
Showing posts with the label City of Rochester

Please, Please, Don't be a Litterbug, 'Cause We'll Trip Over the Corpses and Shell Casings You Leave Behind!

Rochester, New York is a deadly dangerous city. Some people, usually Democratic politicians and elected officials, forgive that because our once fair city is in its death throes. That's why they continue to run for re-election, looking to squeeze as much out of it to benefit themselves before it finally goes under, after which they will go elsewhere, their ill-gotten gains safely tucked away in their pockets. Most people recognize this fact of life here, which is why actual voting rates are so low. After all, in our one-party city, one Democratic scoundrel in office is pretty much any other, so why bother to vote at all? We know that apart from passing some cutsie-pooh legislation that will do nothing more than waste taxpayer dollars, they are either unable or unwilling to take a serious stand on any issues affecting the quality of life in Rochester. They certainly aren't concerned with serious attempts to combat crime, violence and homicide, although they might occasionally be

Three More Homicides in Rochester on Friday, so Mahweak Extends His "Gun Violence State of Emergency!" Again!

This is getting to be rather tedious. Ever since Mahweak was installed on Rochester's mayoral throne, his sole method to combat violent crime has been to declare "states of emergency." Apart from recently ordering billboard signs to exhort people to choose "wisdom" and not to resort to violent crime to settle disputes, Mahweak really has no plans, and no clue, about how to combat the violence that is killing our fair city. But then, he never had. And, after all, law-abiding residents don't need to be reminded about obeying the law or doing what's right, while criminals are pissing their pants laughing at his exhortations. Rochester is a deadly, dangerous city in its death throes, and it is far safer to observe it from a distance. Say about three thousand miles. Across the ocean. in Germany. Rochester had three more homicides on Friday. One of the victims was a fifteen-year-old boy. This does not include the numerous shootings where victims are currently

Numbnutz Extends the Gun Violence "State of Emergency" in Rochester, New York...For the Ninth Time!

  The good news is that homicides by gun violence is down in Rochester, New York as compared to last year's figures. So far. There were only seven. So far. Which is less than half of the number of homicides the City of Rochester has seen this year from stabbings and assaults. So far. As of this writing, there have been 34 shooting victims this year who survived. So far. It does not include numerous acts of criminality where victims were threatened by guns but were uninjured. Sort of. Such as car jackings, burglaries, armed robberies. So, what has Mayor Mahweak Evans done to combat gun violence in particular and criminality in general in Rochester, New York? Why, Numbnutz has extended his gun violence "State of Emergency." For the ninth time! In less than a year. Since July 21, 2022. Which will supposedly give Shitty Hall "broad powers to protect life and property," which hasn't worked since he first declared this "State of Emergency" last summer. T

The "Opera Bouffe" of Rochester's "Police Accountability Board" Continues! There's Nothing Quite Like a Circus!

Some jokes are just too obvious to be funny. The ongoing "Opera Bouffe" of Rochester's "Police Accountability Board" is an excellent illustration of this statement. For those of you who have been following my blog, I have covered the antics of the Police Advisory Board extensively, so only a cursory glance is necessary here. The PAB was created nearly three years ago. Approved by the majority of the few people who voted that year, it was intended to investigate malfeasance by officers of the Rochester Police Department. All it has really done is to be a pretentious, expensive, demoralizing nuisance to local law enforcement and taxpayers. The PAB presumed that they had the power to discipline and fire police officers based on their findings, which is in violation both of the City Charter and New York State law. The PAB also presumed to be independent of and superior to Rochester's City Council, which City Council denies. In short, the egomaniacs of the PAB co

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans Settles the Lawsuit Brought by Daniel Prude's Estate for $12 Million!

Ahh, the power of money! Today, Rochester's mayor, Malik Evans, settled with the estate of Daniel Prude for the sum of $12 million!  In his usual, mealy-mouthed way, he stated that it was time to put the Prude affair behind us and the $12 million settlement was probably cheaper than the cost to Rochester would be if the case went to court. "Probably." Mahweak seems to have forgotten the grand jury called by NYS Attorney General Tish James refused to indict the RPD officers involved in the arrest of Daniel Prude. They did not feel that the officers behaved in a criminally culpable manner. THAT evidence could have been used in the court case in favor of Rochester. Instead, Mahweak threw away $12 million to the Prude family to shut them up. In the long run, it probably won't. I have dealt extensively with the death of Daniel Prude in previous blogs, so I will provide only a cursory glance here. Daniel Prude was a drug addicted out-of-towner with psychiatric problems who

Rochester's 60th Homicide and "Buyers' Remorse" For the Evans Regime.

