
Showing posts with the label Cedric Alexander

Rochester's Democratic Mayoral Primary: The Choice Between the Undesirable and the Unpalatable

Next week, Rochester will endure the farce of the local Democratic Primary. There is already early voting for people who fear they might be murdered in our fair city before they can get their vote in. Since Rochester is a one-party city dominated by the Democrats, whoever wins the primary will most likely win the general election in November. While there are a surfeit of unworthy candidates vying for the party's line in November and all of them are using the same political rhetoric to get themselves elected, this writing will only concentrate on the mayoral primary. For all intents and purposes, there are only two candidates "worth" considering: The incumbent, Lovely Warren, seeking her third term in office; and her challenger, Malik Evans. Their political rhetoric, as stated previously, is similar. Evans has agreed with much of Warren has done and proposes to do. So why even consider him? To do Warren some justice, she was adequate to the task during her first six years