Three Teenagers Shot, One Dead, In Rochester, New York: Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child!


Yesterday, February 23, 2023, within the space of one hour, three teenagers were shot in the dying City of Rochester, New York.

All three were shot in what has become known as the "Fatal Crescent," that section of our fair city in which most of our violence and homicides occur.

The Crescent corresponds roughly to Rochester's ghettoes.

The shootings occurred at different locations within the Crescent.

One was pronounced dead at the scene. 

He was Rochester's ninth homicide victim 0f 2023.

Another of the three was taken to the hospital and into surgery with life-threatening injuries.

The victim of the first shooting was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Thank heavens for small mercies, anyway.

There is an old saying, "Spare the rod and spoil the child."

A "rod," in criminal parlance, also means a pistol.

And young people are somehow getting hold of lots of rods these days, always illegally.

Therefore, they are not getting spoiled, since they are not being spared them.

Only shot and murdered by them.

Murder is always bad enough, but for teenagers and children whose lives have barely begun homicide is particularly tragic.

And here in Rochester, most of our homicides are gun related.

Which should be odd, considering that New York State has the toughest gun control laws in the United States.

Perhaps it's not so odd, when one considers that criminals pay no attention to any sort of laws.

Only law-abiding gun owners do, and they are continually frustrated by the antics of "progressive" Democratic politicians whose sponsored gun control laws don't stop criminals.

None of the homicides in Rochester last year were committed by legally owned and licensed firearms.

Today we will be treated to yet another press conference by the Mayor of Rochester, Mahweak Evans, the subject of which will be yesterday's shootings.

We have already seen how little effect the public babblings of our current mayor have had on anything, let alone crime.

Perhaps he simply doesn't know what to do, or accept the fact that nobody, especially criminals, pays attention to his pronouncements.

Perhaps he is hindered by the antics of our Woke liberal Toxic She Devil of a governor, who is hard on legal gun owners and weak on crime.

That twisted sister loves turning criminals loose, vomiting up platitudes about "less is more," regarding prison sentences, turning violent criminals loose before they have served their full sentences.

Not to mention making it increasingly difficult for legitimate gun owners to renew their licenses and permits, now even requiring them to submit a list of their social media pages before their licenses will be renewed.

She claims that this is being done to prevent "conspiracies" from being formulated online when in truth it is being done to spy on people who are opposed to the Woke liberal bullshit that she has made part and parcel of her agenda.

The Toxic She Devil has proven herself NOT to be pro law and order.

Like the governor, our mayor also refuses to come out against the Bail Reform Act, the excuse repeatedly used by the liberal Democratic judiciary to turn violent criminals loose into the community without having to post bail while awaiting their trials, which allows them commit even more crimes, if they don't flee the area entirely.

That happens way too often, but to support its termination results in accusations of "racism," something that the tender egos of liberal Democratic politicians cannot endure.

In the meantime, people are being murdered in random acts of violence, usually by guns, possessed by people who have no legal right to own them.

That includes children, being shot or doing the shooting.

And where, pray tell, are the parents?

You know, the people who are supposed to be raising these children, who presumably love them and want them to lead healthy and happy lives, yet never seem to know where their kids are or whom they hang out with?

We usually see them on the news after their kids have been shot and/or murdered,

That is because Woke liberal culture prohibits the parents from disciplining or educating their children, and some parents prefer to let others, like schoolteachers, do that, as well as socialize them, because "it takes a village..."

Which is a cop out.

It takes a family.

And what good do schools do, anyway, if nearly half the pupils never show up on any given day?

Clearly, not much, especially when many become drawn to the thug life of the streets and prefer to remain absent from school.

Nor have people been listening to the police, who talk about gangs being deadly influential to our city's youth. People don't want to hear it because it casts aspersions on THEIR children...or they are afraid of being victimized by youth gang violence.

Which has hindered the Rochester Police Department just as much as the antagonism against them by Citygov, the ministers and Woke activists have.

What happened in Rochester yesterday has become typical in most dying cities. 

Teenagers were shot and one killed, probably by other teenagers, in incidents that were probably unrelated.

It won't stop because the mayor whines about it, because far too many of Rochester's youth have seen how cheap life is here, especially in the ghetto.

And the Rochester City School District's apparent function is to prepare most of its pupils for a life of minimum wage slavery as a pool of largely untrained and barely literate for low-end jobs.

That's the real tragedy that nobody DARES address.

And the result might be a short life and not-so merry one.


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