
Showing posts with the label La'Ron Singletary

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans Settles the Lawsuit Brought by Daniel Prude's Estate for $12 Million!

Ahh, the power of money! Today, Rochester's mayor, Malik Evans, settled with the estate of Daniel Prude for the sum of $12 million!  In his usual, mealy-mouthed way, he stated that it was time to put the Prude affair behind us and the $12 million settlement was probably cheaper than the cost to Rochester would be if the case went to court. "Probably." Mahweak seems to have forgotten the grand jury called by NYS Attorney General Tish James refused to indict the RPD officers involved in the arrest of Daniel Prude. They did not feel that the officers behaved in a criminally culpable manner. THAT evidence could have been used in the court case in favor of Rochester. Instead, Mahweak threw away $12 million to the Prude family to shut them up. In the long run, it probably won't. I have dealt extensively with the death of Daniel Prude in previous blogs, so I will provide only a cursory glance here. Daniel Prude was a drug addicted out-of-towner with psychiatric problems who

The Anti-Cop, Pro-Rioter Stance of Rochester's Mayor Evans: Mahweak, Resign! Now!

Rochester's current mayor, Malik (Mahweak) Evans has been the most successful failure in our body politic for decades. Despite being uncreative, unimaginative and uninspiring, and despite having never accomplished anything positive for our community since he started dabbling in politics nearly two decades ago, he keeps getting elected to public office, where his cycle of failure continues to this day. And so does community disappointment, not to say disgust, with him continues. Not that he seems to care. A continuation of the previous administration is Mahweak's anti-cop attitude, coming at a time when crime, violence and homicide continues to spike upwards. That, too, is a holdover of the Warren regime. It is that attitude that has cost him the support and respect of frightened, law-abiding citizens. But why should he care? He's the mayor, and the local news media continues to print cute puff pieces about him, trying to make him a leader which he clearly is not. As Lovely

Finding the Right Puppet to Run Against Morelle: La'Ron Singletary.

In their euphoria over Tuesday's  national rejection of the hideous Democratic political philosophy known as "Bidenism," the Monroe County, NY GOP seems to have taken leave of their senses. One of the local proponents of Bidenism is none other than Congressman Joe Morelle, a long-time professional career politician and head honcho of the elitist faction of the local Democratic Party. Morelle is anathema to local Republicans and quite a few Democrats, especially minority Democrats. One of his acolytes lost their election bid on Tuesday to Republicans. That one was his own son, Little Joe. Morelle pere  comes up for re-election to the 25th congressional district next year. Keeping this in mind and intoxicated by national GOP victories, the Monroe County, NY GOP has chosen their candidate to run against Morelle: Rochester's disgraced and dispossessed police chief, La' Ron Singletary. I will not waste much time or space on the subject of Singletary, since he has been

La'Ron and Lovely Redux: Sonia McGaffigan Sues Rochester and RPD.

 Last year, on May 30, 2020 Rochester had its first riot since 1964. Egged on by Free the People, ROC terrorists, a "peaceful protest" over the death of drug addict and career criminal George Floyd in Minneapolis became violent. Injuries, vandalism and looting stores in Rochester, spilling over into the Town of Irondequoit, took place over the next few hours, setting the pace for a summer of unrest here. The mayor, Lovely Warren, and her then police chief, La'Ron Singletary, did nothing except warn people to stay out of the rioters' and looters' way. They caved in. So did City Council days later They also stated that the violence was caused by "outsiders" who had "taken over" the "peaceful protest." ANTIFA was the scapegoat, one conveniently used by all the cities experiencing riots over Floyd's death while in police custody.  The reality was very different. Within a few hours, video evidence revealed no such thing. The rioters, v

Watching the Fur Fly: La'Ron Singletary Sues Rochester and the Mayor!

The photo above is by Gino Fanelli. It has been exactly one year since the public was made aware of the mysterious circumstances regarding the death of Daniel Prude, a drug-addicted, mentally disturbed Black man, while under RPD custody. This occurred on March 23, 2020. All things told, the whole thing smelled like the Warren Administration was attempting to cover up the incident, because it took nearly six months before the public was made aware of it and that only occurred because Prude's family were going public with it. That forced the issue, and the Warren regime didn't like to be forced to do anything. 2020 was a bad year for the regime. The mayor and her then police chief, La'Ron Singletary, were either unwilling or unable to enforce government ordered mandates against public assemblies because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Nor were they any more effective in dealing with the antics of Free the People, ROC's rabble rousing after the death of career felon, drug ad