
Showing posts with the label Prince Harry

The Coronation: The Man Who Wanted to be Reincarnated as Camilla's Tampon Will be Crowned King!

Hereditary monarchy is an anachronism, conceived in the mists of a distant, more primitive and more superstitious past. The British monarchy is the ultimate expression of this concept. To me, it is is completely ludicrous. Based on the conquest of a kingdom by a distant ancestor, his descendants have a "right" to rule over the "little people," with whom they have nothing in common. It is a system of inequality, of superior and inferior classes, with the vast majority of the populace being inferior to the hereditary monarchy and aristocracy, since the whole thing is based on the accident of birth, not intelligence or accomplishments. And all the heirs to the throne have to do is wait around until the monarch dies. That is their only purpose in life, the only thing they were born for. The coronation is the ultimate celebration of the concept of monarchy, the zenith of an enforced period of waiting that the heir to the throne must endure. King Charles III, nearly 75 ye

King Charles the Last and the Curse of Rasputin!

Two hundred and fifty years ago, Americans rejected the British Monarchy, which is why I can't understand the American news media wasting so much time on the antics of one of the monarchy's errant members, Prince Harry, and his American-born wife, mattress actress (Rachel) Meghan Markle. The concept of monarchy and aristocracy is based on social inequality, of superior and inferior classes. The accident of birth determines the status of people born into such a system. And since such royal and aristocratic families considered themselves to be closed clubs to keep their blood pure, extensive intermarriage between cousins, uncles and nieces, and aunts and nephews were not unheard of. In fact, they were downright common. So common that the resultant mental problems and physical deformities that resulted from such inbreeding were merely considered to be the price one paid for having such pure royal or aristocratic blood, and didn't prevent the unfortunate offspring from such uni

Harry's Memoir "Spare (Us)" is Released: Everything That You Never Wanted to Know About British Royal Princes' Peckers!

 Prince Harry's long anticipated and dreaded ghost-written memoir was officially released today. The title, "Spare," refers to the custom of the Royal hierarchy to refer to the first born as the heir and the second as the spare. Apparently, his position as the spare has bothered Harry for a long time, even before (he says) he married a not famous or important mattress actress whom many accuse of pulling his strings. That's because Harry is not particularly intelligent or well-educated and still, while pushing forty years of age, has not gotten over the death of his mother more than twenty-five years ago. He has been rehashing that over and over again over the years and continues to do so in his memoir. In short, Harry has failed to put on his big boy pants and grow up. But then, it's hard to be the second son of the sainted Princess Di, saddled with a cold father and an evil stepmother, encased in a cocoon of enormous wealth, privilege and prestige, at least in hi

The Mid-Term Elections, 2022: The Subject is Abortion.

At this writing, we are three weeks away from the mid-term elections for 2022. The GOP is well poised to win control of Congress and ending the revolting specter of Bidenism in US politics, reducing Biden himself to the status of an ineffectual "lame duck" president two years before the end of his term. As it is, our government has become the laughingstock of the world, even among our closest allies. Our enemies regard the US as a clown show and clearly no longer either fear or respect us anymore. It's easy to see why. Our president is a senile horse's ass, walking around in a perpetual fog. He is supposedly the most powerful man in the world, which is plenty scary. His vice-president is a mere token, chosen to ensure his election because she is bi-racial and a woman. She is also incredibly stupid, whose use of incomprehensible word salad bewilders all who have the misfortune to hear it. This broad is but one heartbeat from the presidency. The rest of Biden's admi