Last night, the city of Rochester, New York "celebrated" its 60th homicide of the year. So far. It occurred on Mazda Terrace in the Northeast Quadrant, the deadliest section of the City of Rochester, just a few blocks away from where our 59th homicide took place less than 48 hours previously. We are poised to equal, if not exceed, the record-breaking number of 81 homicides in Rochester last year, which made us the fifth deadliest city in America, and the deadliest per capita. Yet Mayor Evans claims that Rochester is "unequivocally safe," despite his useless habit of declaring states of emergency throughout this summer. He has since stopped stating that such homicides "break his heart," as he occasionally did before assuming the mayoral throne. Northeast District City Councilman Mike Patterson will, every so often, comment on how terrible all the homicides and non-fatal shootings, stabbings, assaults and criminal activity are for his district. Patterson did

Jaquise Davis: The Victim Who Wasn't!

It was such a sad story. Sixteen-year-old Jaquise Davis was coming home from work at Walmart on the night of August 8 this year. On Pennsylvania Avenue, where he lived, a car was speeding down the street. It was a stolen car, taken at gunpoint from the corner of Garson Avenue and North Goodman Street just moments before. Just as Jaquise entered his home, a gunshot rang out and he was killed, an innocent bystander in Rochester's ongoing "Murder Marathon." Immediately, the media went to work! Friends and family stated what a "good boy" Jaquise was, so kind and helpful. Citygov dusted off its usual statement at how shocked they were at this senseless crime. East High School announced that they were providing emotional support and counselors for students who were aggrieved by their friend's death. And the family created a "Go Fund Me" account to help with the expenses of the funeral and to give Jaquise a decent send off. Such a tragic story of a nice y

Our 53rd Homicide of the Year so Far: Rochester, New York's Murder Marathon Continues!

Last year, our fair city had the fifth highest homicide rate in the nation. Per capita, we were the deadliest. Not bad, considering that Rochester, New York is a middle-sized city of only 210, 000 souls. Nowhere near the size of New York City or Chicago. Early this morning, at Ontario Beach Park, a man in his 30's was shot and killed. There had been a crowd at the parking lot of the beach. They promptly dispersed when the police showed up to investigate...after 3:30 AM! What the Hell were people doing out there at 3:30 in the morning, when everything out there closes up shop by 2 AM? Who knows? What we do know is that the current mayoral regime of Malik Evans has been totally ineffective in developing strategies to curtail violence apart from a lot of talk. That's all he and his administration are good for. His answer to our frequent homicides, as well as non-fatal shootings and stabbings, has been to declare a "State of Emergency" to calm those people who still have

The "Success" of Mayor Mahweak's "Anti-Violence Initiatives:" Rochester "Celebrated" Its 46th Homicide Last Night!

A sixteen-year-old boy was shot and killed on Pennsylvania Avenue in Rochester last night. He was our fair city's 46th homicide of the year. Less than 24 hours previously, a 68 year-old-man was stabbed to death at Rochester's "famous" homeless shelter, the House of Mercy, while another man there was also stabbed but not fatally. House of Mercy is a hop, skip and a jump away from where the Pennsylvania Avenue homicide occurred. In the ghetto. Less than three weeks ago, on July 21, Mahweak declared a "Gun Violence Emergency" for the City of Rochester, stating "I will use everything we have." Which really isn't much. And what took him so long? After all, he did put all of Rochester's failed anti-crime initiatives under mayoral control in January, and promptly put his cousin in charge of them, which accomplished nothing, except to make city residents raise their eyebrows. It sure as Hell didn't make Rochester any safer. Criminals were proba

Ladies and Gentlemen, Place Your Bets: Will Rochester Exceed Last Year's Record-Breaking Number of Homicides this Year?

My bet is "Yes." From the minute Mahweak Evans won the Democratic primary vote in 2021, he was guaranteed the mayorship in November's general election. During the interim, violent crime in Rochester exploded, as did its number of homicides. In fact, 2021 was a record-breaker for the number of homicides that were committed in our fair city. Mahweak did nothing, apart from occasionally expressing that his heart was broken. Apparently, Mahweak's heart is a remarkably resilient organ. Nor did he provide Rochester with any idea about how he would combat this uptick in violence, probably because he didn't know what to do in the first place. On January 1, 2022, Mahweak was finally crowned and enthroned. He promptly announced that he would be putting all of Rochester's anti-violence programs, all stunning failures, under his control, which he promptly handed off to his cousin, Victor Saunders. There was no noticeable improvement as violent crime continued to escalate.

