Little Peo's Podcast Porn and the "Distraught" Damsel in Distress: Sex and Politics in Rochester, New York!

 City Councilman Jose Peo ( NW district) hosts a regular podcast on We the People Podcast Network, "Politically Correcting With Jose Peo."

It features Peo himself with a co-host and guests guzzling beer and making off color remarks, sort of like pubescent adolescent boys pretending to sound like men after they discovered their daddy's liquor stash.

However, the episode aired on June 15 featured a segment of unbelievable vulgarity, crudeness and political incorectness that was not to be expected from a sitting elected official and his buddies.

At least not in public.

Less surprising is that most people didn't know anything about it until City Newspaper's Gino Fanelli posted his story about it on June 27, almost two weeks after the podcast, probably because most people don't pay attention to what little Peo says anyway and couldn't be bothered to listen to his podcast.

If they even knew he had one.

Frankly, it became a tempest in a teapot.

I listened to the six odd minutes of that episode by fast forwarding through it, because most of it was a boring waste of time.

Just like little Peo.

Personally, I like blue humor as long as it is witty and filled with double-entendre. There was none of that to be found here. It was merely crude and vulgar.

Here is the synopsis of what I heard.

Little Peo and his co-host, Lavelle Lewis, poked fun at County Executive Adam Bello's pudginess and according to Lewis, who claimed to have gone to school with Bello, walks on his tip toes.

En pointe?

Then they turned their attention to guessing the size of Mayor Evans' genitalia, based on the largeness of his feet.

What a strange thing for presumably heterosexual grown men to concern themselves about.

They also needed to comment on one of little Peo's City Council colleagues, the gender confused Stanley Martin, who gets plenty of tittle-tattle without any help from them, largely because of his/her connection to the local terrorist group, Free the People ROC.

Then they finally got down to cases, behaving like little boys who had drunk too much beer and their hormones had gotten the best of them.

Little Peo's co-host, Lavelle Lewis, stated "I guarantee you, if the ginger went out with me on a date, I guarantee she'd let me beat it up that day."

"Beat it up" is ghetto slang for sexual intercourse. And "ginger" refers to red heads.

Since Lewis never mentioned the ginger by name, Peo helpfully dispelled all doubt as to whom they were referring by saying "Mary, I'm out of this."

Little Peo was referring to another of his colleagues on Rochester's City Council, Mary Lupien of the SE District.

Mary Lupien is one of the two gingers in Rochester's body politic, the other being County Legislator Rachel Barnhart. Both are known for being outspoken Leftists and rabid cop-haters and both are referred to in other less-than-flattering ways on social media.

Lewis went on to say that Lupien "absolutely would. I know she would." Presumably have sex with him.

He further stated that he wondered whether she would be wearing a facemask if he came (ejaculated) on her face.

One of the other guests on the show kept giggling the word "bukkake," which is a form of group sex where a number of men masturbate onto the face of another person, male or female.

Which begs the question, how does HE know about it?

All in all, a vulgar display of little boys pretending to be men, a tackier remake of a tacky film, "Porn 'n Chicken."

This podcast would never have been heard by or become a concern of most Rochesterians had it not been for the efforts of Gino Fanelli to play the knight in shining armor to Mary Lupien's "damsel in distress."

Because she was merely a woman and couldn't defend herself? That's pretty demeaning in itself.

First, he interviewed Mary Lupien, who claimed that she heard the podcast and was "distraught," stating that "we need to uphold the rights and dignity of women, especially those who have the courage to speak their mind."

Lupien has never been at a loss for words before, so why didn't she speak her mind to the little boys circle jerking on Peo's podcast? Where was her courage to speak her mind? She could have publicly told them to go eff off and nobody would have blamed her.

Playing the ingenue is totally out of character for Lupien and she doesn't do it well.

But it was enough for Fanelli's story.

And Peo stated that since he had never insulted Lupien on the podcast, she ought to contact Lewis about it. She's a big girl and ought to be able to take care of herself rather than use social media and the local news media to do it for her by censoring a Black man for exercising his First Amendment rights on his show.

While there is a lot of truth here, little Peo could have told Lewis to "cool it" when he started to walk down that slippery slope of having sex with Lupien. 

But he didn't and he let the whole pathetic episode play out.

Then the President of the City Council, Miguel Melendez, was brought into this mess. 

Inevitably, he would have been, since the two city councilpersons in question can't solve this mess for themselves, for all of their gifts of presumed "leadership" qualities!

And it couldn't have come at a worse time for him, with the sex scandal at the Police Accountability Board having blown up in City Council's face, not to mention the Board's own lack of accountability and accomplishments in the more than two years that it was created.

According to Fanelli, Melendez stated that he was looking for some sort of "restorative process," further stating that he "doesn't know what that means yet" about "fixing" the issue.

Meanwhile, Peo refuses to offer a bogus "heartfelt" apology to Lupien since he feels he owes her none.

And Melendez really has no authority to fire Peo. Only Peo's resignation, death, loss of a re-election bid or conviction of a felony (like Adam McFadden) can remove him from office.

Little Peo won't resign, and he looks pretty healthy to me. This little example of gutter locker room talk isn't a felony, either.

Still, there are some questions regarding Fanelli's reporting this incident.

It seems he never bothered to question Stanley Martin, Adam Bello or Mayor Malik Evans about how they felt regarding the comments made about them on this podcast.

Why only Lupien? 

Because she is only a woman and needs protecting?

There is also the fact that Fanelli found it necessary to mention Kimberly Ray also uses the same podcast company as Peo, going on to mention how she was fired from iHeart Media in 2020.

Why bring up Kimberly at all? She had no part in this tawdry little spectacle. There was no need to include that tidbit about her in the story except perhaps malice.

So, what are the conclusions I can bring I can bring this episode to?

For one thing, the current inmates of City Council lost any respect I might have had for them, as individuals or a group, long ago and their current discomfiture is providing me with hours of mirth and laughter.

Another thing is that men will be boys, and boys suffering from states of arrested development on little Peo's tawdry podcast.

Third, that Gino Fanelli feels that Mary Lupien is a poor, defenseless, weak woman and needed his protection when, in fact Lupien and the other ginger could probably play tackle for the Packers.

At any rate, this has probably provided Peo with more viewers for his podcast than he could ever have gotten by his own efforts because the vast majority of Rochester, apart from Peo's friends and allies, would never have heard about it if not for Fanelli's efforts to publish his story.

Which is why he won't back down.

Little Peo owes Fanelli a beer!

On with the show!


City Newspaper's Gino Fanelli announced that little Peo apologized to Lupien and would speak more about it on his podcast next week!

Presumably it won't be another circle jerk.


  1. I don't even know what to say anymore 😢

    1. Your best bet is to sit back and watch the circus act that Citygov has become.


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