
Showing posts with the label Captain Frank Umbrino

Three More Homicides in Rochester on Friday, so Mahweak Extends His "Gun Violence State of Emergency!" Again!

This is getting to be rather tedious. Ever since Mahweak was installed on Rochester's mayoral throne, his sole method to combat violent crime has been to declare "states of emergency." Apart from recently ordering billboard signs to exhort people to choose "wisdom" and not to resort to violent crime to settle disputes, Mahweak really has no plans, and no clue, about how to combat the violence that is killing our fair city. But then, he never had. And, after all, law-abiding residents don't need to be reminded about obeying the law or doing what's right, while criminals are pissing their pants laughing at his exhortations. Rochester is a deadly, dangerous city in its death throes, and it is far safer to observe it from a distance. Say about three thousand miles. Across the ocean. in Germany. Rochester had three more homicides on Friday. One of the victims was a fifteen-year-old boy. This does not include the numerous shootings where victims are currently

Rochester's Second Homicide for 2023: Justice of a Sort.

 In 2015, three people were shot and killed at Rochester's Boys and Girls Club while exiting a basketball game. It was a drive-by shooting. Three others were injured during that incident. Three men were eventually charged in connection with that triple homicide: Johnny Blackshell, Jalen Everett and Michael Mathis. Only Blackshell was convicted for his part in the triple slaying. The other two were eventually acquitted. Not everyone believed that they were innocent. Two years after his acquittal, in 2019, Everett was shot to death in a car in Rochester's historic Maplewood neighborhood. It used to be so peaceful and quiet there. Just coincidence? Or was Nemesis at work? Nemesis was the ancient Greek goddess who personified retribution. She is notoriously slow but ultimately effective when the laws of men fail. This past Saturday, January 22, Nemesis struck again.  The result was Rochester's second homicide of the year. The victim? Why none other than Michael Mathis, the othe

The Anti-Cop, Pro-Rioter Stance of Rochester's Mayor Evans: Mahweak, Resign! Now!

Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans has been the most successful failure in our body politic for decades. Despite being uncreative, unimaginative and uninspiring, and despite having never accomplished anything positive for our community since he started dabbling in politics nearly two decades ago, he keeps getting elected to public office, where his cycle of failure continues to this day. And so does community disappointment, not to say disgust, with him continues. Not that he seems to care. A continuation of the previous administration is Mahweak's anti-cop attitude, coming at a time when crime, violence and homicide continues to spike upwards. That, too, is a holdover of the Warren regime. It is that attitude that has cost him the support and respect of frightened, law-abiding citizens. But why should he care? He's the mayor, and the local news media continues to print cute puff pieces about him, trying to make him a leader which he clearly is not. As Lovely

Reading Between the Lyin's: "Rochester is Unequivocally Safe!"

Let's face it, most politicians and elected officials are boldfaced liars. We are not talking about "little white lies" to make people comfortable or not to offend, because everyone does that. People do not like hearing the truth and only want to hear your opinions if they concur with theirs. We are talking about BIG lies that distort the truth and really have no relation to reality. Politicians lie big time to get themselves elected to public office, then they continue to lie to make themselves popular in order to win re-election. They are facilitated in their political lying by their public relations people, who put a spin on deliberate untruths to make them appear "real," to calm down the voting populace, so people won't think that things aren't as bad as they really are. Case in point is one of the latest pronouncements made by Rochester's current mayor, Malik Evans. Evans, wuss-like and bland, effectively won the Democratic primary early last su