
Showing posts with the label Alexei Navalny

Sloppy Joe Imposes 500 New Sanctions Against Russia! Some Jokes Are Just Too Obvious To Be Funny!

The death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny under mysterious circumstances in one of Putin's gulags has caused an international sensation, especially among the hypocritical western democracies, who would love to be able to do the same thing to their own dissidents if they weren't so worried about the image they would project to the world. Nobody can doubt Putin's efficiency in getting rid of inconvenient people, but he lacks the finesse in such endeavors exhibited by Billary Clinton, whose whistleblowing Whitewater associates all seemed to have committed suicide before testifying against her in court. All 49 of them! It's Putin's clumsiness in handling such matters that the western "democracies" abhor. First among the world's democratic leaders to condemn Putin is Sloppy Joe Biden, President of the United States and head of the Biden Crime Family. For years he and the Democratic National Committee have used the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the