
Showing posts with the label Biden Crime Family

Sloppy Joe Drops Out of the Presidential Race! And a Braying Jackass Will Succeed Him?

On Sunday, Sloppy Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States, announced that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. This comes less than 24 hours after he stated that he would NOT be dropping out, blasting Democratic Party elites who were pressuring him to withdraw from the race and shouting "Full steam ahead!" All of this comes from weeks of speculation about Sloppy Joe's physical and mental fitness to run, exacerbated by his piss poor performance in the presidential debate with Donald Trump less than one month ago. Actually, most people, especially Democratic insiders, realized that there was something wrong with Sloppy Joe as far back as the 2020 presidential election, which is why they kept him safely out of the public's eye and hidden in the cellar. His piss poor performance over the last three and a half years was evident to all but hardline Democratic movers and shakers, but they were perfectly happy to have a brain-dead zombie in the Oval Offic

The Kangaroo Court Has Spoken! Trump is Guilty of 34 Bogus Charges Leveled Against Him!

The most bizarre political show trial in American history was concluded in New York City today. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, Vladimir Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs would be proud. Democrats are, of course, exultant. They think that this will knock Trump out of the presidential race against the senile and incontinent horse's ass that is Joe Biden. The Democrats, using our obviously corrupt justice system, managed to convict ex-president Donald Trump of dubious crimes that both the federal Department of Justice and the Election Commission refused to consider previously. The "crimes," if there really were any, were misdemeanors and past the statute of limitations. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan's District Attorney and pet eunuch of the NYS Attorney General, Tish James, chose to revive these charges against Donald Trump, although they were outside of his jurisdiction. Bragg also chose to up the ante by charging Trump with felonies, rather than as misdemeanors. Judge

The Tangled Scales of American Justice and the Farce of Fat Fanny Fani Willis.

  The tangled scales of the American justice system have been providing endless hours of mirth to both our allies and foes globally. The international media can barely disguise their smiles when reporting about what is going on here, whether it be on New York State Attorney General Tish James's personal vendetta against Donald Trump, Robert Hur's investigation on Sloppy Joe's illegal possession of classified documents or the trial regarding Fat Fanny Fani Willis's corruption trial in Fulton County, Georgia. I find it particularly embarrassing and insulting when my European friends ask pertinent questions about these cases when they already know the answer, that the moral and ethical bankruptcy of the Biden regime and the Democratic National Committee have perverted and corrupted the American justice system. Unfortunately, most thinking people and perhaps a sprinkling of Democrats know that to be the case. It's obvious when the so-called Western Democracies have been

Sloppy Joe Imposes 500 New Sanctions Against Russia! Some Jokes Are Just Too Obvious To Be Funny!

The death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny under mysterious circumstances in one of Putin's gulags has caused an international sensation, especially among the hypocritical western democracies, who would love to be able to do the same thing to their own dissidents if they weren't so worried about the image they would project to the world. Nobody can doubt Putin's efficiency in getting rid of inconvenient people, but he lacks the finesse in such endeavors exhibited by Billary Clinton, whose whistleblowing Whitewater associates all seemed to have committed suicide before testifying against her in court. All 49 of them! It's Putin's clumsiness in handling such matters that the western "democracies" abhor. First among the world's democratic leaders to condemn Putin is Sloppy Joe Biden, President of the United States and head of the Biden Crime Family. For years he and the Democratic National Committee have used the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the

The Russo-Ukrainian War: Putin's Inevitable Victory

After two years of bloody war that has destroyed a generation of young men on both sides, not including hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilian deaths, the Russo-Ukrainian War is moving inexorably to its close. Russia's Putin will be the victor. It couldn't have been otherwise, despite the delusional optimism of the western democracies, especially in Europe, given their half-assed support for Ukraine. That's because the European Union counted on the United States to pull their chestnuts out of the Ukrainian fire for them, despite the fact that the war in in their own backyard. Russia is the largest state in the world, with vast natural resources and six time the population of the much smaller Ukraine. Ukraine is not a member of NATO nor of the European Union. Russia has numerous alliances between themselves and the successor states of the former Soviet Union, as well as with China and Iran. Neither the United States nor the European Union have protective or defensive al

Auld Lang Syne 2023 and Götterdämmerung 2024!

