
Showing posts with the label Jose Peo

Election Day in One-Party, Democrat-Controlled Rochester, New York.

Tomorrow is Election Day, 2023. Whoop-dee-doo. It is an off-year election, so nothing of national importance is at stake. Just local issues. In Rochester, New York, no great changes are anticipated, since this is a one-party, Democrat-controlled city, that subject about which I have blogged previously. The Democratic Primary elections determined who would be on the ballot tomorrow, and incumbents won the primary elections for School Board and City Council District Seats. Rochester's school system is the worst in the state and one of the worst in the nation, so incumbents continually run and win, perpetuating this state of affairs because they have no sense of shame and there are no term-limits for school board "commissioners," which is what these creatures are called. And Rochester, City Council, which also has no term limits? The only exception this time around is Bridget Monroe, who is "running" for the Northwest District seat on City Council. The incumbent, J

Little Peo's Podcast Porn and the "Distraught" Damsel in Distress: Sex and Politics in Rochester, New York!

 City Councilman Jose Peo ( NW district) hosts a regular podcast on We the People Podcast Network, "Politically Correcting With Jose Peo." It features Peo himself with a co-host and guests guzzling beer and making off color remarks, sort of like pubescent adolescent boys pretending to sound like men after they discovered their daddy's liquor stash. However, the episode aired on June 15 featured a segment of unbelievable vulgarity, crudeness and political incorectness that was not to be expected from a sitting elected official and his buddies. At least not in public. Less surprising is that most people didn't know anything about it until City Newspaper's Gino Fanelli posted his story about it on June 27, almost two weeks after the podcast, probably because most people don't pay attention to what little Peo says anyway and couldn't be bothered to listen to his podcast. If they even knew he had one. Frankly, it became a tempest in a teapot. I listened to the