
Showing posts with the label Rochester Police Department

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: The PAB Names Lesli Myers-Small as Its Executive Director!

The Police Accountability Board (PAB) needs no introduction to anyone who has lived in Rochester, New York for the last six years or is an aficionado of Black Comedy.  Or to anyone who has read this blog for the last few years. That being the case, only a cursory history of the PAB will be provided here. The PAB was originally conceived to be a body of citizens appointed to investigate alleged incident of police abuse regarding their interaction with criminals. To be appointed to this "august" group, one needed to be a resident of the City of Rochester. Some weren't. A prospective candidate could not be related to, or be a friend of, a Rochester City Police Officer. But they could, and many are, family and friends of criminals. Clearly, the PAB was never meant to be unbiased in their investigations. The creation of the PAB was approved by a majority of voters during an election with a low turnout and City Government promptly budgeted it with $5 million a year! Then delusi

Bad News for the Police Accountability Board's "Porn Stache Guy!"

  Another episode of Rochester's ongoing clown show, the anti-cop Police Accountability Board, was concluded yesterday. An independent investigation requested by Rochester's City Council called for the termination of the PAB's executive director, Conor Dwyer Reynolds. Reynolds is "affectionately" known as "Porn Stache Guy" because of his uncanny resemblance to gay porn actors from the 60's and 70's, only unhealthier looking,  The investigation found that Porn Stache Guy "exhibited during his active tenure, and continues to demonstrate, poor leadership and inappropriate behaviors that make him unsuitable to serve as Executive Director of the PAB."  The complaints were about, but not limited to sexual harassment, race discrimination, a hostile work environment, retaliation and city policy violations.  It reported that he had created a toxic work environment (although far more people quit or were fired AFTER he was placed on paid suspensio

Rochester, New York: A Great Place in Which to be Murdered!

Last night, on Rochester's northwest side, three women were shot. Two were killed. The third will apparently survive. The two deceased ladies were Rochester's 72nd and 73rd homicides respectively for the year so far. It has been decided that this was a murder-suicide. On Sunday night, a man was shot on Norton Street on Rochester's northeast side. He will survive. Yet, 24 hours previously on that same street, a 27-year-old man was shot multiple times and killed when the driver of the vehicle pulled into a driveway. There were two children in the back seat of that vehicle, one was the child of the victim. Fortunately, neither the children nor the driver was hurt...this time. Because the deadly feral urban humanoids who roam our fair city usually aren't overly concerned about children being wounded or killed. That's why the monsters who drive through our streets, shooting into homes are to be feared, because they are completely oblivious as to who is inside those homes

The "Opera Bouffe" of Rochester's "Police Accountability Board" Continues! There's Nothing Quite Like a Circus!

Some jokes are just too obvious to be funny. The ongoing "Opera Bouffe" of Rochester's "Police Accountability Board" is an excellent illustration of this statement. For those of you who have been following my blog, I have covered the antics of the Police Advisory Board extensively, so only a cursory glance is necessary here. The PAB was created nearly three years ago. Approved by the majority of the few people who voted that year, it was intended to investigate malfeasance by officers of the Rochester Police Department. All it has really done is to be a pretentious, expensive, demoralizing nuisance to local law enforcement and taxpayers. The PAB presumed that they had the power to discipline and fire police officers based on their findings, which is in violation both of the City Charter and New York State law. The PAB also presumed to be independent of and superior to Rochester's City Council, which City Council denies. In short, the egomaniacs of the PAB co

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans Settles the Lawsuit Brought by Daniel Prude's Estate for $12 Million!

Ahh, the power of money! Today, Rochester's mayor, Malik Evans, settled with the estate of Daniel Prude for the sum of $12 million!  In his usual, mealy-mouthed way, he stated that it was time to put the Prude affair behind us and the $12 million settlement was probably cheaper than the cost to Rochester would be if the case went to court. "Probably." Mahweak seems to have forgotten the grand jury called by NYS Attorney General Tish James refused to indict the RPD officers involved in the arrest of Daniel Prude. They did not feel that the officers behaved in a criminally culpable manner. THAT evidence could have been used in the court case in favor of Rochester. Instead, Mahweak threw away $12 million to the Prude family to shut them up. In the long run, it probably won't. I have dealt extensively with the death of Daniel Prude in previous blogs, so I will provide only a cursory glance here. Daniel Prude was a drug addicted out-of-towner with psychiatric problems who

Rochester's 60th Homicide and "Buyers' Remorse" For the Evans Regime.

Last night, the city of Rochester, New York "celebrated" its 60th homicide of the year. So far. It occurred on Mazda Terrace in the Northeast Quadrant, the deadliest section of the City of Rochester, just a few blocks away from where our 59th homicide took place less than 48 hours previously. We are poised to equal, if not exceed, the record-breaking number of 81 homicides in Rochester last year, which made us the fifth deadliest city in America, and the deadliest per capita. Yet Mayor Evans claims that Rochester is "unequivocally safe," despite his useless habit of declaring states of emergency throughout this summer. He has since stopped stating that such homicides "break his heart," as he occasionally did before assuming the mayoral throne. Northeast District City Councilman Mike Patterson will, every so often, comment on how terrible all the homicides and non-fatal shootings, stabbings, assaults and criminal activity are for his district. Patterson did