"My Uncle Was Probably Eaten By Cannibals" and Other Lies Told By Sloppy Joe Biden!

Let's face it.

Our president and the entire Biden regime are eyesores and a humiliation to the US.

Allies like the United Kingdom, India and Australia, to name three, openly mock Sloppy Joe on their news programs, and delight in pointing out his frequent gaffes and his deliberate telling of untruths (that is to say, outright lies) he and his spokes creatures always tell.

Germany has been somewhat more discreet, but then they prayed that Biden would defeat Trump in 2020.

It was a case of "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it."

What they got in Sloppy Joe Biden was an impotent, incompetent senile horse's ass as "world leader" and his motley crew of hopeless incompetents who comprise his "administration."

While that might provide endless hours of mirth for enemies of the US, it has become frightening for our allies.

Both groups have come to realize that Sloppy Joe is nothing more than a waste of space and that he and his anti-Republican regime are about as democratic as Queen Victoria, if more amusing.

We know that Sloppy Joe has continually lied about our open southern border and the illegal alien crisis.

We know that he has continually lied about the economy, inflation and the cost of living.

We know that he has continually lied about HIS success at "job creation."

We know that he has continually lied about his international diplomatic successes with China, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel and Ukraine, to name just a few.

We know that his press secretary, an overall bitch with a curling upper lip, cuts off the news media when she is confronted with factual questions that prove every word that passes from her lips is a bold-faced lie or she simply changes the subject if she doesn't snarl that she refuses to answer the question.

We know that Sloppy Joe's Vice President, Kamelhead Harris, is simply too stupid to tell real lies, while they don't come anywhere close to the truth, either.

Wearing her stupidity like a halo, she babbles on about totally irrelevant topics or praises Sloppy Joe to the skies.

After all, she owes him for elevating her to the vice presidency and has thus made her an object of world-wide derision and mockery, which she is too chicken-brained to understand.

She was only chosen to be Sloppy Joe's running mate because she was a bi-racial woman, which satisfied promoters of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), never mind the fact that she has an IQ of a dead flashlight battery and requires braces on her brains.

Our allies are afraid that if Sloppy Joe gets re-elected, he won't survive his second term and that would make Kamelhead president.

THAT is indeed a frightening thought.

But Sloppy Joe's latest lie occurred twice, when he was addressing and participating in events that were mean to honor veterans.

Sloppy Joe stated that during World War II, in the Pacific Theater, the plane that carried his Uncle Ambrose was shot down over New Guinea, where the people are all cannibals and that his uncle was probably eaten by them!

The fact-checkers were quick to demolish this latest bit of Biden bullshit.

The military released their records on the subject of Ambrose Biden.

Yes, he was in a plane with three other men.

Yes, it crashed, but it wasn't shot down. Apparently, there was mechanical failure.

But it crashed into the ocean off of New Guinea, not in New Guinea.

Three people were killed as a result, including Ambrose Biden.

The fourth was rescued by natives who came out in rafts to save him.

He wasn't eaten and survived to tell the tale.

When questioned about the inconsistencies of Sloppy Joe's grim little tale and the facts, Karine Jean Pierre ignored the cannibal part and babbled on about how the president was merely praising veterans for their service!

But Sloppy Joe's grim little tale was an insult to our brave men, women and animals in service to our nation in the military.

He needed to make it all about him and exalt a member of his crime family, who died before Sloppy Joe was old enough to even remember him or know him personally.

That his uncle died in service of this country deserves some respect, but the additional lies about Uncle Ambrose's death cheapened it.

It reminded everyone about the time that Sloppy Joe claimed that his oldest son Beau was killed in Iraq.

Only he wasn't.

He died years later from cancer.

But then, Sloppy Joe, his administration and the Democratic Party are never really concerned with the facts, only with ignoring or manipulating them.

And that's what we can expect from Sloppy Joe and the Democratic cabal surrounding and controlling him.

None of them can be believed.

But it does give the phrase "Having someone over for dinner" a whole new meaning!

A la Hannibal Lechter!


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