Be Afraid! Be Very, Very Afraid! Sloppy Joe and the Braying Jackass Are Running in 2024!

On Tuesday, April 25 US President, Sloppy Joe Biden, announced that he would be running for re-election in 2024.

It was an underwhelming announcement, since he had been saying that he would for weeks now, despite obvious evidence of his increasing senility and impaired motor functions.

Rather than make this announcement during a specially summoned press conference, surrounded by members of his family and political supporters, he relied upon a tacky video, previously constructed, to accomplish this.

Using stock footage, mostly of the January 6, 2021, clown show in Washington DC, he made outrageous lies and blamed Republicans for all of this country's woes, and that he was running again to "finish the job" he had started.

What has been clear to most intelligent observers is that "the job" he was engaged in was the destruction of the United States, both as a world super power and a coherent domestic political entity.

His regime has been a frightening example of a government that has been riddled with corruption which has taken its cue from the Biden crime family itself.

The reason for using a pre-recorded video with which to officially throw his hat into the ring was to avoid having to answer questions from the news media, because he is too far gone mentally to respond to them coherently.

It also prevented his braying jackass of a vice president, Kamelhead Harris, his running mate, from offering more of her unintelligible word salads for our delectation.

That's because she is even stupider than Sloppy Joe is.

But she was kept on because it is thought that, as stupid as she is, she would appeal to women and people of color.

Which is really rather a sexist and racist insult thinking that those groups would be able to relate to this stupid example of box-checking and tokenism.

Of course, other brain-dead hard-core Democrats were delighted with the announcement, notably the withered hags that comprise "The View," and especially Whoopee Goldberg.

But just what has Sloppy Joe and his regime of tokens accomplished?

Well, he and his crime family sold out the US to China while he was still the Obamanation's vice president.

Which explains why he allowed the Chinese spy balloon to traverse our nation, only shooting it down after it had reached the Atlantic Ocean and its surveillance mission had been accomplished.

It also explains his regime's rather tepid response to China's military build-up against Taiwan, a US client.

Ever since our hasty and catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan two years ago, China (and the world) has seen that they have nothing to fear from the US, whose foreign policy is a shambles.

It is precisely because of the debacle in Afghanistan that Russia was emboldened to invade Ukraine where, despite billions of dollars poured into Zelensky's pockets for "the war effort" ( how much of that is really going toward the war?), Russia hasn't been repulsed.

However, since the Biden, Pelosi and Schumer crime families have heavily invested in Ukraine, they continually make sure American largesse will be forthcoming, despite the damage such actions are doing to an already weak US economy, which spiraled downhill once Sloppy Joe was ensconced in the Oval Office.

Russia has drawn closer to China, which has been offering Putin military materiel under the guise of humanitarian aid while claiming that they are NOT aiding Russia's war in Ukraine!

At the same time, Zelensky has repeatedly been calling China to negotiate a political settlement to the war, despite his claims that Ukraine will see the war to military victory against Russia.

China finally responded that they will consider discussing brokering a political settlement between Ukraine and Russia.

Zelensky didn't ask the Biden regime to undertake negotiations with Russia. But he still keeps taking US dollars (and money from the European Union) and keeps asking for more.

That shows you how far down the toilet US political influence has gone.

Even Saudi Arabia, which does a good deal of business with the United States and owns plenty of properties and businesses here asked China to negotiate a peace between them and Iran.

That proved successful and the Saudis have asked the Chinese to do the same for them and Syria!

The US does not figure in any of this.

Worse still, Macron's France has made it clear to China that they are not bound hand and foot to the US and China's intentions for Taiwan are none of their business, while Germany, despite making minimal protests about China's genocidal treatment of the Uighurs, has been negotiating new trade agreements with China.

Even in our own backyard, China has made considerable headway, by negotiating a trade deal with Brazil (the largest country in South America) that excludes the use of the American dollar as a means of exchange.

And China has been snapping up huge tracts of American farmland in our Midwest!

Yet Sloppy Joe's Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, keeps stating that a strong Chinese economy is good for the US and the world!

Even if China supplants the US?

That mealy-mouthed broad has got rocks in her head.

Then there's our domestic problems, courtesy of the Biden regime.

Our southwest border is completely open, which has resulted in the influx of 4 million illegals overwhelming local economies and putting a strain on the social services that tax dollars provide for them.

Mexican drug cartels control the area, which has resulted in an influx of the deadly recreational drug fentanyl producing a huge uptick in drug related deaths throughout the US.

The Biden regime, through its mouthpiece, the asinine Karine Jean-Pierre, blames the Trump administration for this.

Crime and vandalism continue unchecked in our major Democrat-run cities, like New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland and, once again, they blame Republicans and White Privilege for retail businesses vacating the war zones those cities have become.

Even worse, the Biden regime promotes the idea that criminals are not criminals but victims of systemic racism. The real victims are at fault for the crimes committed against them because they put themselves in peril by merely being in those cities.

That is the price they pay for living in such paradises and should simply get used to the idea.

The paradox is they seek to defund and dissolve the various law enforcement agencies entrusted with protecting people while turning violent criminals loose and expecting things to somehow calm down hasn't dawned on them, because pursuing a woke progressive agenda is their only goal, the only thing that they are concerned with.

If a few thousand corpses litter American streets in Democrat-run cities, what do they care? 

Even worse is the Biden regime's deliberate destruction of the nuclear family unit, claiming that "it takes a village" to raise children, which is some bullshit they borrowed from the notorious Billary Clinton.

It takes a FAMILY to raise children, not the state, and by preventing parents from exercising their authority over their children, especially in the area of education, that Bidenism does its utmost to eradicate the cohesion of the family unit.

Since the Biden crime family itself is a morally bankrupt unit (just look at First Son Hunter Biden), one shouldn't be surprised. Sloppy Joe won't even acknowledge the existence of his illegitimate grand-daughter.

So, of course, he is equally unconcerned about the child-trafficking that goes on daily at the southern border, which his addled spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre insists on blaming the previous Trump administration for being too stupid to remember that Biden has been president for two and a half years now and has done nothing to stop it.

But then, Kamelhead is in charge of the southern border, which she has studiously ignored during her time as Biden's second banana.

Except to occasionally joke about. 

Which has done nothing to embarrass the Biden regime, since they are shameless.

And then there is the area of "trans rights," where Democrats are unable to define what a woman is, which has been a hallmark of Bidenism.

For an administration that keeps talking about "following the science," they are unable to realize that biological men and women ARE different, and that trans men and trans women will never be real men and women.

It's all in the genes and chromosomes.

Which Bidenism, under the thrall of the Human Rights Campaign, can't comprehend.

This is but a small sampling of the "accomplishments" of Sloppy Jo's regime. There is plenty more that can be mentioned, like the Bidens selling our energy independence to China or enforcing employment quotas based on race, color, sex and sexual identity, rather than qualifications or competence, which has fucked up our economy since the pandemic, but I can get into those topics in a future blog.

But he's running for re-election to "finish the job."

If he and his braying jackass of a vice president get re-elected, we'll be finished,

In spades.

It won't be pretty.


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