The Russo-Ukrainian War: Putin's Inevitable Victory

After two years of bloody war that has destroyed a generation of young men on both sides, not including hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilian deaths, the Russo-Ukrainian War is moving inexorably to its close.

Russia's Putin will be the victor.

It couldn't have been otherwise, despite the delusional optimism of the western democracies, especially in Europe, given their half-assed support for Ukraine.

That's because the European Union counted on the United States to pull their chestnuts out of the Ukrainian fire for them, despite the fact that the war in in their own backyard.

Russia is the largest state in the world, with vast natural resources and six time the population of the much smaller Ukraine.

Ukraine is not a member of NATO nor of the European Union.

Russia has numerous alliances between themselves and the successor states of the former Soviet Union, as well as with China and Iran.

Neither the United States nor the European Union have protective or defensive alliances with Ukraine.

Yet, the minute Putin moved against Ukraine this time, the world got awfully noisy offering its support to a corrupt smaller nation being bullied by a just as corrupt much larger one.

Their PR people worked hard to make a moral issue out of defending Ukraine, factoring a lot of guilt in as well.

And it worked...for a while. For almost two years.

At first, the United States willingly threw hundreds of millions and then billions of dollars in money, weapons and humanitarian relief into the maw of a corrupt Ukraine.

That is because most Americans believed that it was wrong of Russia to invade and annex parts of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, it became increasingly clear that these influential politicians in Congress, Democrats mostly, had a financial interest in keeping Ukraine afloat, despite the obvious corruption prevalent in its government.

After all, it was good for the military industrial complex from which they profited enormously, and it wasn't American lives being lost.

Just Ukrainians.

You get the point.

President Eisenhower, upon leaving office in 1961, spoke disparagingly of the military industrial complex, claiming that it was so intertwined into the domestic economy of the United States that it must promote perpetual states of warfare in order for it and America to survive.

It is easily pointed out that it wasn't FDR's "New Deal" that got the United States out of the Great Depression but the advent of World War II...because of the military industrial complex.

However. the American people are becoming dismayed with all of this "investment" (as Zelenskyy likes to call it, on his weekly plane trips to the western industrialized powers with his begging bowl in hand) in Ukraine, and with nothing to show for it except a stalemate on the Eastern Front.

Until the other day, when Ukraine abandoned the city of Aydiiyka to the Russians, which is hardly encouraging and signaling an imminent collapse of the Ukrainian government's ability to wage war.

And the European Union?

Well, it has revealed itself not to be the big economic and military powerhouse the world feared that it might have been.

At least as long as it could depend on the United States.

It is really nothing more than a federation of states, usually mutually antagonistic between the poorer and richer members and largely bankrolled by Germany, which is the second major supporter of the Ukrainians next to the United States.

Germany has also taken in millions of Ukrainian refugees, who did not want to stay and defend their own country, providing them with housing, money and education for their children.

All in all, nearly a quarter of Ukraine's population fled to western Europe at the outbreak of the war and it is doubtful that they will ever choose to return to their homeland when peace is concluded, no matter what terms are decided upon.

Even Poland, bordering on Ukraine, has expressed its displeasure at the demands of Ukrainian refugees there, making it quite clear that their status will, at most, be temporary.

Charity only goes so far.

For this reason, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz came to Washington DC to beg Sloppy Joe Biden for more money for Ukraine last week.

The press conference revealed Sloppy Joe to be unaware of what was going on about him while Scholz appeared somewhat bewildered.

Scholz shouldn't have been.

The world already knows that Sloppy Joe is an incontinent senile horse's ass, and his closest political allies and confidantes are every bit as corrupt and self-serving as those in Ukraine.

Besides, additional financial aid for Ukraine is up to Congress, not to Sloppy Joe.

While the Senate has approved an additional $60 billion in aid to Ukraine, the House has yet to ratify it as they are gone on vacation for another week, which pissed off Sloppy Joe more than somewhat.

While railing against the House being on leave, he seems to have forgotten that HE himself was on vacation for 150 days last year!

He is best kept out of the public eye, given his obvious mental collapse and that handlers can never be sure of what the senile horse's ass might say when he gets in front of the press.

Which is why Sloppy Joes refused to answer any questions during the photo op with Scholz.

But the Republicans in the House, with their razor thin majority there, are not particularly amenable to providing more money to Ukraine.

Without it, Zelenskyy claims Ukraine will be defeated.

Even with it, it is hard to say how long it will last, since Russia's war in Ukraine has become a bottomless money pit.

Given the fact that so much of the cash aid given to Ukraine disappears without a trace, and that recently $40 million in embezzled foreign aid was traced back to people in the Ukrainian military machine, that doesn't do much to encourage further foreign investment.

If you can call flushing American taxpayer dollars down a toilet an "investment."

Of course, Zelenskyy, a former professional comic before being elected to the presidency, could take his old show on the road to raise money for the Ukrainian war effort.

He was most famous for standing behind a piano, dropping trow and supposedly playing the keyboard with his erect penis, waving his hands in the air.

Thank God for Viagra!

Zelenskyy might have to go back to that after the war, because if Ukraine isn't defeated outright by Russia, the negotiated peace would require his removal from Ukraine.

But, not to worry, Zelenskyy owns several properties in western Europe, notably a villa in Italy, and probably has numerous secret bank accounts so he will not suffer unduly after being ousted.

As for the European Union, their economic sanctions against Russia have had no real affect to curtail Putin's ability to wage war in Ukraine.

Nor have those imposed on Russia, selectively, by the United States, especially since Russian elites who bribed the Bidens were left off of the sanction lists.

Some of these sanctions have been imposed on Russia since Putin invaded Crimea in 2014.

Putin made his intent clear to reestablish the old Soviet Union under his leadership at that time and has been largely successful. Belorus is under his control, Kazachstan called Putin in to police their civil unrest and Russia's weight is still felt in the Caucausus.

Ukraine was clearly on his timetable and the internal squabbles among the member states of the European Union and the power vacuum in Washington DC with the election of Sloppy Joe as president here made the time NOW.

The western democracies, especially some of the states in the European Union, might deplore Putin's actions, but are unwilling to put men in the field against him, claiming that it might set off World War III.

The more prosaic statement is as long as Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other, the European Union will stay out of it...but sell weapons of death and destruction to Ukraine...which is losing the war, as long as they don't attack Russian territory, cities or civilians.

Russia is under no such constraints.

Despite claims by the western media that Putin is ill (they've been saying that for several years) and his death would somehow bring peace, Putin seems quite healthy and is not going to die to suit the liberal western media.

The people who ARE dying are Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians.

To the military industrial complex, they are seen merely as "collateral damage" that will not affect their profits.

But "peace" will come to Ukraine eventually. At best, it will be a negotiated one that the European Union will NOT be happy with, but it will preserve a sort of independence of a much-reduced Ukraine without the Zelenskyy regime.

And probably a close working relationship with Russia, politically and economically, foreswearing admission to the European Union and NATO.

At worst, Ukraine will be incorporated into Russia, which neither the United States nor the European Union would be able to prevent.

And the Western Democracies can wail and ask why it all happened.

The politicians in charge of the face need only look into a mirror for the answer...if they can even cast a reflection.

And what conclusions can we draw from that?


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