
Showing posts with the label Clean Slate Bill

"Clean Slate Bill:" Progressive Naivete.

The latest nonsense being cooked up by progressives is the "Clean Slate Bill." It would seal and expunge the criminal records of over 2 million convicted criminals in New York State. That's right, over 2 million! The idea is to give convicted criminals who've served their time a second chance, so that they could apply for jobs and housing more easily. They would also need to have kept out of trouble for five years after their release. Mayor Warren's husband, Tim Granison, kept out of visible trouble for over twenty years, prior to his recent arrest for drug trafficking and illegal weapons possession. It also allows them to lie if they have been questioned about any previous criminal offenses. They can say "no," because their records have been sealed. They can then proceed to lie about other things, commit new crimes and offenses and, when caught, plead that it is their first time. Are we getting the point here? Nor do the advocates of this bill seem to d