
Showing posts with the label Biden regime.

Enjoying the Discomfiture of Progressive Democrat "Sanctuary City" Mayors!

There is an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." In spades. A few years ago, several Democratic mayors of large cities, mostly in the northern part of the United States, declared their cities to be "Sanctuary Cities." Notably, these mayors included the cities of New York City, Chicago and even the dying city of Rochester, New York. Unconcerned about their collapsing economies, their huge increases of crime, violence and homicide and their piss-poor public-school systems, these mayors declared that their cities would offer sanctuary to illegal aliens. These mayors declared that they would not permit their law enforcement agencies to assist the federal immigration services to identify, locate, arrest and deport illegal aliens. Their reasons were very simple, and none of them were really concerned about humanitarianism. First, it reaffirmed their pretenses of being progressive Democratic liberals. Second, it cost them virtually nothing, because