
Showing posts with the label Joe Morelle

Election Day in One-Party, Democrat-Controlled Rochester, New York.

Tomorrow is Election Day, 2023. Whoop-dee-doo. It is an off-year election, so nothing of national importance is at stake. Just local issues. In Rochester, New York, no great changes are anticipated, since this is a one-party, Democrat-controlled city, that subject about which I have blogged previously. The Democratic Primary elections determined who would be on the ballot tomorrow, and incumbents won the primary elections for School Board and City Council District Seats. Rochester's school system is the worst in the state and one of the worst in the nation, so incumbents continually run and win, perpetuating this state of affairs because they have no sense of shame and there are no term-limits for school board "commissioners," which is what these creatures are called. And Rochester, City Council, which also has no term limits? The only exception this time around is Bridget Monroe, who is "running" for the Northwest District seat on City Council. The incumbent, J

The Tangled Scales of Justice for Steve Amenhauser.

It was Friday, March 5, 2021, in the dying city of Rochester, New York. In a decaying neighborhood on Lyell Avenue, a 53-year-old man, recently widowed, was living out his life in poverty. Two feral urban humanoid teenagers, 14 and 16, doused him with a flammable liquid and set fire to him. The police were called and promptly took the teenagers into custody. They were in the area, still sticking around presumably to admire their handiwork. The man was taken to hospital with second and third degree burns over 70% of his body, from which he succumbed on Tuesday, March 9. On Friday, March 12, the two teenage monsters were charged with second degree murder. There was only perfunctory coverage by the media of this incident. The elected members of our "august" City Council said absolutely nothing about this horrific crime, especially the district city councilman in whose constituency this crime occurred. There was silence from the then-Mayor of Rochester's office and her admini

The Mid-Term Elections: Only the Republicans Themselves Can Screw it Up!

The last month of the campaigns for the mid-term elections is upon us. The Republicans are poised to retake control of the House and the Senate, rejecting the progressive liberal horror that is Bidenism and reducing our senile horse's ass of a president to lame duck status two years before his term ends.  If they don't fuck it up, that is. At the local level, the GOP has chosen some excellent candidates for elected office. Jim VanBrederode, former Town of Gates Police Chief is running for New York State Senate's 56th district. A fine man, a proponent of conservative values and supporting law and order at a time when violence and chaos reign supreme in Democrat-controlled cities like Rochester, New York, he is running against progressive liberal poster boy, Jeremy Cooney. Cooney, seeking re-election, is pro-criminal and pro-abortion. Progressive liberals are making their pro-abortion stance an issue against Republican candidates in this year's campaign since Rowe v. Wade

Singletary Settles His $1.5 Million Lawsuit Against Rochester...For $75,000?

Yep, that's right! Disgraced Rochester ex-police chief LaRon Singletary settled his lawsuit against the City for $75,000! He sued Rochester because the administration of ex-Mayor Lovely Warren "blackened" (pardon the pun) his reputation and sought $1.5 million in compensation. If Singletary thought his damaged reputation was worth that much, why did he settle for only 5% of the dollar settlement he asked for? The lawyers will get most of that. Some people, including me, think that his reputation wasn't that hot to begin with.  It was created two years before Mayor Warren appointed him Chief of Police, to make his promotion seem logical. It was a successful public relations stunt to arouse public interest for a product that nobody wanted, needed or could use, but had a catchy name and attractive package. It was all just hype. As part of the settlement, Singletary had his medical benefits restored, which were eliminated when Mayor Warren fired him in a fit of vindictive

Finding the Right Puppet to Run Against Morelle: La'Ron Singletary.

In their euphoria over Tuesday's  national rejection of the hideous Democratic political philosophy known as "Bidenism," the Monroe County, NY GOP seems to have taken leave of their senses. One of the local proponents of Bidenism is none other than Congressman Joe Morelle, a long-time professional career politician and head honcho of the elitist faction of the local Democratic Party. Morelle is anathema to local Republicans and quite a few Democrats, especially minority Democrats. One of his acolytes lost their election bid on Tuesday to Republicans. That one was his own son, Little Joe. Morelle pere  comes up for re-election to the 25th congressional district next year. Keeping this in mind and intoxicated by national GOP victories, the Monroe County, NY GOP has chosen their candidate to run against Morelle: Rochester's disgraced and dispossessed police chief, La' Ron Singletary. I will not waste much time or space on the subject of Singletary, since he has been