
Showing posts with the label Belarus

The War in Ukraine Has Begun: Putin Tells the World to Go Eff Itself!

The war in Ukraine has begun. People have already died in this new war. It has been expected for months, yet world leaders have done nothing to seriously dissuade Russia's Putin from going to war. Now that the war has begun in earnest, despite all of the "diplomacy" used to prevent it, world leaders are condemning it. That includes the United Nations, which has long been an expensive, impotent forum for world opinion. And doing nothing. To be sure, world leaders have threatened Putin with economic sanctions against Russia if he went to war. And yes, they did provide Ukraine with wholly inadequate amounts of money and war materiel to be used against the Russian powerhouse should war come. But that is all. Because they are afraid of provoking Putin into a nuclear world war. Putin himself has stated to the world powers scolding him that they had better not interfere with his plans for Ukraine, because there would be "consequences you have never seen." This was espe