
Showing posts with the label Corruption

The Saga of Sandra Doorley: "To Flee or Not to Flee!"

 Let's face it, in our automobile centered world, you're bound to get a violation ticket sooner or later. It might be as simple as a parking ticket, for being too long on one side of an alternative parking street or simply not being able to get back and put more money into your parking meter on time. Or being parked in a "No Parking" zone. I daresay these are the most common. And you generally don't see police officers on these occasions. Moving violations are a bit trickier. You might be driving on a road where the speed limit changes frequently and there is inadequate signage designating the speed for that stretch of the road. Police cars are equipped with devices that measure the speed of vehicles in traffic, and if you are going far faster than the speed limit designates, you ARE going to be pulled over, with police car sirens blaring and lights flashing. Then you had better pull over, unless you are some sort of criminal with warrants out for your arrest. The

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous! Black Comedy in Rochester, New York!

Rochester, New York is a dying city just off of the coast of Planet Earth. Its politics resemble Bizarro World's. But then, the governor of New York State is a toxic She-Devil, the attorney general is a frustrated, aging hag whose personal hatreds influence her judicial activities, who have had infected the state with their baneful philosophies. To be honest, the hilarious antics of the elected officials in the body politic of Rochester have ceased to shock or amaze me. If anything stupid or outrageous can happen here, it will. The latest "bombshell" really shouldn't surprise anyone. Ex-mayor Lovely A. Warren, who was forced to resign her office in December 2021 as part of a plea deal regarding mishandling her election finances (in her 2017 re-election bid) is running for City court Judge! Imagine! That she is able to do so is thanks to the sweetheart deal offered to her by District Attorney Sandra Doorley, which she promptly accepted. By pleading guilty to a misdemea

Ahh, Schadenfreude! Enjoying Watching the Democrats Going Batshit Crazy Over the Impending Biden Impeachment!

The Democrats are finally learning what goes around comes around! And that Karma is biting them hard on the ass! For seven years, the Democrats and their trusty allies in the liberal news media (notably CNN), on social media, in the Justice Department and the FBI have done their tortured damnedest to demonize Donald Trump in particular and the Republicans in general. To be sure, Donald Trump IS a bombastic, abrasive, megalomaniacal loudmouth who rubbed both the US's friends and foes the wrong way. And to be sure, Donald Trump promoted America's best interests during his tenure in office, unlike his predecessor or the senile jerk who followed him. Twice, because they controlled the House of Representatives at the time, the Democrats were able to have Trump impeached. To their dismay, he was never convicted, largely because the charges they flung against him were based on non-existent evidence and mere political posturing. Which, frankly, is why the Democrats have gone out of the

Biden's $700 Slap in the Face to Hawaii!

Nobody but dangerously deranged Democrats and woke progressives can describe the Biden regime as anything other than the most corrupt and ineffectual in United States history. This has gone on since the minute Sloppy Joe was sworn in as president and it has only gotten worse since then. We have seen our economy collapsing around us, along with our infrastructure. We have seen our standing as THE world power decline so that we are a mockery to other nations, to friends and foes alike. Nobody really fears the US anymore. Or regards us as important. Except as a milk cow, to whom all run for money while stabbing us in the back. We have seen the regime promoting identity politics not based on merit or qualifications but on sex, sexual orientation, color and race. Woe betide anyone who dares call the Biden regime out on these truths, for they will be branded as racists, fascists or MAGA Republicans. Fortunately, more and more people are undeterred by such nonsensical insults and are finally

The "Success" of Bidenomics, or There are Tens of Millions of Suckers Born Every Minute!

