
Showing posts with the label Putin

Sloppy Joe Imposes 500 New Sanctions Against Russia! Some Jokes Are Just Too Obvious To Be Funny!

The death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny under mysterious circumstances in one of Putin's gulags has caused an international sensation, especially among the hypocritical western democracies, who would love to be able to do the same thing to their own dissidents if they weren't so worried about the image they would project to the world. Nobody can doubt Putin's efficiency in getting rid of inconvenient people, but he lacks the finesse in such endeavors exhibited by Billary Clinton, whose whistleblowing Whitewater associates all seemed to have committed suicide before testifying against her in court. All 49 of them! It's Putin's clumsiness in handling such matters that the western "democracies" abhor. First among the world's democratic leaders to condemn Putin is Sloppy Joe Biden, President of the United States and head of the Biden Crime Family. For years he and the Democratic National Committee have used the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the

The Russo-Ukrainian War: Putin's Inevitable Victory

After two years of bloody war that has destroyed a generation of young men on both sides, not including hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilian deaths, the Russo-Ukrainian War is moving inexorably to its close. Russia's Putin will be the victor. It couldn't have been otherwise, despite the delusional optimism of the western democracies, especially in Europe, given their half-assed support for Ukraine. That's because the European Union counted on the United States to pull their chestnuts out of the Ukrainian fire for them, despite the fact that the war in in their own backyard. Russia is the largest state in the world, with vast natural resources and six time the population of the much smaller Ukraine. Ukraine is not a member of NATO nor of the European Union. Russia has numerous alliances between themselves and the successor states of the former Soviet Union, as well as with China and Iran. Neither the United States nor the European Union have protective or defensive al

The War in Ukraine Has Begun: Putin Tells the World to Go Eff Itself!

The war in Ukraine has begun. People have already died in this new war. It has been expected for months, yet world leaders have done nothing to seriously dissuade Russia's Putin from going to war. Now that the war has begun in earnest, despite all of the "diplomacy" used to prevent it, world leaders are condemning it. That includes the United Nations, which has long been an expensive, impotent forum for world opinion. And doing nothing. To be sure, world leaders have threatened Putin with economic sanctions against Russia if he went to war. And yes, they did provide Ukraine with wholly inadequate amounts of money and war materiel to be used against the Russian powerhouse should war come. But that is all. Because they are afraid of provoking Putin into a nuclear world war. Putin himself has stated to the world powers scolding him that they had better not interfere with his plans for Ukraine, because there would be "consequences you have never seen." This was espe