The Mid-Term Elections: Only the Republicans Themselves Can Screw it Up!

The last month of the campaigns for the mid-term elections is upon us.

The Republicans are poised to retake control of the House and the Senate, rejecting the progressive liberal horror that is Bidenism and reducing our senile horse's ass of a president to lame duck status two years before his term ends. 

If they don't fuck it up, that is.

At the local level, the GOP has chosen some excellent candidates for elected office.

Jim VanBrederode, former Town of Gates Police Chief is running for New York State Senate's 56th district.

A fine man, a proponent of conservative values and supporting law and order at a time when violence and chaos reign supreme in Democrat-controlled cities like Rochester, New York, he is running against progressive liberal poster boy, Jeremy Cooney.

Cooney, seeking re-election, is pro-criminal and pro-abortion.

Progressive liberals are making their pro-abortion stance an issue against Republican candidates in this year's campaign since Rowe v. Wade was properly overturned by the US Supreme Court earlier this year.

Abortion, as a "constitutional right to privacy," is nowhere to be found in the US Constitution.

Of course, they prefer to confuse the issue and use the euphemism "A woman's right to choose" rather than the more accurate "killing the pre-born."

Running on the Republican ticket for the 137th NYS Assembly seat is Marcus C. Williams.

Williams, a charming young Rochester entrepreneur, has rejected the paternalistic and patronizing agenda of progressive Democrats toward Black folk since it is both demeaning and inaccurate.

White woke liberalism is inherently racist because it suggests that Black folk aren't smart enough or strong enough to make successful lives of their own and require special legislation to "protect" them from the cold cruel world, effectively throwing them crumbs in exchange for their votes rather than choosing to level the playing field.

That means access to an education that will provide opportunities to earn adequate livings in professions and trades, which the Rochester City School District no longer even pretends to provide.

Williams, as an entrepreneur, is also pissed off at the crime and violence in Rochester, which is bad for business, not that the current crop of elected Democrats care, as evidenced by their anti-cop, pro-criminal attitudes.

Now we go from the sublime to the ridiculous, where the GOP had made incredibly poor choices for candidates, where they have let their emotions and prejudices get in the way of choosing qualified competent candidates.

Take, for example Elise Stefanik's backing the narcissistic, bombastic psychopath Carl Paladino for New York's 23rd Congressional District.

Elise Stefanik, a powerful woman in the GOP, Chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, backed the overtly racist Paladino, a wealthy Buffalo businessman, against NYS GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy because Langworthy backed Lee Zeldin for NYS Governor.

Stefanik wanted to run for Governor.

Despite Paladino's obvious unsuitability for elected office, Stefanik backed him, making herself look ridiculous, even more so because most of the GOP backed Langworthy, who won the primary race much to her anger.

And then there's the farce of the race for NYS's 25th Congressional District, where both the Republicans and Democrats have puked up two unsuitable candidates for our choice.

Which really isn't anything to choose from. 

On the Democratic side, there's the incumbent, Joe Morelle.

He was elected to replace the late "saint" Lulubelle Slaughter, who died in office after accomplishing next to nothing, other than being continuously re-elected, during her near thirty years in the House of Representatives.

Morelle has been a fixture in Rochester politics for more than a generation, whether in the Monroe County Legislature, the NYS Assembly and now Congress.

This has enriched his family and cronies beyond measure.

Residing in the Town of Irondequoit, he is also head of the White, elitist faction of the local Democratic party which has done so much to divide the City of Rochester into two mutually hostile camps for the last generation, which has guaranteed that nothing be done to address our problems of crime, poverty and a piss-poor public education system.

The other camp coalesced around NYS Assemblyman David Gantt, an angry Black man who was rightly tired of the Black community being patronized by White elitist Democrats. Harnessing the inherent power of the ghetto behind him, Gantt and Morelle turned Rochester into a Democratic political battleground, fighting to a standstill most of the time.

If just as corrupt as his White counterparts, the Black community could take pride that it was one of their own who was screwing them and not a White outsider.

Hated by the Black community and not better loved by Republicans, the Monroe County GOP was desperate to find someone to oppose Morelle's re-election bid in 2022.

