostly Black woman and a White man.

Raised mostly by her father, she chose to identify herself as "Caucasian," and lived a middle-class Hollywood life and attended private schools and a top-notch college paid for by her father, whose work in the television industry helped pave the way for her landing largely unmemorable roles in television.

The vast majority of the human race never heard of her before she started dating Harry which is the only claim to fame she has, and she's meant to make the most of it by marrying him, less than a year after she met him.

And it was only at that time that she decided to make her biracial status public. It was additional selling point, in her opinion, to make the British Royal Family appear more modern, which can best be described as a Hollywood public relations stunt.

The fact that Meghan had been divorced at least once before (there have been suggestions that she was married twice before Harry) and chose to be married in pure white can also be viewed in this vein.

And the media ate it all up.

At first.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out to her satisfaction.

Meghan discovered that she was only a supporting player in the Royal Family, that she was not getting paid for performing royal duties and that Harry wasn't a billionaire.

That isn't what she signed on for.

So she and Harry claimed that there was racism in the royal Family, that the media was interfering with their privacy and that her mental health was suffering.

Meghan and Harry then left the Royal Family and moved to California in search of privacy while putting themselves in the public eye as much as possible by blasting the Royal Family, from which their titles flowed. And getting paid for it. Never mind the fact that they were lying through their teeth.

Yet without those titles, they wouldn't have much to sell, because they are not really very interesting or particularly talented.

Which brings us to the subject of their Netflix pity party, set to air this week, which will net them (supposedly) a cool hundred million. This is apart from her turgid and boring Spotify podcast (fifty million), her failed cartoon (Pearl), her failed book (The Bench) and Harry's upcoming, tell-all ghost-written autobiography (Spare, thirty-six million).

None of this is enough to satisfy them. and so they continue to claim that they were mistreated by the British Royal Family and the British media even though most, if not all, of their complaints have been disproved.

They are simply a pair of whiny, spoiled liars akin to those dirty old men in trench coats who expose themselves on street corners.

And when you call them out on it, you're labelled a hater, a bigot, a sexist and a racist.

This gruesome twosome has become the high priest and priestess of Wokism at its worst. They are not equipped to do anything different.

However, the news media, especially in this country and the UK, are making the most of this, never mind the fact that the world economy is a shambles, the energy crisis is adding to the world's political instability, the war between Russia and Ukraine could escalate into World War III and that our own president is a senile horse's ass and his vice-president a braying jackass.

But we are supposed to feel sorry for Harry and Meghan, who are living in a $14 million home in California and take private jets everywhere.

I don't think so.

Nothing that the gruesome twosome has done has benefitted anyone other than themselves.

If they want privacy, they should just shut up.

And stop their pathetic burlesque show.

But then, that's all these two no-talents have to offer, since they have nothing else in their lives of any interest other than their connection to royalty.

And it shows how low royalty can go.


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