
Showing posts with the label Rochester's Democratic Primary

Epilogue: Voting "Not Lovely"

Now that the smoke has cleared from Rochester's Democratic primary we are being treated to the usual, nauseating spectacle of the media glorifying the winners, especially in the race for mayor. We are being treated to the perfections of Malik Evans as a person and a politician that were never evident before, either in  his lackluster, nearly invisible, four years on City Council or his rather dismal ten years on the School Board. What the media has chosen not to concentrate on, in its rush to make nice with the probable Mayor of Rochester after the November general election, is how someone like Evans could win the primary against an incumbent mayor. Because the answer is rather embarrassing and blows to smithereens the praise they are heaping on Evans. People chose to vote "Not Lovely" rather than to vote for Evans. The voters were willing to choose anyone other than the mayor after her last disastrous 18 months in office. After she fired him last year, people were pushin