
Showing posts with the label Biden regime

"My Uncle Was Probably Eaten By Cannibals" and Other Lies Told By Sloppy Joe Biden!

Let's face it. Our president and the entire Biden regime are eyesores and a humiliation to the US. Allies like the United Kingdom, India and Australia, to name three, openly mock Sloppy Joe on their news programs, and delight in pointing out his frequent gaffes and his deliberate telling of untruths (that is to say, outright lies) he and his spokes creatures always tell. Germany has been somewhat more discreet, but then they prayed that Biden would defeat Trump in 2020. It was a case of "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." What they got in Sloppy Joe Biden was an impotent, incompetent senile horse's ass as "world leader" and his motley crew of hopeless incompetents who comprise his "administration." While that might provide endless hours of mirth for enemies of the US, it has become frightening for our allies. Both groups have come to realize that Sloppy Joe is nothing more than a waste of space and that he and his anti-Republican regi

Biden's $700 Slap in the Face to Hawaii!

Nobody but dangerously deranged Democrats and woke progressives can describe the Biden regime as anything other than the most corrupt and ineffectual in United States history. This has gone on since the minute Sloppy Joe was sworn in as president and it has only gotten worse since then. We have seen our economy collapsing around us, along with our infrastructure. We have seen our standing as THE world power decline so that we are a mockery to other nations, to friends and foes alike. Nobody really fears the US anymore. Or regards us as important. Except as a milk cow, to whom all run for money while stabbing us in the back. We have seen the regime promoting identity politics not based on merit or qualifications but on sex, sexual orientation, color and race. Woe betide anyone who dares call the Biden regime out on these truths, for they will be branded as racists, fascists or MAGA Republicans. Fortunately, more and more people are undeterred by such nonsensical insults and are finally

Elon Musk's Purchase of Twitter: Driving Liberal Progressives Batshit Crazy!

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter has opened up a Pandora's Box in America. Restoring freedom of speech on a heretofore liberal progressive oriented social media platform is driving Democrats batshit crazy. When it was first rumored that Musk would buy Twitter for $44 Billion, some batty dame on MSNBC shrieked "That would be thought control!"  She then added "That's our job!" Yes, in her opinion, thought control belonged exclusively to the liberal news media whose progressive bias has been manifest for years. As well as on such social media platforms as Twitter and Facebook, where the most scurrilous tales about Republicans were permitted and encouraged, while people expressing opposing points of view were suspended for violating their "Terms of Service." Of course, that was all bullshit, since it violated the first amendment to the Constitution. When the purchase took place, reaction was swift. Suspended accounts of people promoting conservative