Rochester's 60th Homicide and "Buyers' Remorse" For the Evans Regime.

Last night, the city of Rochester, New York "celebrated" its 60th homicide of the year.

So far.

It occurred on Mazda Terrace in the Northeast Quadrant, the deadliest section of the City of Rochester, just a few blocks away from where our 59th homicide took place less than 48 hours previously.

We are poised to equal, if not exceed, the record-breaking number of 81 homicides in Rochester last year, which made us the fifth deadliest city in America, and the deadliest per capita.

Yet Mayor Evans claims that Rochester is "unequivocally safe," despite his useless habit of declaring states of emergency throughout this summer.

He has since stopped stating that such homicides "break his heart," as he occasionally did before assuming the mayoral throne.

Northeast District City Councilman Mike Patterson will, every so often, comment on how terrible all the homicides and non-fatal shootings, stabbings, assaults and criminal activity are for his district.

Patterson did so when RPD Officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz was killed in the line of duty in his district less than two months ago.

But then, the murder of a police officer on duty sparked public outrage and provided Patterson with a photo op.

Apart from that, City Council, for all of its incessant and insensible and anti-cop babble, hasn't conceived of anything to combat the violence.

Except to continue to promote their Hellish crusade against the RPD.

City Council President Miguel A. Melendez, who lives in the Northeast Quad, has generally not bothered to discuss the escalating crime rate occurring on his home turf at all.

So why should we expect any expressions of outrage, real or feigned, by the rest of that clown show?

And that brings us back to Rochester's mayor, Mahweak Evans.

To do him some little justice, nobody really expected Mahweak to do much of anything when he was elected to the office of mayor.

Mahweak's record of failure and underachievement in Rochester, whether during his ten years on the School Board (five years as president) or his lackluster four years on City Council were well known but ignored because he was only a means to an end: To remove Lovely Warren from the mayoral throne.

That he was merely an insipid version of Lovely Warren was always apparent during his "campaign," where he agreed with her on all the major issues facing the City of Rochester.

But people whined "What are we supposed to do? Lovely has to go!"

It never dawned on them to seek out other candidates or even consider write-in campaigns, which proved effective in our neighboring city of Buffalo.

God knows that nobody in our Democrat infested body politic would ever consider a Republican for mayor, no matter how unfit Democratic candidates are, so that was never an option, either.

So Mahweak won on the "I am not Lovely" platform.

Nothing else, because he had nothing else to offer.

If people expected some sort of miracle to occur in Rochester by unseating Lovely, they were in for a rude awakening when Mahweak was elected.

Because he has done nothing apart from planting a few trees and holding a few press conferences that accomplish nothing.

And Mahweak has installed metal detectors at City Hall, because he feels that the denizens of that building are in danger.

Making appointments to enter the building have now become de rigueur!

He and his regime have become even more neurotic and paranoid about their personal safety as was Ex-Mayor Warren's.

Nothing has improved since Mahweak became mayor.

No miracle occurred.

He's merely an insipid version of Lovely with outdoor plumbing.

Not particularly popular before his election, despite intense media hype intended to present an image of a man who was deserving of high elected office, he remains a sphinx without a riddle.

Enigmatic and incompetent, he proved himself, in less than a year, to be unfit for the office to which he was elected.

Incapable of working with the Rochester Police Department because of his anti-cop attitude and unable to influence the crime-riddled residents of the ghetto to seek peaceful means to address the disputes with their fellow human beings, he has remained oblivious to the gangs that infest our fair city thanks to his tunnel vision.

All of this has led to a good many people in Rochester to suffer buyer's remorse over the Evans regime.

So much so that there are rumors the Monroe County Democratic Committee is casting about to find someone other than Mahweak to run for mayor in 2025.

He makes the Democrats look bad in Rochester, even though it is a one-party city.

I am delighted to hear it.

The only problem is that it will probably be someone who will merely run on the "I am not Mahweak" platform, without being arguably better than what is sitting on the mayoral throne now.

So, what's the conclusion I can bring today's blog to?

That homicide continues to rage unchecked in our fair city?

That the mayor has failed to address anything or even failed to elicit much sympathy for the unfortunate position our dying city has placed him in?

That all the mayor's good for are photo ops of him planting trees?

That residents of our fair city are already sick to death of Mahweak as our mayor?

That Mahweak was never suited to be mayor in the first place?

Take your pick.

Mine are all of the above.

And I hope the rumors that the MCDC is seriously casting about for a more suitable candidate to oppose him in 2025 are true.

Mahweak running unopposed for re-election in 2025 would be a nightmare beyond comprehension.

And I am getting tired of writing in "The Three Stooges" on my ballot instead of the substandard candidates the MCDC has repeatedly puked up at us over the last few years.


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