The War in Ukraine Has Begun: Putin Tells the World to Go Eff Itself!

The war in Ukraine has begun.

People have already died in this new war.

It has been expected for months, yet world leaders have done nothing to seriously dissuade Russia's Putin from going to war.

Now that the war has begun in earnest, despite all of the "diplomacy" used to prevent it, world leaders are condemning it.

That includes the United Nations, which has long been an expensive, impotent forum for world opinion.

And doing nothing.

To be sure, world leaders have threatened Putin with economic sanctions against Russia if he went to war.

And yes, they did provide Ukraine with wholly inadequate amounts of money and war materiel to be used against the Russian powerhouse should war come.

But that is all.

Because they are afraid of provoking Putin into a nuclear world war.

Putin himself has stated to the world powers scolding him that they had better not interfere with his plans for Ukraine, because there would be "consequences you have never seen."

This was especially directed at the NATO powers, whom Putin claims are encircling Russia.

He was saying "Go fuck yourselves."

Since he is a power-crazed megalomaniac, this is no idle threat, and the world leaders will undoubtedly back down before it.

And sacrifice Ukraine for an extremely uneasy peace that won't last long.

What Putin seems intent on doing is recreating the defunct Soviet Union under his control.

So far he has been successful.

Belarus is already in bed with Putin, and recent events in Kazakhstan led to Putin sending in Russian troops to "stabilize" the government there.

In 2014, Russia annexed the Crimea, which had been part of Ukraine since Soviet times (although historically it had never been part of Ukraine).

The two breakaway eastern provinces of Ukraine were recognized by Putin as being "independent" nations just days ago, although even some of Putin's allies decried this action, just like the world decried Russian troops to be sent into those provinces to act as a "peacekeeping" force.

It is this "peacekeeping" force that is now invading Ukraine.

To be sure, most countries ordered their embassies out of Kiev, Ukraine's capital city, and many relocated their embassies to the city of Lviv, near Ukraine's western border with Poland, which shows both their lack of faith in Ukraine's ability to protect itself from Russia in an all-out war, and their lack of faith to stand by Ukraine in this war.

Ukraine will probably be defeated in the next few weeks, maybe even days.

They will then be subjected to executions and deportations in true Soviet style.

And then Putin will turn eyes on the Baltic States, who are members of NATO.

The other powers will probably fail to help them, too, because it might lead to a global nuclear war, for which nobody is really prepared.

There will be a lot of talk, though, which Putin will promptly disregard.

There are other examples in recent European history which out to be remembered at a time like this.

In the late summer of1939, when Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of alliance, which was clearly aimed against Poland, Britain and France immediately declared that, in case of war, they would stand by their ally, Poland.

In September, when Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany and did...nothing.

Poland, remembering that at one time in history they were a great power, forgot that times had changed. The Poles fought bravely, sending their lancers against Panzer tanks, which were wholly ineffective.

The Soviet Union, seeing the success of the Nazis, promptly marched in and took eastern Poland.

The Nazi blitzkrieg lasted three weeks, and Poland surrendered. Germany and Russia again wiped Poland off of the map.

Britain and France did nothing but talk, and the sitzkrieg ended only when Nazi Germany invaded the west in the early summer of 1940.

The west had been dithering for nine months.

Another example is the Russo-Finnish War of 1939-40.

Heavy with their success of taking eastern Poland, the Soviet Union demanded that Finland cede territory or go to war.

Finland refused and went to war with the Soviet Union.

The west cheered them on and did...nothing.

For more than four months, tiny Finland beat off the Soviet behemoth but were ultimately defeated and betrayed by the west, were forced into a devil's bargain with Nazi Germany.

So, what is the lesson to be learned here?

It's very simple: Sometimes war is the only answer to stave off further aggression by political leaders who are not averse to produce bloodshed, death and destruction to further their geo-political goals.

Talk is cheap.

And only too often will friends and allies be willing to sacrifice one of their own in the hopes of maintaining a shaky peace for themselves.

Look at our own president and his second banana.

Biden appears hopelessly weak against Putin because his entire administration is on shaky ground and he, himself, is clearly senile with no clear grasp of anything regarding Putin's blackmailing the west with the threat of nuclear war.

That is Putin's ace which, if successful now, will always be played when he embarks of future territorial conquests.

As for Harris, she clearly has rocks in her head, threatening Putin with severe economic sanctions if war breaks out.

This dame has forgotten that we have had severe economic sanctions against Cuba for over sixty years, which, coupled with a botched invasion of liberation on the part of the US in 1963, hasn't brought down the Communist government there.

Putin can see how weak Biden and Harris are, that even few Americans take their babbling seriously, and act accordingly by disregarding them.

It also shows how far the US has fallen in terms of world leadership.

Under the Biden regime, the US is abdicating as a world superpower.

And our allies should take our words and actions with more than just a grain of salt.


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