
Showing posts with the label Bail Reform Act

A Long-Awaited Bitch Slap for New York State Governor Kathy Hochul!

Toxic She Devil Kathy Hochul needs no introduction to those who live under her repressive regime in the State of New York. Assisted by her henchwoman, big bootie cootie Tish James, they have sought to remold the State of New York in their own twisted images. Promoting the terminal assholism that is woke progressivism, or Bidenism, this dastardly duo has been largely responsible for driving people and businesses out of New York State to further this political perversion. They are both anti-cop and pro-criminal, refusing to terminate the Bail Reform Act whereby violent criminals need not post cash bond to be released, so they can run loose to continue their violent sprees of robberies, assaults, rapes and murders. This catch and release program has frustrated the police in their ability to protect law abiding citizens while promoting fear and panic among the residents of our cities, since most of the criminals thus coddled have had long histories of violence. Furthermore, Madam Hochul

Three More Homicides in Rochester on Friday, so Mahweak Extends His "Gun Violence State of Emergency!" Again!

This is getting to be rather tedious. Ever since Mahweak was installed on Rochester's mayoral throne, his sole method to combat violent crime has been to declare "states of emergency." Apart from recently ordering billboard signs to exhort people to choose "wisdom" and not to resort to violent crime to settle disputes, Mahweak really has no plans, and no clue, about how to combat the violence that is killing our fair city. But then, he never had. And, after all, law-abiding residents don't need to be reminded about obeying the law or doing what's right, while criminals are pissing their pants laughing at his exhortations. Rochester is a deadly, dangerous city in its death throes, and it is far safer to observe it from a distance. Say about three thousand miles. Across the ocean. in Germany. Rochester had three more homicides on Friday. One of the victims was a fifteen-year-old boy. This does not include the numerous shootings where victims are currently

Numbnutz Extends the Gun Violence "State of Emergency" in Rochester, New York...For the Ninth Time!

  The good news is that homicides by gun violence is down in Rochester, New York as compared to last year's figures. So far. There were only seven. So far. Which is less than half of the number of homicides the City of Rochester has seen this year from stabbings and assaults. So far. As of this writing, there have been 34 shooting victims this year who survived. So far. It does not include numerous acts of criminality where victims were threatened by guns but were uninjured. Sort of. Such as car jackings, burglaries, armed robberies. So, what has Mayor Mahweak Evans done to combat gun violence in particular and criminality in general in Rochester, New York? Why, Numbnutz has extended his gun violence "State of Emergency." For the ninth time! In less than a year. Since July 21, 2022. Which will supposedly give Shitty Hall "broad powers to protect life and property," which hasn't worked since he first declared this "State of Emergency" last summer. T

Three Teenagers Shot, One Dead, In Rochester, New York: Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child!

  Yesterday, February 23, 2023, within the space of one hour, three teenagers were shot in the dying City of Rochester, New York. All three were shot in what has become known as the "Fatal Crescent," that section of our fair city in which most of our violence and homicides occur. The Crescent corresponds roughly to Rochester's ghettoes. The shootings occurred at different locations within the Crescent. One was pronounced dead at the scene.  He was Rochester's ninth homicide victim 0f 2023. Another of the three was taken to the hospital and into surgery with life-threatening injuries. The victim of the first shooting was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Thank heavens for small mercies, anyway. There is an old saying, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." A "rod," in criminal parlance, also means a pistol. And young people are somehow getting hold of lots of rods these days, always illegally. Therefore, they are not getting sp

Rochester, New York: A Great Place in Which to be Murdered!

Last night, on Rochester's northwest side, three women were shot. Two were killed. The third will apparently survive. The two deceased ladies were Rochester's 72nd and 73rd homicides respectively for the year so far. It has been decided that this was a murder-suicide. On Sunday night, a man was shot on Norton Street on Rochester's northeast side. He will survive. Yet, 24 hours previously on that same street, a 27-year-old man was shot multiple times and killed when the driver of the vehicle pulled into a driveway. There were two children in the back seat of that vehicle, one was the child of the victim. Fortunately, neither the children nor the driver was hurt...this time. Because the deadly feral urban humanoids who roam our fair city usually aren't overly concerned about children being wounded or killed. That's why the monsters who drive through our streets, shooting into homes are to be feared, because they are completely oblivious as to who is inside those homes

Götterdämmerung: Rochester Style!

 Let's face it. Rochester has become a very dangerous place in which to live. Last night we had four shootings within an hour, only a short distance apart from each other. This is besides the other shootings, stabbings and assaults that are now Rochester's "New Norm." The victims were all women. One of them died. She was the 36th victim so far this year. Usually, shooting victims are men.  I suppose that, in a spasm of equality, women are now considered fair game for violent death. And the interim chief of police took off for the weekend, going on "vacation." Despite all the Pollyannas out there trying to tout the benefits of living in our fair city, Rochester was considered to be New York State's "Murder Capital" long before Mayor Warren's administration began. The anti-cop, pro-criminal atmosphere created by both her administration and City Council merely intensified the situation in Rochester, helping to maintain and expand its grip on t

"Clean Slate Bill:" Progressive Naivete.

The latest nonsense being cooked up by progressives is the "Clean Slate Bill." It would seal and expunge the criminal records of over 2 million convicted criminals in New York State. That's right, over 2 million! The idea is to give convicted criminals who've served their time a second chance, so that they could apply for jobs and housing more easily. They would also need to have kept out of trouble for five years after their release. Mayor Warren's husband, Tim Granison, kept out of visible trouble for over twenty years, prior to his recent arrest for drug trafficking and illegal weapons possession. It also allows them to lie if they have been questioned about any previous criminal offenses. They can say "no," because their records have been sealed. They can then proceed to lie about other things, commit new crimes and offenses and, when caught, plead that it is their first time. Are we getting the point here? Nor do the advocates of this bill seem to d