The City Councilperson-At-Large Race: A Surfeit of Unacceptable Candidates


Tomorrow, June 22, is the Democratic primary election in Rochester, New York.

Since this is a one-party city, the primary usually determines the winners for the various elected offices in Rochester, making the general election in November seem almost superfluous.

I have already written at length about the race for the mayoral throne, so I can skip that here.

Today's topic is the race for the five positions of city councilperson-at-large.

The four district city councilpersons race is two years off, which is a shame because one of them is  quite crazy and needs to be removed from office and institutionalized, both for her good and the city's.

Well, in two years...

This year, there are some seventeen candidates running for the five at large seats.

Almost all of them are unacceptable.

They represent either woke progressivism or far-left radicalism that has created a distrust for law enforcement and the Rochester Police Department and seem more concerned with the rights of violent criminals that of their victims and law-abiding society.

I won't be mentioning any names, because you should all recognize them by their pathetic political mailings and periodic appearances before the television cameras.

You can also check with the Monroe County Board of Elections, or Google "Rochester City Council Elections, 2021" for a more in depth look at the losers that are running for office.

First, three incumbents are running for re-election.

Well, two of them, anyway, since the third candidate was merely appointed to his position last year and this will actually be his first race, since you can't be re-elected to something you were never elected to in the first place.

They wish to continue to kiss up to the local terrorist organization, Free the People ROC, and perpetuate the atmosphere that allows criminality to continue unchecked.

Second, two of the candidates are convicted felons, tying in to City Council's seeming affection and tolerance for criminality.

Third, a slate of three more candidates are leading members of the local terrorist organization, Free the People ROC, whose leader has publicly stated that she didn't care if Rochester burned and led the riots of last summer that resulted in violence,  looting and vandalism.

Fourth, two perpetual candidates for any elected office are taking another crack at it. Hope springs eternal.

Fifth, the personal assistant of one of the district city council persons. That was part of the original plan when his boss got elected two years ago.

Sixth, two largely unknown people that have worked for and in the community for a number of years and believe that they can do more for Rochester if elected to City Council. They'll learn.

Seven, the remaining four candidates are people nobody ever heard of before, apart from perhaps their mothers.

For the most part, all of them have either woke progressive or radical left agendas that will permit or guide Rochester further into the violent chaos such concepts have already produced.

Which is why I am not considering incumbents, convicted criminals, terrorists or candidates who will run for any office available that year, whether they are suitable or not.

Rochesterians, despite their disgust with City Government, really don't want change. They say that they do, and safety, too, but the only way to achieve it is to clean house and remove the current batch of politicians and replace them with people who are radically different from what's in place now. People who want law and order to prevail in our city, not those who blame it on "systemic" racism and cave into the demands of terrorists.

We need to throw those creatures out of office regularly. But do we have real alternative in this election?

Since the vast majority of this crop of candidates does not represent a clean slate that is supportive of the goals and hopes of productive, law-abiding residents, why bother to vote for them? They won't be doing us any favors.

That only leaves two candidates that I will vote for at the polls tomorrow.

As for the other seats, I plan to write-in Moe Howard, Curly Howard and Larry Fine: The Three Stooges. 


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