
Showing posts with the label Rochester Democratic Primary

The City Councilperson-At-Large Race: A Surfeit of Unacceptable Candidates

  Tomorrow, June 22, is the Democratic primary election in Rochester, New York. Since this is a one-party city, the primary usually determines the winners for the various elected offices in Rochester, making the general election in November seem almost superfluous. I have already written at length about the race for the mayoral throne, so I can skip that here. Today's topic is the race for the five positions of city councilperson-at-large. The four district city councilpersons race is two years off, which is a shame because one of them is  quite crazy and needs to be removed from office and institutionalized, both for her good and the city's. Well, in two years... This year, there are some seventeen candidates running for the five at large seats. Almost all of them are unacceptable. They represent either woke progressivism or far-left radicalism that has created a distrust for law enforcement and the Rochester Police Department and seem more concerned with the rights of violent

Polls Away!

Political opinion polls are conducted to gauge the public's reaction to certain events or politicians, especially during as election year, and also to influence unsure members of the electorate. Rarely are they unbiased and usually they are flawed. Take, for instance, the results of a poll conducted by Emerson College and release by Channel 8 News yesterday. The opening question was: If the primary election were held next week, who would your vote for, Warren or Evans? There was no "Neither" option offered, only "Unsure." That was the first flaw. Evans ranked ahead of Warren by 10 percentage points, 49 to 39, with 12% "unsure." Before Warren's detractors start to celebrate prematurely, they need to be reminded that she did poorly in the polls against the Great White Father, Tom Richards, in the 2013 election, yet trounced him in the primary, beating him out for the Democratic Party endorsement. The second flaw was a biggie. The Democratic Primary i

A Spouse of One's Own and Other Political Accessories.

 On May 19, 2021 the husband of Rochester mayor Lovely A. Warren was arrested for drug trafficking and illegal weapons charges. Their home was also raided by the NYS Police that day. On May 20, Mayor Warren called a press conference and stated that she would not offer her husband support regarding the criminal charges against him. She also stated that they were "separated" (not legally) for years and that they were residing together to provide a family atmosphere for their daughter. In a home with illegal drugs and illegal weapons? She also stated that she didn't know anything about her husband's activities (questionable) and that she hadn't done anything wrong (also questionable). Then she launched into one of her usual diatribes, stating that it was part of a plot against her and that her husband's arrest was political and really an attack on her, not him. We can ignore that last part, because the Warren administration has been obsessed with plots against th

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a (Campaign) Sign.

It is only a month until the Democratic Primary Election in Rochester, New York, and the pressure is on for candidates to get their names out there to the public. Since Rochester is a one-party city, the primary usually determines the winner of the General Election in November. There is a surfeit of Democratic candidates vying for five at-large spots on Rochester's City Council, not to mention those running for County Leg and School Board. All of them are making the same empty promises; all of them are wearing out the words "transparency" and "accountability" in their propaganda. Like all politicians, their manifestos consist of glittering generalities, sounding good and meaning nothing. They are absolutely useless, since they are no longer the right size to fit the bottoms of standard size bird cages. That was the only reason I kept them before, so my parakeets could do to them what their senders planned on doing to us if elected. But what gets my goat are thei

Rochester mayor Lovely A. Warren: It's All About Me!

 By now, everyone in the US knows that there was a drug raid on Rochester mayor Lovely A. Warren's home on Wednesday, May 19. It was conducted by the NYS Police after seven months of investigation, at the prompting of the Monroe County DA's office. Usually, such raids also involve the local police departments. In this case, RPD's interim police chief was not notified. The DA and the NYS Police didn't trust her NOT to inform the mayor of the investigation or the raid. The state troopers arrested Mayor Warren's husband, Tim Granison. They also removed more than two kilos of cocaine, $100,000 in cash, a loaded pistol (illegal) and a rifle from Mayor Warren's home. Granison, as a convicted felon for an earlier crime in his late teens, is not allowed to own firearms. Yesterday, Mayor Warren held a press conference about this event. She did nothing wrong, she said. She and Granison had been legally separated for years, she said, and were only living together for the s

And the Winner of the Rochester Democratic Primary Election is...

 Probably the incumbent mayor, Lovely A. Warren. Not because she's a better candidate than her only "serious" opponent, Malik Evans. She and her crew control most of the City Democratic committees. Her base of support are to be found in the Black neighborhoods and slums, to whom she has made grandiose promises regarding financial support. That demographic will insure that she gets elected, never mind the stunning disasters and overwhelming failures she has been responsible for in Rochester over the last eight years. She has brazened them all down. Even the recent arrest of the mayor's husband, Tim Granison, on drug and weapons charges after the raid on their home, hasn't instilled a sense of shame on the mayor. Her press conference on the very next day was as loud as ever, claiming political motivation behind the timing of the raid and that she has every intention of continuing to run. For a female, she has a hefty set of brass ones, noticeably absent in her male

Bronson Supports Evans for Mayor. Big Deal.

 Last month, State Assemblyman Harry Bronson announced that he was supporting the candidacy of City Councilman Malik Evans for mayor. Big deal. That was to be expected. It was Harry's way of sticking it to Lovely, who pulled out all of the stops last year to oppose his re-election campaign, running her then chief-of-staff, Alex Yudelson, against him. Her actions were unethical, underhanded and downright sneaky but perfectly legal according to some rather peculiar bylaws by which the Democratic committees operate in Monroe County. Her control of the City committees guaranteed that Yudelson would get the party's endorsement. What it did not guarantee was that Yudelson would win the Democratic primary, where Harry soundly trounced him and went on to win the general election against his regular Republican opponent, Peterson Vazquez. Harry and Lovely have been less than cordial political opponents from the get-go, each representing the two dominant, opposing political factions of th