Another "Auld Lang Syne." Big Deal.

The final hours of 2022 are upon us.

Tens of millions (if not hundreds of millions) of people are planning to go out to celebrate New Year's Eve after nearly two years of government-imposed isolation and restrictions across the globe to "combat" the Corona Virus.

Bars and nightclubs will be offering tacky paper hats and noisemakers, as well as a plastic cup of cheap champagne at midnight to ring in the new year to customers, who will be drinking at regular prices throughout the evening.

All the while, the patrons will be shrieking to each other at how much fun they're having.

I hope they will be. They are the ones who weren't invited to anyone's parties.

News Year's Eve is usually regarded as amateur night for drinkers, which is why the various law enforcement agencies will be out at full force.

Hopefully those partiers will be up and about by January 3rd.

For myself, I am not particularly nostalgic about the passing of 2022 nor particularly hopeful for 2023.

The world economy is in a shambles after two years of the pandemic and there is no relief in sight.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has proved the concept of collective security to be a pipe dream and that the United Nations is an expensive, useless organization with no real way to make its denunciations of aggressive behavior felt.

The governments that have made such a noise about climate change send their elected and appointed officials jetting all over the globe and then using gas guzzlers when they reach the conferences' destinations, all the while telling their people to be concerned about such things and to be prepared to make sacrifices that the big shots WON'T make.

What's even worse is the low esteem the world, and even our closest allies, have for our country, the United States.

And rightly so.

At least half of our own citizens regard the Biden regime as a freak show, to either disgust or titillate us with their asinine behavior.

We have a senile horse's ass as a president.

The vice -president is a braying jackass.

But what has become typical of the Biden regime's "inclusiveness" is their addition of rejects from a freak show to prove their liberal progressivism by meeting certain criteria, none of which includes competence.

For instance, there is trans "General" Rachel Levine, who advocates sexual reassignment surgery for minors!

Then there's the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Black Lesbian immigrant who hails from Martinique. Incredibly stupid and abrasive, she has the IQ of a dead flashlight battery and needs braces on her brains.

I'll conclude this little run-down of typical Biden regime personnel with Sam Brinton, who proclaims himself to be non-binary and was finally fired for at least two incidents of stealing expensive luggage from airports and in once case wearing jewelry and clothing he thus acquired.

There are other such creatures Biden hired or appointed, but I haven't got either the time or inclination to write about them all.

Not yet, anyway.

And it is sufficient to say that these creatures are an embarrassment to rank and file members of the LGBT community who give us all a bad name and illustrate the stereotypes attributed to us by the mainstream heterosexual community.

Moving right along to our own state of New York and city of Rochester, crime, corruption, violence and decay are continuing at a horrible rate.

Our toxic She Devil of a governor continues her anti-gun crusade while turning violent thugs free at the drop of a hat.

She is also continuing the time-honored political tradition of pay to play, but in the long run it's the taxpayers who pay.

She also wants to turn New York State into a tourist destination for women who want to kill their unborn children if they are not allowed to do so in their own states.

Then there's the "revolving door" court system involving imposing no cash bail for violent thugs because they are too poor to pay it.

It's also called "catch and release," which frustrates the local law enforcement agencies because progressive judges put them right back into the communities where they committed their crimes, only to commit more crimes leaving that same community both angry and frightened.

But, most important to me is our own dying city of Rochester, New York.

Here, violence and crime continue unabated. The mayor's "gun violence emergencies," declared and extended with a boring regularity have had no effect in providing safety and security for our residents.

That we didn't quite tie or beat last year's record-breaking number of homicides was not due to anything Mahweak or City Council did, but for the quick actions of the medical professionals in our local hospitals who were able to save victims of violence who were brought in with critical life-threatening injuries.

Had it not been for them, we would have already exceeded last year's number of homicides. 

As it now stands, we are close, and this year will end up being the third deadliest in Rochester's history.

Way to go, Mahweak!

And we remain the deadliest city in New York State!

Way to go, Mahweak!

And we are now the ninth deadliest city in all of America! Given our relatively small population, that's still quite an accomplishment.

Way to go, Mahweak!

And what else did you accomplish of any note this year? And why are you supposed to have been an improvement over Lovely Warren? Apart from her personal dramas, I can see nothing.

Only his sugars can see the difference. Or show emotions other than disgust or apathy regarding the Evans regime. It's sort of like a whistle that only dogs can hear and respond to.

Our downtown is dead. Businesses have closed up and/or moved out of Rochester. Some neighborhoods, like 14621 and Lyell Avenue, people who don't live there studiously avoid traveling through because of the violence that reigns supreme and unchecked there.

Strewn with garbage and dilapidated housing, some of which are still occupied be people, these neighborhoods look like someplace in war-torn Ukraine.

These conditions have existed for years, with no real remedial action in sight. 

To do Mahweak some credit, he is not completely at fault. A good part of the entropy that has enveloped Rochester is part of our incompetent, inept, irrelevant, immaterial and probably incontinent City Council.

A motley crew of individuals who were probably rejected for the "Honey Boo Boo" reality show, they have turned doing nothing of importance, other than wasting tax dollars, into an art form.

They've been spending most of their time promoting their anti-cop agenda to pay too much attention to deteriorating neighborhoods, decaying infrastructure, a declining economy, violent crime and a school system that has long since ceased to educate the students in its charge.

To be sure, City Council has no control over the school system. But it DOES have control over its budget!

Apart from that, our "exalted" elected officials on that "august" forever chant "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

But citizen complaints about the problems plaguing our dying city ARE part of the solution. We are alerting them to our concerns, which they either pay lip service to, promptly forget about them (until the next time) or tell us that they can't do anything about the problems.

But they are the ones who control our tax dollars. They and the mayor ARE the ones with the power. And they ARE the ones who are part of the problem.

But I hate to admit it, they are right. We ARE part of the problem because we elected them to office. We were gullible. We believed their lies. They counted on it.

And so here we all are.

What is clear that 2023 will bring no improvements to anything, certainly not to Rochester, which is dying a long, slow death.

All we can do is what we can for ourselves and our families because government (Federal, State and Local) isn't concerned about average people.

They have progressed to concerning themselves with the lunatic fringe, so there's no real reason to pay attention to what they tell us anymore because it's only a pack of lies.

They can't even offer us hope.


Remember the Greek myth about Pandora's Box?

Created by the gods to revenge themselves upon Prometheus, Pandora was a beautiful woman given to his brother Epimetheus as a wife. She brought with her a box (or a trunk), with strict instructions never to open it without being told why.

One day, Pandora opened the box out of curiosity and out flew all of the evils that have plagues mankind ever since: war, disease, hunger, death and the like.

All that was left at the bottom of the box was Hope, which was to sustain mankind through all of its trials and tribulations.

In our case, Hope seems to have flown the coop.

Happy New Year!

And, if you are going our barhopping tonight, do us all a favor and call a cab if you've celebrated too well.


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