City Hall, the PAB, Anthony Hall and the Excremental Taint of Conspiracy Against the Rochester Police Department.

Too many coincidences are too coincidental. A recent incident following a crime scene investigation in Rochester, New York bears this out. On June 18, officers of the Rochester Police Department were investigating a shooting on North Street that sent a man to the hospital with non-fatal gunshot wounds. These incidents have become as common as pig tracks in our fair city. They taped off the area that they were investigating, to prevent onlookers and passers-by from contaminating evidence at the site. Low and behold, skipping out of a bar in the vicinity, comes an individual who was curious about the activities of RPD in that area so early in the morning. He came, looked at the outer perimeter and then appeared to be leaving. However, he proceeded to walk deeper into the crime scene and was told by the police officers to leave. The individual refused to do so, was promptly arrested for Obstruction of Governmental Administration in the 2nd Degree (a misdemeanor) by the police officers the

Take a Bow, Citygov: Rochester, NY Ranks as the 13th WORST Run City in America!

 Remember the song, the "Limbo Rock" and the refrain "How low can you go?" Well, apparently the people in charge of governing the City of Rochester, NY are looking to bring it as low as they possibly can. We already know that our fair city is the deadliest in America per capita in terms of homicide. We have the worst school district in the State of New York, and one of the worst in the entire nation. We rank second in terms of child poverty. We used to rank first, but Syracuse, NY succeeded us to that dubious title this year. And now...and now... According to WalletHub, a personal finance website, Rochester ranks 13th out of 150 cities as one of the worst-run major cities in America! Surprise, surprise! Most residents of our fair city already know that. Washington, DC, San Francisco, New York City and Chicago, all jewels in the crown of progressive liberalism and governed by Democrats, fared worse than Rochester. According to the story printed yesterday (June 22, 20

Sexual Harassment: The Latest Grim Little Tale About Rochester's Police Accountability Board!

Since its creation as a result of a referendum vote in 2019, Rochester's Police Accountability Board has provided endless hours of mirth and disgust. An expensive and mysterious nuisance, it has accomplished nothing since its inception except to spend millions of dollars and claim an authority over the police department that two court cases ruled they did NOT have. Supposedly answerable to City Council, the PAB claims it is independent of that body and is answerable to no one. And they have ignored demands for transparency, while they demand it of City Government and the police department. The latest scandal revolves around the "integrity" of the PAB, with tales of dysfunctionality and sexual harassment to entertain the taxpayers stuck paying the PAB's bills and salaries. Two founding members of the PAB, Dr. Celia McIntosh and Ida Perez who had an unquestioned history of integrity in Rochester's politics and neighborhood advocacy, resigned in March of this year, s

Singletary Settles His $1.5 Million Lawsuit Against Rochester...For $75,000?

Yep, that's right! Disgraced Rochester ex-police chief LaRon Singletary settled his lawsuit against the City for $75,000! He sued Rochester because the administration of ex-Mayor Lovely Warren "blackened" (pardon the pun) his reputation and sought $1.5 million in compensation. If Singletary thought his damaged reputation was worth that much, why did he settle for only 5% of the dollar settlement he asked for? The lawyers will get most of that. Some people, including me, think that his reputation wasn't that hot to begin with.  It was created two years before Mayor Warren appointed him Chief of Police, to make his promotion seem logical. It was a successful public relations stunt to arouse public interest for a product that nobody wanted, needed or could use, but had a catchy name and attractive package. It was all just hype. As part of the settlement, Singletary had his medical benefits restored, which were eliminated when Mayor Warren fired him in a fit of vindictive

Reading Between the Lyin's: "Rochester is Unequivocally Safe!"

Let's face it, most politicians and elected officials are boldfaced liars. We are not talking about "little white lies" to make people comfortable or not to offend, because everyone does that. People do not like hearing the truth and only want to hear your opinions if they concur with theirs. We are talking about BIG lies that distort the truth and really have no relation to reality. Politicians lie big time to get themselves elected to public office, then they continue to lie to make themselves popular in order to win re-election. They are facilitated in their political lying by their public relations people, who put a spin on deliberate untruths to make them appear "real," to calm down the voting populace, so people won't think that things aren't as bad as they really are. Case in point is one of the latest pronouncements made by Rochester's current mayor, Malik Evans. Evans, wuss-like and bland, effectively won the Democratic primary early last su