Watching the Fur Fly: La'Ron Singletary Sues Rochester and the Mayor!

The photo above is by Gino Fanelli.

It has been exactly one year since the public was made aware of the mysterious circumstances regarding the death of Daniel Prude, a drug-addicted, mentally disturbed Black man, while under RPD custody.

This occurred on March 23, 2020.

All things told, the whole thing smelled like the Warren Administration was attempting to cover up the incident, because it took nearly six months before the public was made aware of it and that only occurred because Prude's family were going public with it.

That forced the issue, and the Warren regime didn't like to be forced to do anything.

2020 was a bad year for the regime.

The mayor and her then police chief, La'Ron Singletary, were either unwilling or unable to enforce government ordered mandates against public assemblies because of the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Nor were they any more effective in dealing with the antics of Free the People, ROC's rabble rousing after the death of career felon, drug addict George Floyd in Minneapolis at the end of May.

Neither was City Council.

That terrorist organization's "Peaceful Protests" resulted in looting, vandalism and violence throughout the remainder of 2020.

But it was only after the public was made aware of the death of Daniel Prude that the shit really hit the fan.

That was largely because too many people in Mayor Warren's administration and on City Council offered differing tales of what and when they knew about Prude's death that contradicted the mayor and Singletary's alibis, as well as themselves.

Apparently, too many people in City Government knew something about Prude's death but were not letting on. Until then.

That perked up lots of ears. Somebody had to be lying, but who?

The mayor claimed no knowledge of anything until August of 2020, while the evidence showed that she was aware of the circumstances behind Prude's death since April.

It was now necessary to find a scapegoat for all of this deception and silence, but who?

The menacing, mysterious and macabre Dr. Cephas Archie, director of a dubious office in City Government, created especially for him by Mayor Warren, would act as her hatchet man, informing Singletary that he was to take the fall for the regime over this matter.

Singletary declined and resigned, effective at the end of September 2020.

Frankly, it was an open secret that he was planning to resign that year or early in the next. He would have his 20 years in with the City and would receive a hefty pension and benefits upon his retirement.

However, the mayor did not take kindly to her will being thwarted, and promptly fired Singletary before his resignation took effect. This wouldn't cost him his pension, but would remove his benefits from the package, especially his medical benefits for himself and his family.

People who never particularly liked or were fond of Singletary, promptly declared him to be a martyr and suggested that he run for mayor in 2021. That was done merely as a reaction against Mayor Warren, whose behavior had been spiraling out of control.

Singletary was no martyr, merely a co-conspirator in the silence surrounding the death of Daniel Prude, only showing some teeth when it was clear that he was being made to be the Warren regime's patsy over this mess.

Had they found someone else to be the fall guy, Singletary undoubtedly would have remained silent and complacent, since it wouldn't have affected him.

Which brings us to yesterday, when Singletary announced his lawsuit against the City of Rochester AND Mayor Warren to the tune of $1.5 million, which seems an awfully low figure.

The lawsuit claims that the actions of the Warren regime damaged his reputation and caused financial hardship to him and his family.

Yes, the lack of medical benefits would be costly for someone out of work, but, exactly, what sort of reputation was damaged?

He was Mayor Warren's lapdog, promoted by her because he was cute and obedient...and Black.

There were plenty of other Black police officers in RPD with more experience than Singletary, but the mayor wanted him and spent two years prior to his appointment promoting him, advertising him as the next police chief and having her Communications Office create an image for him that really didn't exist. Since nobody really knew anything about him before, or even heard of him, Rochester took him at face value.

In short, Singletary was the mayor's creation.

Unfortunately, he fell for all of this hype, not realizing that his creator demanded total obedience to all of her whims, even at the sacrifice of his pride and manhood.

When appointed as police chief, he appeared to be the dutiful pet dog, agreeing with everything she said and walking three steps behind her.

Until he refused to take the fall for her, hence the lawsuit, which was not unexpected

The mayor retaliated ASAP, with her current Communications Czar, Justin Roj, offering her official statement about the matter. See below.

Given the history of the Communications Office being frequently untruthful in its announcements and media releases, this angry statement is a lot like the pot calling the kettle black.

It would have been smarter of him simply to have acknowledged the lawsuit without trying to piss off all of RPD further. RPD has nothing to do with Singletary's lawsuit, but the Warren administration's anti-cop attitude has long been known. Apparently, in its dying days, the Warren regime has taken leave of its senses.

Mike Mazzeo, head of the local policemen's union, the Locust Club, offered this well deserved reply to Justin, in which he rightly pulled no punches.

And this is not even the beginning of the circus that the Warren regime has become, but the upcoming acts and performances should be most amusing, since neither side has anything to lose by discretion any longer.

Lawsuits like these, if the plaintiff wins, are never really successful in restoring a lost reputation. Nobody comes out of them as clean as they were when they walked in.

It's all about revenge and picking up enough money to survive their shame in a reasonable degree of comfort

Both of the mayor and Singletary's reputations are in tatters. Both face an uncertain future. Singletary's application to become the police chief of Austin, Texas has been turned down, while where can a former mayor without honor go?

At any rate, on with the show!


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