2023 is winding down. It is now merely a few hours to the conclusion of a dismal year, one for which I am NOT nostalgic about. The world has gone mad. It has lost all sense of proportion, balance and humanity, all sense of law, order, morality and common sense. Madness on a global scale now reigns supreme and whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. But the gods, too, have lost a lot of their clout. What we have achieved is the onset of Götterdämmerung: the twilight of the gods. This will be followed by Ragnarok, where good and evil have their final clash, and all are destroyed. It will not be long in coming. And, really, there is nothing that anyone can do about it except to sit back and enjoy the final days of civilization. Let us begin with the global situation. Genocide is still occurring throughout the world, whether it be in China, Myanmar and Ruanda, to name only a few examples. Despite some rather tepid condemnations from the impotent, inept United Nations and a few so-

Advice to Space Aliens Searching for Intelligent Life in the Universe: Stay the Hell Away From Earth!

I believe that there is intelligent life in the universe. It is just not to be found here on Planet Earth. Especially in Washington DC. Space aliens with a technology advanced enough to make interplanetary travel a reality would also be able to observe our planet from a safe distance.  Which they have probably already done and decided it would be best to move on, since there is no evidence of intelligent life on Planet Earth. Plenty of resident humans also agree. One needs only to look at the antics of American college campuses and their support of the Hamas Nazis, which they disguise as "supporting" Palestinian Muslims. These truant college students and their mindless allies have chosen to ignore the slaughter of Israeli men, women and children that led to the latest bout of hostilities in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. So their tear down posters of the massacred Israelis, scream "Death to Israel" and bray at American Jewish

Biden's $700 Slap in the Face to Hawaii!

Nobody but dangerously deranged Democrats and woke progressives can describe the Biden regime as anything other than the most corrupt and ineffectual in United States history. This has gone on since the minute Sloppy Joe was sworn in as president and it has only gotten worse since then. We have seen our economy collapsing around us, along with our infrastructure. We have seen our standing as THE world power decline so that we are a mockery to other nations, to friends and foes alike. Nobody really fears the US anymore. Or regards us as important. Except as a milk cow, to whom all run for money while stabbing us in the back. We have seen the regime promoting identity politics not based on merit or qualifications but on sex, sexual orientation, color and race. Woe betide anyone who dares call the Biden regime out on these truths, for they will be branded as racists, fascists or MAGA Republicans. Fortunately, more and more people are undeterred by such nonsensical insults and are finally

The "Success" of Bidenomics, or There are Tens of Millions of Suckers Born Every Minute!

The US economy is in the toilet. And the flush handle is broken. We are assured by the sugars of the Biden regime that "Bidenomics" (a "Never Neverland" of economics) is working. Giggling almost girlishly, the Democratic National Committee, their news media stooges on CNN and the arrogant airhead spokesman for the president (Karine Jean-Pierre) all tell us that unemployment and inflation are down. Except in the areas of fuel and food...the basic requirements of modern urban life. Who are we supposed to believe? Them or our own pocketbooks? Why, them of course. If we don't, we are fascists and racists. And must be neutralized. Too many people clearly are falling for this bullshit, believing all of these blatant lies that paradise lies just around the corner, while they are relying more heavily on their credit cards just to make ends meet. At present, people are being forced to spend more than $700 a month more for the same items than they bought two-and-a-half ye

Be Afraid! Be Very, Very Afraid! Sloppy Joe and the Braying Jackass Are Running in 2024!

On Tuesday, April 25 US President, Sloppy Joe Biden, announced that he would be running for re-election in 2024. It was an underwhelming announcement, since he had been saying that he would for weeks now, despite obvious evidence of his increasing senility and impaired motor functions. Rather than make this announcement during a specially summoned press conference, surrounded by members of his family and political supporters, he relied upon a tacky video, previously constructed, to accomplish this. Using stock footage, mostly of the January 6, 2021, clown show in Washington DC, he made outrageous lies and blamed Republicans for all of this country's woes, and that he was running again to "finish the job" he had started. What has been clear to most intelligent observers is that "the job" he was engaged in was the destruction of the United States, both as a world super power and a coherent domestic political entity. His regime has been a frightening example of a g

Fiddling While Rome Burns: The Case of Alvin Bragg, Asshole, and the Politization of the US Justice System.

  By now, most people who can read know who Alvin Bragg, asshole, is. He's the Manhattan district attorney who chooses to reduce violent felonies to the status of misdemeanors and lets the feral urban humanoids arrested for these crimes go free without bail pending their trials. This has allowed the self-same feral urban humanoids to commit more crimes and then, once again, being turned loose to continue in their chosen careers. Rinse and repeat. The result has been a meteoric increase in crime in Manhattan, that part of New York City under the jurisdiction of Alvin Bragg, asshole. Then, heady with that "success," Alvin Bragg, asshole, decided he needed to make a name for himself on a national, and international, scale. He decided to go after Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States! And not for the sake of pursuing justice or making America safer, because, God knows, Alvin Bragg, asshole, isn't concerned with either justice or safety. Alvin Bragg, asshol