
Showing posts with the label Simran Gordon

Sympathy for the Devil: He Was Really a Good Boy.

In the past, one of the contributing factors of a society's collapse has been a loss of faith or trust in the institutions that previously provided it with a modus vivendi. In our nation, our state and even in our city, we are seeing that now. Peaceful, law abiding citizens have been suffering a series of shocks regarding law enforcement and the judiciary, leaving them feeling unsafe, uncertain, downright frightened and betrayed. Liberal progressivism was responsible for the Bail Reform Act, which allowed judges to turn loose violent criminals without bail, prior to their trials. The result has been that these criminals go out, commit more crimes, are arrested and released back into the community again. And again. This not only frustrates the various law enforcement agencies, making a mockery of their job to make their communities safe. Or at least to feel safe. Criticizing this law only elicits responses of "racism," since the Black community was gung-ho for it. Then com