The then-chairman of the Monroe County GOP, Bernie Iacovangelo, found one in the person of Rochester's ex-Police Chief, LaRon Singeltary.

One has to understand that Iacovangelo is a far-right, reactionary conservative who was clearly in his dotage at the time.

Only residing in the Rochester area part-time, he had never been concerned with Rochester politics, didn't support Rochester Republican candidates in 2021 (and hardly supported suburban Republican candidates, either) and had some frightening misconceptions about racial politics in the City of Rochester.

Presuming that all Republicans would vote for a Republican candidate, and that all Blacks would vote for a Black candidate, he failed to realize that the Democrats in Rochester had successfully demonized all Republicans, even those of color.

And that Democrats would vote for Hitler if he had a "D" in front of his name rather than Jesus Christ if his name were preceded by an "R."

The Black Republican candidates who ran for Rochester City council last year faced that dilemma with no help or encouragement from Iacovangelo and were defeated.

Notwithstanding those ugly truths, Iacovangelo figured that by running a Black ex-Police Chief, who had name recognition (because of all of the scandals in which he was involved), as a law-and-order candidate (while he was hopelessly incompetent in that regard while police chief), Singletary would get the Black Rochester vote as well as the Monroe County Republicans'.

We can easily disregard the recent photo posted on Twitter by ex-Mayor Lovely Warren of her uncle wearing a "Singletary for Congress" t-shirt for what it is: Pure Bullshit.

Ex-Mayor Warren and her family hate Morelle like poison and this is merely their way of sticking it to him, especially since it was she who fired Singletary AFTER he resigned, and her administration tried to pin the entire blame of their conspiracy of silence regarding Daniel Prude's death on Singletary.

I've blogged about Singletary extensively previously, so I will merely capsulize his history here.

Appointed by Lovely Warren to be her obedient lap dog as Rochester Police Chief in the spring of 2019, within a year he proved unable to deal with illegal assemblies during the opening days of the COVID pandemic as well as the riots that ensued after the death of George Floyd. He also made untrue and misleading statements about the organizers of those riots, claiming that they were outsiders when it was already known that they were local, homegrown terrorists.

By September 2020, he "retired" and resigned as Police Chief because of his integral part in the conspiracy of silence regarding Daniel Prude's death in police custody in March of that year. That much of the Black community was demanding his and ex-Mayor Warren's resignations does not speak well of his "popularity." Ex-Mayor Warren promptly fired him, causing Singletary to lose his retirement benefits, which were later restored as part of a settlement of the lawsuit he undertook against the City of Rochester.

He was also turned down for police chief jobs he applied for across the country after this, which suggests that those cities recognized this was more trouble than Singletary was worth.

It is this uninspiring and unprepossessing individual that Iacovangelo chose to run against Joe Morelle.

All that was required was that Singletary register as a Republican, which he promptly did only in order to run for office.

It is what it is, a convenience that illustrates Singletary's pliability.

Because so many people hate Morelle, the GOP has gone out of its way to recreate Singletary as a noble, intelligent creature, worthy of election to high office.

That person does NOT exist.

What does exist is a puppet who will do as he is told. That is Singletary's chief characteristic.

And plenty of people who recognize this will vote for him anyway.

People who hate Morelle are whining "What are we supposed to do? We want to get rid of Morelle."

This was the same pathetic logic used in 2021 to remove Lovely Warren from Rochester's mayoral throne by inserting an incredibly inept and incompetent person in her place.

Rochester is now suffering from buyers' remorse over the election of Malik Evans.

And they will again if, by some horrible miracle, LaRon Singletary defeats Joe Morelle.

Not that I intend to vote for Morelle, either.

When faced with two candidates who are both undesirables, I don't vote by party line.

I end up by writing in candidates.

In place of Morelle and Singletary I plan to write-in Letizia Astacio.

You remember her, the drunken judge who got removed from the bench, but whose license to practice law remains intact.

Shades of Lovely Warren!

You can Google her history for a few laughs.

She seems just as good a choice as Morelle or Singletary.

Had the Republicans chosen a better candidate, I would have voted for him or her.

And I am sure this situation is commonplace throughout the nation, where both parties run undesirable candidates.

And that is how the Republicans will fuck up retaking Congress.


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