
Showing posts with the label Stormy Daniels

The Kangaroo Court Has Spoken! Trump is Guilty of 34 Bogus Charges Leveled Against Him!

The most bizarre political show trial in American history was concluded in New York City today. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, Vladimir Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs would be proud. Democrats are, of course, exultant. They think that this will knock Trump out of the presidential race against the senile and incontinent horse's ass that is Joe Biden. The Democrats, using our obviously corrupt justice system, managed to convict ex-president Donald Trump of dubious crimes that both the federal Department of Justice and the Election Commission refused to consider previously. The "crimes," if there really were any, were misdemeanors and past the statute of limitations. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan's District Attorney and pet eunuch of the NYS Attorney General, Tish James, chose to revive these charges against Donald Trump, although they were outside of his jurisdiction. Bragg also chose to up the ante by charging Trump with felonies, rather than as misdemeanors. Judge

Fiddling While Rome Burns: The Case of Alvin Bragg, Asshole, and the Politization of the US Justice System.

  By now, most people who can read know who Alvin Bragg, asshole, is. He's the Manhattan district attorney who chooses to reduce violent felonies to the status of misdemeanors and lets the feral urban humanoids arrested for these crimes go free without bail pending their trials. This has allowed the self-same feral urban humanoids to commit more crimes and then, once again, being turned loose to continue in their chosen careers. Rinse and repeat. The result has been a meteoric increase in crime in Manhattan, that part of New York City under the jurisdiction of Alvin Bragg, asshole. Then, heady with that "success," Alvin Bragg, asshole, decided he needed to make a name for himself on a national, and international, scale. He decided to go after Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States! And not for the sake of pursuing justice or making America safer, because, God knows, Alvin Bragg, asshole, isn't concerned with either justice or safety. Alvin Bragg, asshol