Harry's Memoir "Spare (Us)" is Released: Everything That You Never Wanted to Know About British Royal Princes' Peckers!

 Prince Harry's long anticipated and dreaded ghost-written memoir was officially released today.

The title, "Spare," refers to the custom of the Royal hierarchy to refer to the first born as the heir and the second as the spare.

Apparently, his position as the spare has bothered Harry for a long time, even before (he says) he married a not famous or important mattress actress whom many accuse of pulling his strings.

That's because Harry is not particularly intelligent or well-educated and still, while pushing forty years of age, has not gotten over the death of his mother more than twenty-five years ago.

He has been rehashing that over and over again over the years and continues to do so in his memoir.

In short, Harry has failed to put on his big boy pants and grow up.

But then, it's hard to be the second son of the sainted Princess Di, saddled with a cold father and an evil stepmother, encased in a cocoon of enormous wealth, privilege and prestige, at least in his mind.

This showed during two televised interviews in order to promote his book which revealed that "his truth" has only a passing relationship with reality.

Even more interesting is that the distribution of "Spare," in Spain and in Spanish, was "accidentally" released last weekend ahead of the scheduled release date, so the rest of the world could translate it and see what the fuss was all about.

Frankly, Harry and Meghan are a neither important nor interesting couple on the world stage, apart from their living in wealth while whining about the "oppression" they faced as members of the British Royal Family.

They are currently telling lies about the 18 months that they were "working" royals in order to make millions of dollars, necessary to fund the lavish Hollywood lifestyle that is to their liking.

Harry's "Spare" was written with that in mind.

While I have no intention of purchasing the book, plenty of its contents came out with the accidental pre-release in Spain, as well as Harry's interviews to promote the book.

Apart from what he and his wife have been whining about for three years now, only the salacious details have attracted attention.

And these were mentioned in the brief snippets of the interviews I could be bothered to listen too without either puking or laughing so hard that I might piss in my pants.

For instance, Harry thought the interviewers should know that in the book it was mentioned that both he and his older brother were circumcised!

Of what Earth-shattering importance is that fact?

Or of the fact that Harry's penis got frostbite when he was in the Antarctic!

And that he used the brand of lip balm favored by his mother to rub onto his "todger," British slang for pecker, to soothe his frostbitten penis, the scent of which reminded him of his mother.

Which is just plain sick.

Not to mention the fact that he found it necessary to relate that, as a teenager, he lost his virginity to a much older woman in a park outside of a pub. The lady in question, when the deed was done, slapped his bare ass and sent him on his way.

He also found it necessary to describe his "prowess" which I suspect was merely a matter of beginners' luck than any innate skill on his part.

There was also mention of the "leaked" photos of his trip to Las Vegas, where he and his buddies shot pool in the nude, in the company of similarly clad women who were paid to be there.

These photos are easily found on the internet where Harry's ass is bare and he's covering the family jewels with one hand.

That suggests he has nothing to brag about, yet he found it necessary to mention penises several times for shock value, both in his book and the interviews.

Harry also found it necessary to mention how his drug use (pot and cocaine) helped dull the pain of his horrible life. He also used nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to calm his jangled nerves while his wife was giving birth to their son.

And then he mentions his use of "magic mushrooms."

I presume Harry mentioned that to make him appear "relevant" to modern people, although it seems he never rose to the excitement of the low spark of high-heeled boys.

He also mentioned that, during his time as a fighter pilot in the Afghan War, he killed 25 members of the Taliban who, as he stated, were nothing more than chess pieces to him.

If he whined that the UK wasn't providing him with adequate, state-paid for security before, he has, by his own smug recollection of Afghanistan, has made himself, his family and anyone around him a target for terrorist extremists.

As to his wearing a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress ball when he was 20, that was William and Kate's fault. They forced him to wear it.


Never mind the fact that William and Kate had been briefly split up during that time and weren't at the ball.

But, as the late Queen Elizabeth II was quoted as saying, "Recollections may vary."

Harry and Meghan's constantly vary...from facts or the truth.

The bulk of the interviews consisted of his worn-out whining about the "oppression" he and Meghan suffered at the hands of the British Royal Family and the British media, forcing them to flee for safety to a $14 million dollar mansion in Monteshitshow, California and pursue a lifestyle of Hollywood celebrity.

It is fortunate for them that their mansion has sixteen bathrooms, because both of them are so full of shit that they fill up each crapper every few minutes wherever they are in the house.

All the same while that they are exposing themselves as liars and hypocrites, they claim to have left the Royal Family in pursuit of privacy.

Which is why they are willing to sell their sob stories to anyone who will pay tens of millions of dollars for them, no matter how false and inaccurate their grim little tales are. A pair of "royal" whores!

However, Harry has done a 180-degree turn, claiming that he and his wife never accused the Royal Family of racism, never mind their statements on their interview with Oprah Winfrey a year and a half ago.

He also said that he wants his family back, but that there must be "accountability" on the Royal Family's part (not his own). That way, he and Meghan will lead the world into a golden age of peace and prosperity.

Have you ever heard of such bullshit before?

Well, at least not since President Biden's campaign in 2020.

At any rate, these were the takeaways from his interviews, which showed him to be exceptionally spoiled, stupid and delusional.

Frankly, there is no reason to read his ghost-written memoir after listening even in a small part to his interviews.

I certainly will not buy it.

It is too expensive and not of good enough quality to be useful as toilet paper. Or even a door stop.


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