The US economy is in the toilet. And the flush handle is broken. We are assured by the sugars of the Biden regime that "Bidenomics" (a "Never Neverland" of economics) is working. Giggling almost girlishly, the Democratic National Committee, their news media stooges on CNN and the arrogant airhead spokesman for the president (Karine Jean-Pierre) all tell us that unemployment and inflation are down. Except in the areas of fuel and food...the basic requirements of modern urban life. Who are we supposed to believe? Them or our own pocketbooks? Why, them of course. If we don't, we are fascists and racists. And must be neutralized. Too many people clearly are falling for this bullshit, believing all of these blatant lies that paradise lies just around the corner, while they are relying more heavily on their credit cards just to make ends meet. At present, people are being forced to spend more than $700 a month more for the same items than they bought two-and-a-half ye

Be Afraid! Be Very, Very Afraid! Sloppy Joe and the Braying Jackass Are Running in 2024!

On Tuesday, April 25 US President, Sloppy Joe Biden, announced that he would be running for re-election in 2024. It was an underwhelming announcement, since he had been saying that he would for weeks now, despite obvious evidence of his increasing senility and impaired motor functions. Rather than make this announcement during a specially summoned press conference, surrounded by members of his family and political supporters, he relied upon a tacky video, previously constructed, to accomplish this. Using stock footage, mostly of the January 6, 2021, clown show in Washington DC, he made outrageous lies and blamed Republicans for all of this country's woes, and that he was running again to "finish the job" he had started. What has been clear to most intelligent observers is that "the job" he was engaged in was the destruction of the United States, both as a world super power and a coherent domestic political entity. His regime has been a frightening example of a g

The Biden Crime Family: And a Senile Horse's Ass Shall Lead them.

Let me be frank about this. Donald Trump lost his bid for re-election in 2020 more or less fair and square. Yes, there were lots of "irregularities" involved in the voting process at various locations across the nation, but both parties were involved. When the smoke cleared it was plain enough that Trump simply did not have enough electoral votes to carry his re-election.  Trump's crude vulgarity and megalomania lost him a lot of support he had in 2016, and his narcissism would not allow him to accept the fact that he had been defeated by the Democrats' "cellar dummy." This led to the tragic black comedy of January 6, 2021, when a group of people stormed the Capitol building. All of America knew in advance that there would be a potentially violent demonstration in Washington DC weeks before the event, yet Washington had been deliberately unprepared for it. Even worse, the person in charge of the Capitol's security was drag-queen wannabe Nancy Pelosi, who

Another "Auld Lang Syne." Big Deal.

The final hours of 2022 are upon us. Tens of millions (if not hundreds of millions) of people are planning to go out to celebrate New Year's Eve after nearly two years of government-imposed isolation and restrictions across the globe to "combat" the Corona Virus. Bars and nightclubs will be offering tacky paper hats and noisemakers, as well as a plastic cup of cheap champagne at midnight to ring in the new year to customers, who will be drinking at regular prices throughout the evening. All the while, the patrons will be shrieking to each other at how much fun they're having. I hope they will be. They are the ones who weren't invited to anyone's parties. News Year's Eve is usually regarded as amateur night for drinkers, which is why the various law enforcement agencies will be out at full force. Hopefully those partiers will be up and about by January 3rd. For myself, I am not particularly nostalgic about the passing of 2022 nor particularly hopeful for 20

Reelin' in the Year: Fatal Distraction in Rochester, New York!

  Christmas 2021 is over and the year is quickly winding down. The next holiday some people will be looking forward to is New Year's Eve, which is amateur night for drinkers out and about town, and New Year's Day, with football games, parades and the farce of the inauguration of Rochester's latest mayor. I am not nostalgic about the old year or even hopeful about the new one. Why should I, or anyone else, be? Rochester is, and remains, in a state of chaos owing to a lack of political leadership and the moral turpitude of the elected officials and their hangers-on who supposedly govern this city. 2021 saw the resignation of cop-hating Lovely Warren as Mayor of Rochester to avoid being convicted of felonious criminal charges. She walked away with a slap on the wrist, her license to practice law and her pension intact, her ability to run for political office unaffected and her continued control of the majority of Rochester's Democratic political committees could make that