Rochester, New York: A Great Place in Which to be Murdered!

Last night, on Rochester's northwest side, three women were shot.

Two were killed. The third will apparently survive.

The two deceased ladies were Rochester's 72nd and 73rd homicides respectively for the year so far.

It has been decided that this was a murder-suicide.

On Sunday night, a man was shot on Norton Street on Rochester's northeast side.

He will survive.

Yet, 24 hours previously on that same street, a 27-year-old man was shot multiple times and killed when the driver of the vehicle pulled into a driveway.

There were two children in the back seat of that vehicle, one was the child of the victim.

Fortunately, neither the children nor the driver was hurt...this time.

Because the deadly feral urban humanoids who roam our fair city usually aren't overly concerned about children being wounded or killed.

That's why the monsters who drive through our streets, shooting into homes are to be feared, because they are completely oblivious as to who is inside those homes.

Young children have been wounded as a result of such fun-loving creatures.

In three days, we had three homicides, and we are not counting the non-fatal assaults, shootings, stabbings and car jackings that are now a regular part of life in Rochester.

Last year, we had a record-breaking 81 homicides.

This year, we should easily tie, if not beat, that number.

The Rochester Chamber of Commerce ought to include warning labels on the brochures for visitors to the City of Rochester.

To be fair, our law enforcement agencies cannot stop crime. If properly staffed, they can respond to crimes, investigate them and, with the assistance of the public, of government and the courts can put criminals behind bars.

Unfortunately, this necessary support from the public, our elected officials and the judiciary is lacking, which hampers the Rochester Police Department in doing their job.

In fact, those "august" bodies are anti-cop and pro-criminal.

But what can you expect from progressive liberals who are gung-ho about killing the preborn? It isn't much of a step between that and not caring about the victims of violent crimes.

Especially murder.

They probably feel that homicide is nothing more than a post-partum abortion.

And supporting abortion is what got most progressive liberal politicians, meaning Democrats, re-elected in the mid-terms last week.

The only time that they pretend to be concerned about crime if it is White on Black crime, especially if a police officer is involved.

If it is Black on Black crime, or Black on White crime, they are overwhelmingly unconcerned. 

Remember Steve Amenhauser?

They are even less concerned when a cop has been murdered, unless they can make political headway from it with a few photo shoots thrown in.

Most of Rochester's homicides occur in the poorer neighborhoods, the ghetto.

That much everyone understands.

All of our shootings and homicides used guns that were illegally possessed by the shooters, while our state government has enacted the strictest gun-control laws in the nation, which merely has pissed-off legally licensed owners of firearms and have not affected in the slightest criminals from getting hold of them.

That paradox is way beyond Albany's simple-minded comprehension.

So too has been the Bail Reform Act, which was optimistically seen as a way to equalize setting bail for rich and poor people suspected of committing serious crimes.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way.

Because its intentions were basically racist.

That's right.

Justice is portrayed as being blinded, carrying a sword and scales to determine the outcome of a trial.

With the Bail Reform Act, Justice's eyes are wide open, and a person's socio-economic status and race would be considered when setting bail.

Thus, judges were turning loose violent criminals with no cash bail after they had been arrested based on those criteria.

The fact that those same criminals would commit other crimes, some violent, and be arrested again and again before going to trial for their original crime, did not prevent them from being turned loose with no cash bail.

No politicians have seemed to notice that the upswing in crime across New York State occurred after the implementation of this farcical act.

At the same time, our toxic She Devil governor instituted her "Less is More" program, permitting violent criminals to be released back into society early, not completing the original term of incarceration to which they were sentenced.

That, too, had its share of the current increase in violent crime since it has been implemented, although to a lesser degree that the results of the Bail Reform Act.

But neither has had a positive effect on the feelings of general security and safety on the part of the law-abiding public.

It does have the effect of producing a feeling of fear and of distrust for a lot of our politicians.

Except on the part of the families and friends of criminals, to whom out progressive liberal politicians kiss up.

Well, politics and crime ARE related fields, after all.

No politician ever leaves office poorer than when he or she went in.

So, where does that leave us?

Well, New York State is a dying state and Rochester is a dying city.

Crime and violence are now seen as a normal way of life here.

While politicians are forever talking about eliminating the causes of crime and violence, they have really chosen to do nothing about implementing anything that might be useful and are more concerned with interfering with law enforcement agencies trying to do their job while turning violent criminals loose into an unsuspecting society.

What Rochester could do is offer special life insurance policies for those who either live, work or visit here.

Or add a skull and crossbones to all of our "Welcome to Rochester" signs, just to let unsuspecting visitors know what they are getting into.

After all, even a rattlesnake has the good graces to let you know when you are walking into its dangerous presence.

Because Rochester is a deadly dangerous city, once of the deadliest in the US.

But our politicians really won't acknowledge that.


  1. Those are great ideas! Both the skull and crossbones as well as life much better than the current plan. At least this way people won't have to set up as many " GO FUND ME'S"

    1. In our fair city, people really need to know that they are putting themselves at risk when they visit Rochester for whatever reason. Rochester is simply not a safe place and certain neighborhoods, usually in the ghetto, are the absolute worst when it comes to public safety.


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